Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Sporting the blue like my balls....

Fuck has anyone figured out why Tren fucks with the brain during sleep. Fuck it’s like Nightmare on Elm St. every fucking night
Sporting the blue like my balls....

Fuck has anyone figured out why Tren fucks with the brain during sleep. Fuck it’s like Nightmare on Elm St. every fucking night
It manifests and exaggerates who you really are. If you’re happy then it seems to make me feel happier. When you’re down and let it control your mind it will fuck you sideways and wish you never touched it.
Is TGI still public? I'm doing my 2nd cycle soon and wanna just buy everything ahead of time. Did 500mg test e last time, Thinking of just throwing in 350mg npp. Would a cycle like that benefit from an oral kicker? I know the NPP in short estered but I've never heard of it being used like how people use test-p to kick off a cycle.
It manifests and exaggerates who you really are. If you’re happy then it seems to make me feel happier. When you’re down and let it control your mind it will fuck you sideways and wish you never touched it.
Thanks for the clarification! I guess TGI needs to add some antidepressants to the list. Lol
Is TGI still public? I'm doing my 2nd cycle soon and wanna just buy everything ahead of time. Did 500mg test e last time, Thinking of just throwing in 350mg npp. Would a cycle like that benefit from an oral kicker? I know the NPP in short estered but I've never heard of it being used like how people use test-p to kick off a cycle.
Why would you ask if i am public?
Sporting the blue like my balls....

Fuck has anyone figured out why Tren fucks with the brain during sleep. Fuck it’s like Nightmare on Elm St. every fucking night

Google it. Tren interrupts your normal sleep cycles. Normal sleep you doze of then enter REM sleep (dreams) and then Deep Sleep (no dreams and your brain forgets what you dreamed about). On Tren you don’t get into Deep Sleep so you wake up abruptly during REM sleep and remember exactly the fucked up shit you were just dreaming about.
Is TGI still public? I'm doing my 2nd cycle soon and wanna just buy everything ahead of time. Did 500mg test e last time, Thinking of just throwing in 350mg npp. Would a cycle like that benefit from an oral kicker? I know the NPP in short estered but I've never heard of it being used like how people use test-p to kick off a cycle.

Public nuisance
Google it. Tren interrupts your normal sleep cycles. Normal sleep you doze of then enter REM sleep (dreams) and then Deep Sleep (no dreams and your brain forgets what you dreamed about). On Tren you don’t get into Deep Sleep so you wake up abruptly during REM sleep and remember exactly the fucked up shit you were just dreaming about.

I didn’t find that part in my search. It totally makes sense though.
Fuck you guys! I’m going to be part of the cool banner crew as well. As soon as this damn confirmation email comes through.