Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Yeah man. Didn't warm up enough. Flat bench.

It's all good man. I already made a post about it and got a little feedback. I don't own the fourm and it's not my thread. Lol

And I appreciate it man. It sucks cause everytime I get injured I fall in this weird depression. It always reminds me of when I was paralyzed from an OD. But if my body can heal peripheral nerve palsy I think I'm good. Lol
Just do a million sit down leg extensions and get really jacked knee cap muscles or quads idk I don't do legs who knows wtf is happening down there
I do 2 sprays per quad and 2 per forearm and that’s been working great for me.
Awesome I was just about to ask how to apply cause I just ordered than read the suggestions and one said spray two too 4 ounces and soak my feet in it and maybe that's normal but it seemed creepy to me..ill take your way
Yeah man. Didn't warm up enough. Flat bench.

It's all good man. I already made a post about it and got a little feedback. I don't own the fourm and it's not my thread. Lol

And I appreciate it man. It sucks cause everytime I get injured I fall in this weird depression. It always reminds me of when I was paralyzed from an OD. But if my body can heal peripheral nerve palsy I think I'm good. Lol
And if you get depressed idk how long u been clean but go to a meeting and share about your pec muscle till the while room turns on you
Why not, right? Already pinning some of the nastier stuff. GH has proven effects and is safer when used intelligently.
Elaborate. The trt clinic I go to said some GH would be beneficial to me and they will talk to me on the next appt. Since that’s how they obviously make money I am skeptical on why someone needs or is recommended to be on it. Is there a safe way to take it? Can you extend your life or improve your life?
Feelings on adding just a few ius for healthy/longevity? Never thought about using it as a powerlifter
i read for ever before starting it. It's not a miracle in a vial, but i like the effects i have seen in the 2 months or so i have been on it. Helps rid me of visceral fat (just now seeing it) and also sleep seems more beneficial.

Yeah man. Didn't warm up enough. Flat bench.

It's all good man. I already made a post about it and got a little feedback. I don't own the fourm and it's not my thread. Lol

And I appreciate it man. It sucks cause everytime I get injured I fall in this weird depression. It always reminds me of when I was paralyzed from an OD. But if my body can heal peripheral nerve palsy I think I'm good. Lol
I guess my question was moreso, are the prevention benefits a good bang for the buck, or is it moreso only “worth” the money if you’re trying to grow like a mofo
My quality of life has no price tag. I vote yes.
Elaborate. The trt clinic I go to said some GH would be beneficial to me and they will talk to me on the next appt. Since that’s how they obviously make money I am skeptical on why someone needs or is recommended to be on it. Is there a safe way to take it? Can you extend your life or improve your life?
extend? Not sure. Improve? I vote yes. I sleep a notch better and also seem to be more "positive" with my family unit.
does this stuff really work? it helps with body aches?
Bro let me tell you - I was aching so much and dragging with no energy and took it the first time Monday. I slept like a frickin rock and woke up with no muscle aches whatsoever. It is truly awesome. Like @Roger rabbit and @ONDRUN have said - almost EVERYONE has a magnesium deficiency and it wreaks havoc on your body. You will not regret it!
Bro let me tell you - I was aching so much and dragging with no energy and took it the first time Monday. I slept like a frickin rock and woke up with no muscle aches whatsoever. It is truly awesome. Like @Roger rabbit and @ONDRUN have said - almost EVERYONE has a magnesium deficiency and it wreaks havoc on your body. You will not regret it!
thanks! definitely going to give it a shot. Right now i have this random back ache that came from nowhere. ill see if this can help random aches i get from time to time.
My buddy put a couple of 600 grain in one... I only fired one. That was quite enough.
This. Except just one round. Filled the remainder of the cylinder with light loads. Spun the cylinder so we didn’t know when the hot one would hit. Kind of a form check. When I hit the hot load OMFG. Done. That round can hurt you. No fun any more.
Thanks man. I hope it's not too bad. But it was the fucking sound that's freaking me out. Can't tell if it was so loud in my head because it was in my body or if it was audible to other people. Shit is crazy.

That's pretty shitty. Describe it, if you would.
That's pretty shitty. Describe it, if you would.
Can’t speak for eje like he said not sure if other people could hear it, but my mcl was literally like the bubble packaging that you step on. The guy I was rolling with stopped and was like “wtf was that”? I thought it was just my knee popping like it does in the morning