Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Well thank you very much I do appreciate that greatly but I’m not pushing reply and I surely have never gone to the quote itself... sometimes I do reply but in this particular case I didn’t do any of that I just traveled to the bottom beyond that and innocently I get all this backlash
I wanna see them mammories with all this sensitivity...relax bro your good...im actually nervous to even jab at you cause everyone seems to like you and I don't want my esaphogus ripped out...
I wanna see them mammories with all this sensitivity...relax bro your good...im actually nervous to even jab at you cause everyone seems to like you and I don't want my esaphogus ripped out...
Damn dude that’s thoughtful .. little taken back ... this is like my very first time coming out instead of watching in the background .. it’s been slow coming around learning
When I reset my phone a bit ago a whole shit load of stuff changed that’s scary.. thanks for everyone’s help and enduring me-sad face
Not the best pic but the snapchat sticker makes it pretty hilarious. In honor of womens history month coming to an end.... and I suppose tgi's public run coming to an end ;)IMG_E6427.JPG
I get the humor. But a grown man that can't internet that's been "playing this game" for 20 years but asks his kind of questions isn't somebody I'm going to be comfortable with. I don't think it's funny. Kind of sad actually. Hopefully he will get the help he needs.
All the humor just left my soul and I can completely understand what you are saying...no homo of course but I hear you
Good morning from the FL gulf coast. Day 2 of vacation and the midwest can officially go fuck itself. 50 unread pages in 2 days in this thread. Never gonna catch up.