Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Bro let me tell you - I was aching so much and dragging with no energy and took it the first time Monday. I slept like a frickin rock and woke up with no muscle aches whatsoever. It is truly awesome. Like @Roger rabbit and @ONDRUN have said - almost EVERYONE has a magnesium deficiency and it wreaks havoc on your body. You will not regret it!

Would this stuff help with shoulder tendonitis? I just ran out of magnesium tablets and may go with the spray.
Would this stuff help with shoulder tendonitis? I just ran out of magnesium tablets and may go with the spray.
Those tablets probably don’t really do anything for you because the body generally doesn’t absorb orals very well. So if you get the spray, you may notice a huge change in a lot of things in your life. I say go for it.
Yeah man I'm gonna start looking into this. Never ran HGH. Bit I'm assuming it's around 2-3 ius for repair. I'll have to look into it
i ran 2ius 5 days/wk after 2nd labrum surgery seeing that a dumbass tore my shit 2 weeks after i got the first surgery, was able to do pull ups n shit around 2.5-3 months post op, good surgeon, strict pt schedule and quality hgh made the healing process rather quick
Those tablets probably don’t really do anything for you because the body generally doesn’t absorb orals very well. So if you get the spray, you may notice a huge change in a lot of things in your life. I say go for it.
brands u recommend? been cramping like a mf and been hydrating well as well as eating 2 bananas a day and its just not cutting it
I guess my question was moreso, are the prevention benefits a good bang for the buck, or is it moreso only “worth” the money if you’re trying to grow like a mofo
my uncle takes gh, dudes late 50s maybe 60 and in killer shape, looks 10years younger than he is, still has abs, great peaks, and strong as an ox. never taken aas but has taken low dose gh for quite some time (years), def would say its bode him rather well.
Feelings on adding just a few ius for healthy/longevity? Never thought about using it as a powerlifter

More likely to diminish longevity or shorten your life, unless maybe you truly needed it because you were deficient. Increased risk of diabetes, heart enlargement etc. Just because something gives you good feelz doesn’t mean it’s healthy, I mean I’ve been using Tren A for 8ish weeks and I feel good mentally and physically (except when doing cardio) but I highly doubt it’s extending my life, definitely shortening it.

If you’re talking about gainz or short term use to recover from an injury that’s a different story. Those trt or “wellness clinics” are similar to the pain management clinics except the drugs they deal for $ are peds.
i ran 2ius 5 days/wk after 2nd labrum surgery seeing that a dumbass tore my shit 2 weeks after i got the first surgery, was able to do pull ups n shit around 2.5-3 months post op, good surgeon, strict pt schedule and quality hgh made the healing process rather quick
I'm about to have my 3rd labral repair on my left shoulder. Doc says joint is also full of debris since I have zero cartilage in the joint. You think HGH makes a noticable difference in recovery time? I just started rolling full time again and want to minimize the down time.
Can’t speak for eje like he said not sure if other people could hear it, but my mcl was literally like the bubble packaging that you step on. The guy I was rolling with stopped and was like “wtf was that”? I thought it was just my knee popping like it does in the morning
Blew both MCLs rolling. The pop both times was so loud that everyone around me stopped trying to figure out what that sound was. Didn't exactly hurt right away but the noise was awful.
I'm about to have my 3rd labral repair on my left shoulder. Doc says joint is also full of debris since I have zero cartilage in the joint. You think HGH makes a noticable difference in recovery time? I just started rolling full time again and want to minimize the down time.
Dang, this is the second guy in this thread with a torn labia! WTH?
I'm about to have my 3rd labral repair on my left shoulder. Doc says joint is also full of debris since I have zero cartilage in the joint. You think HGH makes a noticable difference in recovery time? I just started rolling full time again and want to minimize the down time.
Go check @mands surgery thread. I think gH, a peptide, and some deca is treating him well.
Labrum, not labia.

Guy with a torn labia would certainly be something.
Lol, in this one instance Jano, I will say what they always say to you: Stay in your own lane!

It’s a joke because there was another guy with a torn labrum in this thread and the joke became torn “labia.”