Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I just donated and don’t care about or need a banner, I did it because I should have done it a long time ago. I’ve gotten a lot of knowledge from this board and I don’t take without giving back. It should have been more but I’m not made of money so fuck you;)
I would just love to see the thread full of banners. Be fucking awesome. Shit. Should be a requirement to be on private list!
awaiting registration confirmation, but i pplan on ordering tomorrow, so i was womdering if i donate now before my registration is confirmed if i would end up being able to fly a banner? also i could just screenshot my donation for proof or someshit
if youre not approved yet on the site how will millard know you donated when you contact him asking about a banner, if i chose to ask for a banner?
Well...where do i start?

I make mistakes. But honest mistakes. Then i own them. And bring them up often. I have a doozy of a fuck up to tell you all about when testing comes back on this batch of raws.

Accountable for my actions....well...i will tell you this. I have a record of keeping myself accountable and a lot harder than you guys are on me. But i get what you're saying. I have seen my thread be ball busted for a lot of shit. Others not so much. I guess because i comply and others don't? Seems ass backwards to me. Read my intro. QUARTERLY DONATIONS. Now go check AL. Guess what you see there? Proof i keep my fucking word. Now go read another intro. Monthly donations claimed. Now go check AL. Just another lie. Lie until the community forgets and lets it rest. I have had to change from some things i stated. I can no longer do a 1L batch and keep up with demand. Had to go bigger. I have changed things, but always for the better, seeking improvement after every fucking mistake.

Somebody said i listened and am reaping the benefits. Maybe so. But what happens when you don't listen or care? I have seen no consequence.
Thank God! This is my favorite post I’ve read today lol! Especially the end paragraph! This is exactly right and how members should see it! TGI, I can tell you were a member first just by your responses on the subject! You’re sourcing now and still get it, and you’re trying to explain so members will also get it! Thanks for that!

Another thought... not every source will have the same mindset as TGI has had. That’s obvious, so why would anyone of you want anything less!! If we can’t hold sources to a high standard then what tf are we doing here?
We have to treat every source the same and hold them accountable for their wrongdoings! EVERY ONE OF THEM!
If they don’t have a mindset to be a great source then why in the fuck would we want them here! We have to hold them accountable and not let them just come and go as they please.
I said it earlier and I still mean it when I said that members here have went fuckin soft! Why!!?
I’ve also said, and stand by it, I’d rather not have any sources here than to have a bunch of mediocre bullshit ones!
If we just let anyone source here then we won’t be any different than a paid source board, except they can source here for free! Fuck that!
This is Meso!
Fun fact if you wanna take half a capsule...draw up 1ml of Poland spring into syringe backfill whole capsule into syringe put plunger back... remove needle..shake like all hell than shoot half a ml into your mouth like the whore u are...if u knew this already I can go fuck myself
Yep all my own kills. I mix most of my “burger” meat the same with a 4lb wild meat to 1lb bacon ratio.

It depends on the animal, if it’s extra fatty animal I’ll mix 4lb animal with 1lb 93/7 ground sirloin. Little bit of soy, worchestershire, garlic and onion powder. Anything extra add it yourself lol

And I love them. I usually make goose, duck, deer burgers. This year I’m going to try and get a bear
I’ve heard goose is some nasty stuff man. I gotta get out of the city and be a man of the land.
awaiting registration confirmation, but i pplan on ordering tomorrow, so i was womdering if i donate now before my registration is confirmed if i would end up being able to fly a banner? also i could just screenshot my donation for proof or someshit
I just donated and just pmd him with amount sent...dont kno if that was right but guess we'll see if I get banned
Thank God! This is my favorite post I’ve read today lol! Especially the end paragraph! This is exactly right and how members should see it! TGI, I can tell you were a member first just by your responses on the subject! You’re sourcing now and still get it, and you’re trying to explain so members will also get it! Thanks for that!

Another thought... not every source will have the same mindset as TGI has had. That’s obvious, so why would anyone of you want anything less!! If we can’t hold sources to a high standard then what tf are we doing here?
We have to treat every source the same and hold them accountable for their wrongdoings! EVERY ONE OF THEM!
If they don’t have a mindset to be a great source then why in the fuck would we want them here! We have to hold them accountable and not let them just come and go as they please.
I said it earlier and I still mean it when I said that members here have went fuckin soft! Why!!?
I’ve also said, and stand by it, I’d rather not have any sources here than to have a bunch of mediocre bullshit ones!
If we just let anyone source here then we won’t be any different than a paid source board, except they can source here for free! Fuck that!
This is Meso!

I would say its simplier than that. The people loyal to tits are loyal because we already pitch forked him, and now he is champ. We threw him to the wolves, and he kicked ass and now is alpha.

And honestly, the kind of people who choose a vendor because of a free 10$ prop, that not the crowd tits really wants around (not speaking for him). I mean, who the fuck has Canadian money?
awaiting registration confirmation, but i pplan on ordering tomorrow, so i was womdering if i donate now before my registration is confirmed if i would end up being able to fly a banner? also i could just screenshot my donation for proof or someshit
it takes a few days for me to get donations processed

if youre not approved yet on the site how will millard know you donated when you contact him asking about a banner, if i chose to ask for a banner?
you can always pm him from here and tell him

Thank God! This is my favorite post I’ve read today lol! Especially the end paragraph! This is exactly right and how members should see it! TGI, I can tell you were a member first just by your responses on the subject! You’re sourcing now and still get it, and you’re trying to explain so members will also get it! Thanks for that!

Another thought... not every source will have the same mindset as TGI has had. That’s obvious, so why would anyone of you want anything less!! If we can’t hold sources to a high standard then what tf are we doing here?
We have to treat every source the same and hold them accountable for their wrongdoings! EVERY ONE OF THEM!
If they don’t have a mindset to be a great source then why in the fuck would we want them here! We have to hold them accountable and not let them just come and go as they please.
I said it earlier and I still mean it when I said that members here have went fuckin soft! Why!!?
I’ve also said, and stand by it, I’d rather not have any sources here than to have a bunch of mediocre bullshit ones!
If we just let anyone source here then we won’t be any different than a paid source board, except they can source here for free! Fuck that!
This is Meso!
Almost wish i sourced at a forum i don't care about. That way when shit heels are doing what shit heels do i wouldn't have to up the tren and AI.

I would say its simplier than that. The people loyal to tits are loyal because we already pitch forked him, and now he is champ. We threw him to the wolves, and he kicked ass and now is alpha.

And honestly, the kind of people who choose a vendor because of a free 10$ prop, that not the crowd tits really wants around (not speaking for him). I mean, who the fuck has Canadian money?
People are not loyal to me. It's a brand. If i get nailed you're not coming to visit or testify that i cared about the quality of the illegal substances sold.

Also canadia does not use money. They trade goose poop and maple leaves for goods and services.
Hey guys. I want to do something to bring a little bit of btc to AL.

1 time only can you use this. But i think it is kinda cool.

Donate 10 to AL and get a banner. Then when you order from me make me aware you have a banner and i will give you a vial worth 30 or less of your choice with your order.

Good idea?

Your just trying to figure out who we are so you can kick us off the list if we post something positive about Pristine or Venom!

Shit, I take it back. Please don’t kick me off the list!
@T-Bagger You should get out of the city and hunt/fish only for a week.

Before I moved to TN, I got a phone call around 6am. "Ice, goose hunting by the river you in?" Load up my shit and head down there. Sky turns black with all the geese

Only time you stop firing was to reload. Have another buddy swing by and load up all the geese, and you re-fill your limit. End of the trip, had enough goose breast to fill up a freeze. All this was alleged of course