train a muscle once or twice a week for recomping?

How many times per week to train a muscle group in a bulk/recomp

  • Once per week

  • Twice per week

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Cool story let me give you a little life advice

Be less worried what others do and concentrate on what you do this will lead to a much happier life in general.

Have a good day

You should follow your own advice.
Lol, this is hilarious

I have an idea how to do it its not my first time.
I was interested how others do it and what has worked best for them i thought this was self explanatory.

I want to know what worked best for you and others

I think I did call you a twat in another thread that was also hilarious but got deleted, I think.
If you needed to remind everyone why, plenty of choice every time you appear
You should follow your own advice.
Lol, this is hilarious

I think I did call you a twat in another thread that was also hilarious but got deleted, I think.
If you needed to remind everyone why, plenty of choice every time you appear
The hazing is over you guys need to chill out wtf
Those workouts are usually done out of nesssesity, not for fun or because its optimal. The other stuff sure I agree with u gramps lol i bet uve learned a thing or 2 over the years. I've been at it off an on for over 20 years myself I'll be blessed to make it to ur age with the same quality of life.

But the ronnie passing drug test thing I'm not so sure its highly debated but possible I guess, but shit loads of cops are on gear especially in the 90s it was rampid . Even when the WWF guys were forced to take drug tests for a bit around that time, they were on like gh and test suspension an shit probably orals too. I'm pretty sure even phil heath admitted he needed 500 test 500 decca to turn pro, if my memory serves me.
Ronnie was a competitive powerlifter long before he was a completive bodybuilder as i am sure you know and was tested at those venues. And can tests be beaten, of course. But as he has admitted using gear along with the pro that has talked about talking Ronnie into using them, and has stated when he started and the results were obvious from how he looked for years then suddenly added a large amount of muscle i will go with hos story. Others will do what fits with how they want things to be.

Plus we seem to be discussing 2 different things. My comments as usual are geared towards the average lifter and not about those that are more gifted. I know guys that have barely dieted or trained and won local shows just from their genetics but i would not put their training and diet as what is good or optima. And i still doubt that many average people will do calisthenics and put on the same muscle as those that lift weights. But show me i am wrong and i am fine with that.
But the main thing I agree with the old man, no way to know what's best for u untill u try it.
Plus comparing what worked when one was smaller and early in their career to latter after they have put on a bunch of muscle is not comparable from my point of view as we are dealing with a different physique with different needs and abilities.
Ronnie was a competitive powerlifter long before he was a completive bodybuilder as i am sure you know and was tested at those venues. And can tests be beaten, of course. But as he has admitted using gear along with the pro that has talked about talking Ronnie into using them, and has stated when he started and the results were obvious from how he looked for years then suddenly added a large amount of muscle i will go with hos story. Others will do what fits with how they want things to be.

Plus we seem to be discussing 2 different things. My comments as usual are geared towards the average lifter and not about those that are more gifted. I know guys that have barely dieted or trained and won local shows just from their genetics but i would not put their training and diet as what is good or optima. And i still doubt that many average people will do calisthenics and put on the same muscle as those that lift weights. But show me i am wrong and i am fine with that.
I always comment on average lifters as well, because I'm not a bodybuilder and theres not alot on here anyway. Doing a amature show or 2 15 years ago dosent make somone a bodybuilder. Most if us just like to follow the lifestyle.

yea I agree most people wont use calisthenics to build muscle it's not optimum and they dont have too. I said it can be done out of necessity. I never said they would put on more muscle than someone lifting weights. No ones gana be a ifbb pro doing just calisthenics, but I dont see why a beginer or natural couldn't put on 20 pounds of muscle ina couple years with recovery and diet decent. I've seen people build great chests with just push ups and dips, and Ive build good wide lats with just pullups in different variations.

But I dont need to show u, it's just common sence ur argument has basically been u cant build decent muscle with calisthenics. That's just preposterous. At ur age and expirence I wouldent expect that. I guess I get where ur thinking is coming from I've never seen anyone ur age doing pull ups of course machines and weight would be better and safer , but when u were in ur 20's I'd bet it would work for u.
I always comment on average lifters as well, because I'm not a bodybuilder and theres not alot on here anyway. Doing a amature show or 2 15 years ago dosent make somone a bodybuilder. Most if us just like to follow the lifestyle.

yea I agree most people wont use calisthenics to build muscle it's not optimum and they dont have too. I said it can be done out of necessity. I never said they would put on more muscle than someone lifting weights. No ones gana be a ifbb pro doing just calisthenics, but I dont see why a beginer or natural couldn't put on 20 pounds of muscle ina couple years with recovery and diet decent. I've seen people build great chests with just push ups and dips, and Ive build good wide lats with just pullups in different variations.

But I dont need to show u, it's just common sence ur argument has basically been u cant build decent muscle with calisthenics. That's just preposterous. At ur age and expirence I wouldent expect that. I guess I get where ur thinking is coming from I've never seen anyone ur age doing pull ups of course machines and weight would be better and safer , but when u were in ur 20's I'd bet it would work for u.

Well, I think they have amazing physiques, for my personal taste better than bbs
Everything is in proportion and beautiful. And they are super strong


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Eat t
That's what i do now twice a week every muscle group once heavy and once more controlled higher rep but had to cut volume down as it was hard to recover and pushing food was not an option as im to fat right now.

When shit gets to hard i always dial back to a once a week bro split.
he correct food and you won't get fat
Well, I think they have amazing physiques, for my personal taste better than bbs
Everything is in proportion and beautiful. And they are super strong
My wife says the same exact thing!
even look at this chicks horse shoe triceps shiting on mine.
I always comment on average lifters as well, because I'm not a bodybuilder and theres not alot on here anyway. Doing a amature show or 2 15 years ago dosent make somone a bodybuilder. Most if us just like to follow the lifestyle.

yea I agree most people wont use calisthenics to build muscle it's not optimum and they dont have too. I said it can be done out of necessity. I never said they would put on more muscle than someone lifting weights. No ones gana be a ifbb pro doing just calisthenics, but I dont see why a beginer or natural couldn't put on 20 pounds of muscle ina couple years with recovery and diet decent. I've seen people build great chests with just push ups and dips, and Ive build good wide lats with just pullups in different variations.

But I dont need to show u, it's just common sence ur argument has basically been u cant build decent muscle with calisthenics. That's just preposterous. At ur age and expirence I wouldent expect that. I guess I get where ur thinking is coming from I've never seen anyone ur age doing pull ups of course machines and weight would be better and safer , but when u were in ur 20's I'd bet it would work for u.
And then you go back to talking about IFBB pros and we are discussing typical people. How many natural average people do you know that have put on 20 pounds of muscle doing calisthenics. I know of zero. Could be possible and anything is possible are a waste of time to me. Until something has been shown it can be done then there is not proof it can. But i support you believing along any line you want.