Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

I don’t know .....what do they sell the duck the breast or what.... I just remember eyeballing it and it said duck... I remember one of my buddies made one and it was greasy gamy tasting maybe or something .. I don’t know I was gonna try it ... any direction is fine really ...thax

Duck breast has a skin side and meat side. Score the fat (run your knife across it down to where it hits the meat, but doesn’t cut into it) season to your taste, but salt and pepper is all I do

Pan fry it fat side down till it crust over, then put it in an oven at 350 till it’s finished. Medium rare

Score your breast like this. Nvm, pic won’t load lol
Hey guys. I want to do something to bring a little bit of btc to AL.

1 time only can you use this. But i think it is kinda cool.

Donate 10 to AL and get a banner. Then when you order from me make me aware you have a banner and i will give you a vial worth 30 or less of your choice with your order.

Good idea?
Hey guys. I want to do something to bring a little bit of btc to AL.

1 time only can you use this. But i think it is kinda cool.

Donate 10 to AL and get a banner. Then when you order from me make me aware you have a banner and i will give you a vial worth 30 or less of your choice with your order.

Good idea?
Never hurts!
Duck breast has a skin side and meat side. Score the fat (run your knife across it down to where it hits the meat, but doesn’t cut into it) season to your taste, but salt and pepper is all I do

Pan fry it fat side down till it crust over, then put it in an oven at 350 till it’s finished. Medium rare

Score your breast like this.
That sounds damn good and I bet that skin crisps up big time.
@BigBaldBeardGuy correction to his earlier statement did a lot to lower my BP. I just hate to see any support offered to those that are not trying to do things correctly. Clean. Safe. The whole bit.

Sorry and I’ll be the first to admit I chose the wrong words there. Most of the time I proofread to edit out some of the fucktarded shit I write. I was surprised to see Pristine back and prematurely blew my post. Amateur mistake for sure.
Hey guys. I want to do something to bring a little bit of btc to AL.

1 time only can you use this. But i think it is kinda cool.

Donate 10 to AL and get a banner. Then when you order from me make me aware you have a banner and i will give you a vial worth 30 or less of your choice with your order.

Good idea?

Yea man. I am in. What if we already have a banner? And I know of some dudes that donated to AL but chose not to fly the flag. I forget, can you see who has donated?
That sounds damn good and I bet that skin crisps up big time.

Yeah man, it’s great. How I do all my ducks if I don’t turn into burgers. And a really good hint for people who think anything other than beef is to gamey, brine your meat before you cook it. Takes a lot out
Yeah man, it’s great. How I do all my ducks if I don’t turn into burgers. And a really good hint for people who think anything other than beef is to gamey, brine your meat before you cook it. Takes a lot out
Duck burgers? Never even considered that. How do those taste? I also presume all your duck is your own kills?
Yea man. I am in. What if we already have a banner? And I know of some dudes that donated to AL but chose not to fly the flag. I forget, can you see who has donated?
already have one then send them 10 more. I can always go see who donated but I would like to think my customers would not lie for a vial of gear. Good way to get dropped.
Duck burgers? Never even considered that. How do those taste? I also presume all your duck is your own kills?

Yep all my own kills. I mix most of my “burger” meat the same with a 4lb wild meat to 1lb bacon ratio.

It depends on the animal, if it’s extra fatty animal I’ll mix 4lb animal with 1lb 93/7 ground sirloin. Little bit of soy, worchestershire, garlic and onion powder. Anything extra add it yourself lol

And I love them. I usually make goose, duck, deer burgers. This year I’m going to try and get a bear
I would just love to see the thread full of banners. Be fucking awesome. Shit. Should be a requirement to be on private list!

It’s a great idea. It’s your way to give back, without doing promos/freebies. I’m all about the loop holes.

Because I’m an idiot/dickhead, maybe other people might need a walk through on how to donate?
It’s a great idea. It’s your way to give back, without doing promos/freebies. I’m all about the loop holes.

Because I’m an idiot/dickhead, maybe other people might need a walk through on how to donate?

Super simple. Go the the website. Hit the red donate button. Ask millard for ur banner