Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Good morning from the FL gulf coast. Day 2 of vacation and the midwest can officially go fuck itself. 50 unread pages in 2 days in this thread. Never gonna catch up.
What’s up bro how’s everything? Did u check out any of the places yet we talked about? Fucking weather is absolutely perfect down here.
What I’ve read and also been told for reducing sides you’ll want test lower than your tren.
My theory is to see how low of dose of tren a one can get away with but yield decent results. If I start at 150 a week then I should drop the test lower?

Ever read up on micro dosing?
How are the sides on tren? Still debating between mast and tren. Have plenty of test and dbol, just need to decide what to pair with. Not sure I can handle the aggression of tren since I’m already ‘on edge’ naturally
My theory is to see how low of dose of tren a one can get away with but yield decent results. If I start at 150 a week then I should drop the test lower?

Ever read up on micro dosing?
I haven’t read up on micro dosing Tren, but been reading up on micro dosing LSD and its useful benefits for reversing Alzheimer’s. What have you found on MD’ing Tren?
How are the sides on tren? Still debating between mast and tren. Have plenty of test and dbol, just need to decide what to pair with. Not sure I can handle the aggression of tren since I’m already ‘on edge’ naturally
I’ve kept my test to 250-300/week and my tren at 400/wk and I am the same person. As I’ve said before - I have a short fuse, but the tren hasn’t pushed me over the edge.
My theory is to see how low of dose of tren a one can get away with but yield decent results. If I start at 150 a week then I should drop the test lower?

Ever read up on micro dosing?

Start at 200 mg/week and run it at that. I don’t get any sides whatsoever at that dose but do notice the strength increase.

When I go above 300 mg/week I start waking up in the middle of the night. Tren will fuck with your sleep patterns and that’s where I think the irritability comes from but that builds over time. So a few weeks at 300 mg/week is no big deal.

400 to 500 is when the shit flies off the rails and I’m a pissy person to be around. I tapped out but supposedly if you push thru and suffer a couple weeks you get use to it and it’s easier.

If you want to be cautious the first run start at 200 for first 3 weeks then bump to 250 for 2 weeks and then do one final bump to 300 and run it out to 8-10 weeks. That’ll give you a good idea of where to start a 2nd run.

Run your test around 300 so you get a good idea of what the Tren is doing.