Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

America, in my mind, is still the greatest country in the world. But our imperial measurement system makes no goddamn sense compared to the metric system. Whoever created the imperial measurement system is an idiot who just wanted to create something idiotic when there’s already a better measurement system already available.

Looked it up. It was the British who created the imperial system. Why am I not the least bit surprised.
Man. You can’t test gear by trying to crash it in a freezer. A bunch of people were trying that in prissie’s thread and then low and behold, a vial was sent in for testing and it was accurately dosed. Pin it or get it tested then pin it. A freezer will tell you nothing.

Edit: @T-Bagger you beat me to it lol
Sorry to bother you on this again... They found that oil that didn't crash even after being frozen then brought back down to room temp was still accurately dosed? How does this happen? Different base? Man I'm confused, bought titanium labs test just to be safe but I feel stupid throwing away 15 vials of test, but also feel dumb getting gear tested that a) doesn't get me credit and b) isn't worth the investment.
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Chalk it up to inexperience but need some advice on getting three compounds in one syringe. Seems that I just draw air when I go to put the third compound in and cant accurately dose it. Do you guys back-fill when stacking more than two compounds in the same syringe?
Inject equal amounts of air into each vial that you plan on pulling. Go back to the first one. Hold vial upside down. Pull more than desired amount including air. While syringe is still in and holding upside down inject the air back into the vial until you have the desired amount in the barrel. Repeat process on the other two vials.
Should we start using the private email now

Sorry to bother you on this again... They found that oil that didn't crash even after being frozen then brought back down to room temp was still accurately dosed? How does this happen? Different base? Man I'm confused, bought titanium labs test just to be safe but I feel stupid throwing away 15 vials of test, but also feel dumb getting gear tested that a) doesn't get me credit and b) isn't worth the investment.
Yes that’s a myth about the freezer. If you call the Psychic hotline they will also tell you if the shit is G2G!!
Inject equal amounts of air into each vial that you plan on pulling. Go back to the first one. Hold vial upside down. Pull more than desired amount including air. While syringe is still in and holding upside down inject the air back into the vial until you have the desired amount in the barrel. Repeat process on the other two vials.

This is good. I’d just add start with the more viscous oil first. Im doing 3 different compounds right now to. I have a safflower oil, TGI’s MCT and a first edition TGI MiG and I draw them in that order. Get air for the safflower but clear it like @Thegreek recommended. The MCT and MiG flows so easy.
Should we start using the private email now

Sorry to bother you on this again... They found that oil that didn't crash even after being frozen then brought back down to room temp was still accurately dosed? How does this happen? Different base? Man I'm confused, bought titanium labs test just to be safe but I feel stupid throwing away 15 vials of test, but also feel dumb getting gear tested that a) doesn't get me credit and b) isn't worth the investment.
Testing gear is never dumb. Who cares about the financial investment. You’re investing in knowing what the fuck you’re injecting. Putting it in the freezer to “test” it is dumb. I’d rather spend 150 dollars on a test then throw out 15 vials.
This is good. I’d just add start with the more viscous oil first. Im doing 3 different compounds right now to. I have a safflower oil, TGI’s MCT and a first edition TGI MiG and I draw them in that order. Get air for the safflower but clear it like @Thegreek recommended. The MCT and MiG flows so easy.
I agree. I brew and only use the same carrier so that normally isn’t something I think about.
Chalk it up to inexperience but need some advice on getting three compounds in one syringe. Seems that I just draw air when I go to put the third compound in and cant accurately dose it. Do you guys back-fill when stacking more than two compounds in the same syringe?
I'm confused. Draw air. Inject air into vial. Draw compound. Repeat.
I don’t care what you do. I don’t care what you believe in. I don’t care at all. But last nights posts and today’s politics are too much for this thread.

Simply start a new thread so this Titanium doesn’t become the catch-all for everything.

