Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

it takes a few days for me to get donations processed

you can always pm him from here and tell him

Almost wish i sourced at a forum i don't care about. That way when shit heels are doing what shit heels do i wouldn't have to up the tren and AI.

People are not loyal to me. It's a brand. If i get nailed you're not coming to visit or testify that i cared about the quality of the illegal substances sold.

Also canadia does not use money. They trade goose poop and maple leaves for goods and services.
If I knew who you were I’d visit you in the pokey. I’d have @bolder smuggle you some Tren raws up his ass because you know he’s into that now.
@T-Bagger You should get out of the city and hunt/fish only for a week.

Before I moved to TN, I got a phone call around 6am. "Ice, goose hunting by the river you in?" Load up my shit and head down there. Sky turns black with all the geese

Only time you stop firing was to reload. Have another buddy swing by and load up all the geese, and you re-fill your limit. End of the trip, had enough goose breast to fill up a freeze. All this was alleged of course

i don't know how many more times i can insinuate that you're a hillbilly and still laugh as i post an image. Definitely not this time. We'll see about the next time. :D:p

i don't know how many more times i can insinuate that you're a hillbilly and still laugh as i post an image. Definitely not this time. We'll see about the next time. :D:p

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I am really not that bad! I have all my teeth lol.. I just really like hunting I guess haha

Last week I was knee deep in a pond on a golf course grabbing frogs... shit you might be right