Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Those are tools. I am the weapon. Plus, fun fact, I can spray like a skunk.
fuck anyone ever have coinbase take over an hour to send to a wallet?? It’s been over six hours still pending..I mean I assumed at the point you have bitcoin it’s nothing to send it around..I’m glad I checked it before ordering .. i’m starting to fossilize
fuck anyone ever have coinbase take over an hour to send to a wallet?? It’s been over six hours still pending..I mean I assumed at the point you have bitcoin it’s nothing to send it around..I’m glad I checked it before ordering .. i’m starting to fossilize
fuck anyone ever have coinbase take over an hour to send to a wallet?? It’s been over six hours still pending..I mean I assumed at the point you have bitcoin it’s nothing to send it around..I’m glad I checked it before ordering .. i’m starting to fossilize

Nope, never happened and I’ve used Coinbase for years. Perhaps your bank put a hold on the purchase because they tend to be Jews like that with bitcoin.
fuck anyone ever have coinbase take over an hour to send to a wallet?? It’s been over six hours still pending..I mean I assumed at the point you have bitcoin it’s nothing to send it around..I’m glad I checked it before ordering .. i’m starting to fossilize
Why tf did you quote me?
fuck anyone ever have coinbase take over an hour to send to a wallet?? It’s been over six hours still pending..I mean I assumed at the point you have bitcoin it’s nothing to send it around..I’m glad I checked it before ordering .. i’m starting to fossilize

Reading is hard for me... ok! Didn’t realize you have the coins and you’re just trying to send them. Still a negatory, hasn’t happened to me.
I don’t know I went to the bottom I wasn’t trying to quote you sorry I’m still trying to figure that shit out about the quoting ..you know I’ve had a problem with that shit .. fuck I can’t win
Even if you can only reply by quoting, when you click reply, you can backspace the quote and it will no longer be quoting but you will be able to respond in the same manner.
Even if you can only reply by quoting, when you click reply, you can backspace the quote and it will no longer be quoting but you will be able to respond in the same manner.

You literally have to press “+Quote” and then press “Insert Quotes” before posting a reply to post a quote. How do you fuck that up and still post a quote anyways! Haha
Even if you can only reply by quoting, when you click reply, you can backspace the quote and it will no longer be quoting but you will be able to respond in the same manner.
Well thank you very much I do appreciate that greatly but I’m not pushing reply and I surely have never gone to the quote itself... sometimes I do reply but in this particular case I didn’t do any of that I just traveled to the bottom beyond that and innocently I get all this backlash
I reset my phone is this better??? I’ve been dealing with that shit for a couple of months now
Well thank you very much I do appreciate that greatly but I’m not pushing reply and I surely have never gone to the quote itself... sometimes I do reply but in this particular case I didn’t do any of that I just traveled to the bottom beyond that and innocently I get all this backlash
Literally click in the red section only. Then a little line will start flashing. Type whatever then click in the blue circle post reply and viola done.

Highrisk how in the world did you do that circle in red -cool..my phone is a dinosaur that sure doesn’t help ..I’ll go get a new one tomorrow .. I believe it’s lack of ability isn’t helping matters..