This thread has always been popular for humorous banter and steroid advice. Light easy going stuff. The political beliefs and the such are too deep and potentially controversial. Start a separate thread and say whatever you need to say.

Or go to Venom Pharma and flood that dumpster thread with whatever you want. The dudes a hard drug dealer so he don’t give a fuck.
this x 1000
Inject equal amounts of air into each vial that you plan on pulling. Go back to the first one. Hold vial upside down. Pull more than desired amount including air. While syringe is still in and holding upside down inject the air back into the vial until you have the desired amount in the barrel. Repeat process on the other two vials.

Thanks. I didn't think to inject air into each vial separately before drawing. I was trying to push air into each vial after the liquid was in from the first and second one. Pain in the ass. Your method sounds perfect.
I'm confused. Draw air. Inject air into vial. Draw compound. Repeat.

I wasn't sure about pulling more air into the syringe after drawing from the first one to put in the second and third. I suppose it doesn't really matter if the compounds get slightly mixed. Was trying to avoid that.
What would stop gear from crashing if it's in the same carrier and it's the same hormone? Why does some gear test and others don't.

Fuck it , give me the psychic hotline @Bigboy727 .. Don't mix it up with the "pillow biting twinks" hotline like last time.
What would stop gear from crashing if it's in the same carrier and it's the same hormone? Why does some gear test and others don't.

Fuck it , give me the psychic hotline @Bigboy727 .. Don't mix it up with the "pillow biting twinks" hotline like last time.
Dude. Let this shit go. I have a drawer full of a batch of tren e. Some has crash some not. Same batch. Crash/no crash means dick shit for "proof" of content.

Toss your gear or get it tested. Which is cheaper? Thats the option to take.
This is good. I’d just add start with the more viscous oil first. Im doing 3 different compounds right now to. I have a safflower oil, TGI’s MCT and a first edition TGI MiG and I draw them in that order. Get air for the safflower but clear it like @Thegreek recommended. The MCT and MiG flows so easy.

The last bit. Exactly why I won’t ever buy any other oil base besides MCT again if I can avoid it.
Sorry to bother you on this again... They found that oil that didn't crash even after being frozen then brought back down to room temp was still accurately dosed? How does this happen? Different base? Man I'm confused, bought titanium labs test just to be safe but I feel stupid throwing away 15 vials of test, but also feel dumb getting gear tested that a) doesn't get me credit and b) isn't worth the investment.

Just pin the gear. Crashing has a lot more variables than you are allowing for. I live in the south and therefore am close to sea level. This will affect crashing. I brew my gear with recipes that I am confident won’t crash. This also affects crashing.

I had test cyp 250, NPP 100, Tren A 100, Tren E 200, Deca 300, Primobolan 100, test prop 100, test PP 100, sustanon, and a few more I’m probly leaving out, in sub freezing temps this past winter for extended periods of time. Not one vial crashed. I am confident in my compounds to be dosed properly. Freezing temps cannot determine if gear is good.
Dude. Let this shit go. I have a drawer full of a batch of tren e. Some has crash some not. Same batch. Crash/no crash means dick shit for "proof" of content.

Toss your gear or get it tested. Which is cheaper? Thats the option to take.

Even if there’s no hormone in it, there’s still some good old fashioned oil you can use for many purposes. Cook with it, put it on your vegetables, put it on your hair/skin. I’m frugal as fuck!

On a side note, my swole baby vial has MCT oil in it... maybe I can use that on my skin... or keep the oil in the vial with the baby and put that shit with the rest of my souvenirs. Leaning towards the latter.
Even if there’s no hormone in it, there’s still some good old fashioned oil you can use for many purposes. Cook with it, put it on your vegetables, put it on your hair/skin. I’m frugal as fuck!

On a side note, my swole baby vial has MCT oil in it... maybe I can use that on my skin... or keep the oil in the vial with the baby and put that shit with the rest of my souvenirs. Leaning towards the latter.
If you have MCT oil in your swole baby then you put it there.