Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Day 4 of Titters tren. Sweat like a whore in church last night while sleeping, and I enjoyed it!
Hello fellas, watched this thread for a long time, got a ton of good information and laughs out of it. Figured i might as well start contributing. I typically try and keep to myself but this place seems to be where the sick demented fucks hang out that i would like to be part of.

For some reason its not letting me upload photos. Soon as i get it figured out i will post the required tit and ass photos.
Hello fellas, watched this thread for a long time, got a ton of good information and laughs out of it. Figured i might as well start contributing. I typically try and keep to myself but this place seems to be where the sick demented fucks hang out that i would like to be part of.

For some reason its not letting me upload photos. Soon as i get it figured out i will post the required tit and ass photos.
Hit the new members section and drop an intro man. Glad to have you aboard. Welcome to TGI.
I would just love to see the thread full of banners. Be fucking awesome. Shit. Should be a requirement to be on private list!
I'll donate before my order at the end of the week, not for the free gear but it's admittedly something I should have done already..

Edit... Figured it out lol, was asking a question I found the answer to by reading on
I'll donate before my order at the end of the week, not for the free gear but it's admittedly something I should have done already..

Edit... Figured it out lol, was asking a question I found the answer to by reading on

I’m the same way. I registered for AL a while ago, but never donated out of basic laziness. TGI gave the kick ass that I needed. And now I got me my banner.

Btw, Millard asked if there was a reason why I donated because he received at least 10 requests already just this morning.
Hello fellas, watched this thread for a long time, got a ton of good information and laughs out of it. Figured i might as well start contributing. I typically try and keep to myself but this place seems to be where the sick demented fucks hang out that i would like to be part of.

For some reason its not letting me upload photos. Soon as i get it figured out i will post the required tit and ass photos.
Requested not required.
He said some dick called TGI made it mandatory to remain on his private list. I told him he was out of line for saying that, but he said he didn’t care and he’s tired of you living in your mom’s basement.
Hello fellas, watched this thread for a long time, got a ton of good information and laughs out of it. Figured i might as well start contributing. I typically try and keep to myself but this place seems to be where the sick demented fucks hang out that i would like to be part of.

For some reason its not letting me upload photos. Soon as i get it figured out i will post the required tit and ass photos.

Butthole eating crew checking in! Welcome to the thread, guy!