Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Just hard to try your ass off and grind when some other dudes can basically do whatever and it is allowed.

Some people are going to buy un-tested gear no matter how much they are warned not to buy. I still see labs getting flamed daily and I think for the most part a handfull of members are trying to hold these start-ups accountable.
You WERE a member here and now you are top dog of DOM UGL’s here. (No disrepect to Stan)
What do you suggest we do that we are not doing currently?
Short of saying “GTFOH” daily I am not sure what else can really be done??
Some people are going to buy un-tested gear no matter how much they are warned not to buy. I still see labs getting flamed daily and I think for the most part a handfull of members are trying to hold these start-ups accountable.
You WERE a member here and now you are top dog of DOM UGL’s here. (No disrepect to Stan)
What do you suggest we do that we are not doing currently?
Short of saying “GTFOH” daily I am not sure what else can really be done??
Nothing can be done because at the end of the day, cheap gear talks. Until BoldDecagate went down, people were still defending Prissy, even though he proved he wasn’t a man of his word. Because a low minimum, cheap gear and decent product. Who cares if he doesn’t test his stuff?
It is not praise i seek. Rather, judgement for all the same.
I judged him a long time ago when I chose YOU(no homo)
The fact of the matter is desperation in that thread is real, no matter what I or 90% other members say at this point will change anything. The people that are desperate to get their remaining orders filled will suck his cock and the ones you closed your door too will suck his cock.
Nothing can be done becuase at the end of the day, cheap gear talks. Until BoldDecagate went down, people were still defending Prissy, even though he proved he wasn’t a man of his word. Because a low minimum, cheap gear and decent product. Who cares if he doesn’t test his stuff?

It’s like a fucking garage sale. Everyone slows down and takes a peek to find a good deal.......and in the end realize that it’s just a piece of shit.
Duck breast or whole duck?
I don’t know .....what do they sell the duck the breast or what.... I just remember eyeballing it and it said duck... I remember one of my buddies made one and it was greasy gamy tasting maybe or something .. I don’t know I was gonna try it ... any direction is fine really ...thax
Some people are going to buy un-tested gear no matter how much they are warned not to buy. I still see labs getting flamed daily and I think for the most part a handfull of members are trying to hold these start-ups accountable.
You WERE a member here and now you are top dog of DOM UGL’s here. (No disrepect to Stan)
What do you suggest we do that we are not doing currently?
Short of saying “GTFOH” daily I am not sure what else can really be done??
You have a quality point. If i were a member, i would press my demands. All you can do. @T-Bagger asked baconbits for a pic of his 99% isopropyl alcohol that was produced or pressed. Good attention to detail btw. It was never acknowledged. Things like that.

I guess it doesn't really matter. Like i said...I'm too emotionally invested in this i think. People are gonna do what they are gonna do. Source/member alike.

@BigBaldBeardGuy correction to his earlier statement did a lot to lower my BP. I just hate to see any support offered to those that are not trying to do things correctly. Clean. Safe. The whole bit.

But you're exactly right. What can be done?
But you're exactly right. What can be done?
Nothing. Only people who care will continue to harass these asses until they get it together or leave. Venom can talk all the trash he wants, but he’ll never make it big. He can have his $200/week kingdom. We’ll be there bombing what little bricks he puts into place. Same with Prissy and any other ass hat who comes this way and tries to setup shop with half assed attempts.
Well...where do i start?

I make mistakes. But honest mistakes. Then i own them. And bring them up often. I have a doozy of a fuck up to tell you all about when testing comes back on this batch of raws.

Accountable for my actions....well...i will tell you this. I have a record of keeping myself accountable and a lot harder than you guys are on me. But i get what you're saying. I have seen my thread be ball busted for a lot of shit. Others not so much. I guess because i comply and others don't? Seems ass backwards to me. Read my intro. QUARTERLY DONATIONS. Now go check AL. Guess what you see there? Proof i keep my fucking word. Now go read another intro. Monthly donations claimed. Now go check AL. Just another lie. Lie until the community forgets and lets it rest. I have had to change from some things i stated. I can no longer do a 1L batch and keep up with demand. Had to go bigger. I have changed things, but always for the better, seeking improvement after every fucking mistake.

Somebody said i listened and am reaping the benefits. Maybe so. But what happens when you don't listen or care? I have seen no consequence.
at least you get to have the peace of mind that you're undoubtedly the top dog, while knowing deep down you're not fucking ppl's bodys up for a dollar, and actually producing the best quality goods possible. the consequences may not be there for those who have but this isnt something you can control you know? dumbasses will always see a $50 minimum and bite instantly without reviewing all the evidence ultimately to get a good batch luckily or something thats in their goods which shouldn't be in there, thats on them. not all good people in this world are praised for being stand up morally sound individuals, but at the end of the day they get to have the peace of mind of knowing who they are and what they stand for. meanwhile there are shit people who pretend to be decent individuals and they get by pretending, but at the end of the day at some point in life (if they have any conscience at all) they will look in a mirror and see a sham (which they are). but those who are stand up individ's get to look in the mirror and think yep youre a solid motherfucker, there may be no praise for it or not enough, but at the end of the day you get to know forsure you've done everything you could to make your business the best it possibly could be for its customers
at least you get to have the peace of mind that you're undoubtedly the top dog, while knowing deep down you're not fucking ppl's bodys up for a dollar, and actually producing the best quality goods possible. the consequences may not be there for those who have but this isnt something you can control you know? dumbasses will always see a $50 minimum and bite instantly without reviewing all the evidence ultimately to get a good batch luckily or something thats in their goods which shouldn't be in there, thats on them. not all good people in this world are praised for being stand up morally sound individuals, but at the end of the day they get to have the peace of mind of knowing who they are and what they stand for. meanwhile there are shit people who pretend to be decent individuals and they get by pretending, but at the end of the day at some point in life (if they have any conscience at all) they will look in a mirror and see a sham (which they are). but those who are stand up individ's get to look in the mirror and think yep youre a solid motherfucker, there may be no praise for it or not enough, but at the end of the day you get to know forsure you've done everything you could to make your business the best it possibly could be for its customers

Oh my bad... thought I was listening to Jerry’s closing thought :D

In all seriousness - very true and thoughtfully written bro.

Oh my bad... thought I was listening to Jerry’s closing thought :D

In all seriousness - very true and thoughtfully written bro.
i used to fake being sick in elementary school to sit at home eat pop tarts and watch jerry springer lmao
How long would you guys keep an open vial around? I found a open vial half full of deca but it was from last February. I tossed it already but wondered if I am just a pussy? I just don’t think $25 is worth the risk.