Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Lol, in this one instance Jano, I will say what they always say to you: Stay in your own lane!

It’s a joke because there was another guy with a torn labrum in this thread and the joke became torn “labia.”
That's what I get for just chiming in. Shame on me
Oh man, I may have bit off more than I can chew :(
So naturally I had to see what the internet had to say about "pussy shoulders" and this is what came up and I was like... looks about right... I bet this queerbait likes kale and rides a recycled wooden bicycle with tires he handmade from cork.
brands u recommend? been cramping like a mf and been hydrating well as well as eating 2 bananas a day and its just not cutting it

I take 1tsp of mag citrate QD PM. The brand I buy supposedly has about 600mg elemental magnesium/tsp mag citrate. At first the sleeps were good, but honestly I think it was placebo at best. My circadian rhythm is fucked from my last EC stack, but sleep quality was meh even before. Body aches still there, too. Again, could be the lack of taking oral form or I'm full of fuck'n shit. Might try the topical once I run out. Follow meso protocol and apply directly on cock, ya?
I take 1tsp of mag citrate QD PM. The brand I buy supposedly has about 600mg elemental magnesium/tsp mag citrate. At first the sleeps were good, but honestly I think it was placebo at best. My circadian rhythm is fucked from my last EC stack, but sleep quality was meh even before. Body aches still there, too. Again, could be the lack of taking oral form or I'm full of fuck'n shit. Might try the topical once I run out. Follow meso protocol and apply directly on cock, ya?
Topical is the way to go for best absorption.
Blew both MCLs rolling. The pop both times was so loud that everyone around me stopped trying to figure out what that sound was. Didn't exactly hurt right away but the noise was awful.
It’s so weird man. Literally did 4 more 5 minute rolls, knee definitely get weird but it was much more of like a dead leg feeling instead of pain because of the adrenaline
I'm about to have my 3rd labral repair on my left shoulder. Doc says joint is also full of debris since I have zero cartilage in the joint. You think HGH makes a noticable difference in recovery time? I just started rolling full time again and want to minimize the down time.
id give it a go, be smart aka safe w your dosages
So naturally I had to see what the internet had to say about "pussy shoulders" and this is what came up and I was like... looks about right... I bet this queerbait likes kale and rides a recycled wooden bicycle with tires he handmade from cork.
View attachment 108869
I know you just became a member on Friday. However, you should never post a picture of yourself or your life partner on here because of the LE. ;)
I take 1tsp of mag citrate QD PM. The brand I buy supposedly has about 600mg elemental magnesium/tsp mag citrate. At first the sleeps were good, but honestly I think it was placebo at best. My circadian rhythm is fucked from my last EC stack, but sleep quality was meh even before. Body aches still there, too. Again, could be the lack of taking oral form or I'm full of fuck'n shit. Might try the topical once I run out. Follow meso protocol and apply directly on cock, ya?
sounds good looks like ill be applying while jerking off, simply to follow protocol of course