Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Pm me your wallet info. Ill throw you a couple bucks so you can get it

You guys are amazing. Its already been handled and donation sent. I really appreciate it hoss. Just for you, Fuck @balco

Thanks to @TitaniumGear (TGI) for putting on this promo and being keeping the standards high for the safety of the community. Shamelessly shilling for ol Titter. Lmao. Stay classy Meso.
I commend TGI for all the AL donations.
As far a his extensive testing on his own “private lab” I find that it’s obviously worthless for the “open Meso community as a whole” also why continue to update a pastepin publicly for a private lab? Why not just send super secret emails?
Also everyone getting a banner is like the the special olympics where every retard is a winner and gets a medal. Lmao!!
This thread is like retarded band camp gone wrong. Very pathetic newbs! That’s why very few vets hangout or post here.
This guy reeks of bitterness and resentment.
I used to actually like and respect your posts. You’re originally from Philly which is the area I live and work. You always had solid info.

Lately your posts are just completely negative. I’m just wondering what changed? Like seriously just looking to piss people off. Why?
Man he's an lefty extremist. He went off the wall like most of them do when u don't agree with them on the beliefs they have. They don't accept that people have different ideas or different beliefs. Even though that is supposed to be the platform of the left.... That everyone is equal, it's a bunch of bullshit these days. It is you believe what we think you should or you are evil, you are wrong, and you are racist or you are something... The left was supposed to be the party of tolerance and have become the party of exactly the opposite of tolerance.

Addition... I'm sorry. I really try to keep from getting political, especially on a thread like this. It's not the place, and I usually resist the urge to do so. I fucked up and let the impulse get the best of me, mostly because he disgusted me with a lot of what he said. I will continue to keep my mouth shut on stuff like this and I considered erasing this. But I'm gonna let it sit for a little bit..
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Man he's an lefty extremist. He went off the wall like most of them do when u don't agree with them on the beliefs they have. They don't accept that people have different ideas or different beliefs. Even though that is supposed to be the platform of the left.... That everyone is equal, it's a bunch of bullshit these days. It is you believe what we think you should or you are evil, you are wrong, and you are racist or you are something... The left was supposed to be the party of tolerance and have become the party of exactly the opposite of tolerance.

Addition... I'm sorry. I really try to keep from getting political, especially on a thread like this. It's not the place, and I usually resist the urge to do so. I fucked up and let the impulse get the best of me, mostly because he disgusted me with a lot of what he said. I will continue to keep my mouth shut on stuff like this and I considered erasing this. But I'm gonna let it sit for a little bit..
And he’s a vegan taboot.... there is no bigger vagina you will find on Meso. Well maybe balco lmao
Last time I topped out at 400/week npp and 300-350/week test. I know a lot of guys say to run test higher but I didn’t have any deca dick issues at all. Quite the opposite. Zero neg sides. I thought it was too good to be true and almost made the mistake of not coming off cycle because I was feeling so damn good and seeing the changes. Was just wondering if there is potential to see the same types of gains in improvement running the same dosages each blast.

You wont know if the gains will be the same as before until you start up again. Start at same dosage and then adjust up as necessary. I'd stick with the NPP if it worked that well for you.
You guys are amazing. Its already been handled and donation sent. I really appreciate it hoss. Just for you, Fuck @balco

Thanks to @TitaniumGear (TGI) for putting on this promo and being keeping the standards high for the safety of the community. Shamelessly shilling for ol Titter. Lmao. Stay classy Meso.
I must of missed the promo. What was it?
I try to keep up with the thread but it moves faster that the speed of light. I’m guessing it has something to do with the donations and new banners i see everyone sporting?
The race stuff was borderline and I agree with you for speaking up on that. I didn’t find it overly offensive but damn, best to avoid that kind of pride talk. White black red yellow or whatever. It’s a hot topic and no one would be yelling that shit in public.

But TGI is a vet so you can’t be insulting vets. They did their duty and they didn’t exactly determine who and where we were fighting. I’m sure you got heated but damn. Then you didn’t apologize for insulting vets.

So now you were dropped from TGI just let it go. No one should be bothering you here and you shouldn’t pop in to stir it up.

I’m only writing to ease all this shit up so we can all go back to enjoying MESO for what it’s supposed to be. This thread isn’t race, politics or any of that. Contribute training advice if you want, you’re good at that. But you don’t need to attack everyone. I don’t want to put you on ignore cause like I said, I liked reading your posts. But the negative stuff has to stop from everyone.

Well said! I have family and friends that are vets. From Vietnam to Desert Storm. I have nothing but respect for them and it's sad how horribly they're taken care of after serving and putting "foot to ass"(yes, I stole that from a movie) for this country.
I must of missed the promo. What was it?
I try to keep up with the thread but it moves faster that the speed of light. I’m guessing it has something to do with the donations and new banners i see everyone sporting?

For a donation to AnabolicLab.com and obtaining a banner you can get a tour of the TGI lab and work right next to the legendary @balco in the quality/returns department. (He’s a bit of a butt fucker so wear extra tight underwear) OR you can get a 30 dollar store credit. (Check with the management first on the credit). :D
I must of missed the promo. What was it?
I try to keep up with the thread but it moves faster that the speed of light. I’m guessing it has something to do with the donations and new banners i see everyone sporting?

Yea get your banner for $10 and TGI will give you a credit for a $30 vial with your next order. Honor system but if you abuse it you lose your spot with him!