“Tren not that good for bulking”

In some of MPMD’s videos, he mentions that tren is not “that useful” in a bulking context compared to other steroids. He argues tren is moreso useful as an anti-catabolism agent when cutting weight, as it is not a great muscle builder on its own per se, but rather that it prevents catabolism better than it builds muscle, leading to a “net anabolic effect” and its reputation as such a strong anabolic.

What are your thoughts on this? Tren has always been the “gold standard” steroid to me at least in terms of muscle building, so this confuses me. What are some alternatives that are more anabolic? Nandrolone maybe?
Nandrolone, maybe EQ although it’s slow as fuck. You won’t be getting any water weight, nice steady gains. I’ve stupidly tried Tren while bulking. IMO Tren is just strictly a “cutting” drug. However, I do not run it anymore.
This is basically most people’s experience who have put on serious weight; tren is not a serious mass drug and it often gets more in the way than benefits it provides.

Nand IMO is the king of anabolism for offseason growth.
I agree...my best bulking/ growing cycle to date was dbol test npp eq and some sdrolxi push through a.desd spot in the middle and very end.of that cycle .. best results and feeling cycle to dste.for.me
I don’t like mpmd. The reason people certain drugs are better for “bulking” is because they increase scale weight more dramatically but that’s not tissue it’s water and glycogen. There’s only so much real tissue you can accumulate in a certain amount of time no matter what drugs or food or whatever else you take. Some drugs are stronger mg per mg but honestly I don’t think the drugs matter as long as your cycle or blast isn’t designed completely retarded. Sure I can take deca, anadrol, and high test and gain a ton of weight in that period but how much will be actual lean tissue? I can take a good dose primo and test or some tren and if all else is equal I won’t gain as much scale weight but I’ll put money on it that I’ll gain the same amount of tissue.
physiques aren’t built from one cycle or the perfect drug regimen. They are built with consistency over a long period of time. 2 steps forward, maintain, 1 step back, maintain, repeat for years.
I don’t like mpmd. The reason people certain drugs are better for “bulking” is because they increase scale weight more dramatically but that’s not tissue it’s water and glycogen. There’s only so much real tissue you can accumulate in a certain amount of time no matter what drugs or food or whatever else you take. Some drugs are stronger mg per mg but honestly I don’t think the drugs matter as long as your cycle or blast isn’t designed completely retarded. Sure I can take deca, anadrol, and high test and gain a ton of weight in that period but how much will be actual lean tissue? I can take a good dose primo and test or some tren and if all else is equal I won’t gain as much scale weight but I’ll put money on it that I’ll gain the same amount of tissue.
I believe a good rough estimate for un natural athletes is 5-10 pounds of LEAN mass per year. As you said, you can increase scale weight. But that does not mean it’s lean tissue. 5-10 pounds is a good estimate. Of course, this depends on your diet, training, drug protocol etc.
I believe a good rough estimate for un natural athletes is 5-10 pounds of LEAN mass per year. As you said, you can increase scale weight. But that does not mean it’s lean tissue. 5-10 pounds is a good estimate. Of course, this depends on your diet, training, drug protocol etc.
I’ve heard that and I don’t know how true it really is but if you go into a grocery store and put 5-10lbs of chicken breast in your cart it’s a lot of meat. I always shake my head when guys say they gained 15-20lbs of muscle on a cycle. I believe it is possible to gain 15-20lbs on a 10 weeks cycle but not majority lean tissue. I can gain 15lbs in 2 weeks if I want to but it’s not 15lbs of what I want
I believe a good rough estimate for un natural athletes is 5-10 pounds of LEAN mass per year. As you said, you can increase scale weight. But that does not mean it’s lean tissue. 5-10 pounds is a good estimate. Of course, this depends on your diet, training, drug protocol etc.
Disagree. I logged every day of 20 dry lbs in 16 weeks verified by a prep that saw my stage weight grow exactly 20lbs.

You guys can continue to use tren for everything if you’d like or you can maybe admit that we as a group abuse the fuck out of tren and it isn’t as good for everything as we think. If you’re the type who grows easily, eats easily, sleeps easily on tren youre the vast minority.
Like a few people said here in the past, all drugs basically do the same thing, but some are more appropriate to your goals than others. You just gotta understand which and know how to use them efficiently.

That Derek idiot is an ignorant, he doesn’t know shit about shit, all he does is regurgitate some bro science mixed in with some content put out by some top level coaches that he misunderstands and misinterprets, and then proceeds to use his failed reasoning, which is based on the assumption that he knows what he’s talking about to explain things that he really doesn’t even begin to comprehend, and also giving shit advice.

I have used tren in most of my mass phases and got incredible results, a lot of coaches do not recommend it because most people can’t tolerate it, but I can, so for me personally it’s fantastic, since I had worse sides from deca than tren.

I also don’t like to pin multiple times a week, so npp doesn’t interest me.
Disagree. I logged every day of 20 dry lbs in 16 weeks verified by a prep that saw my stage weight grow exactly 20lbs.

You guys can continue to use tren for everything if you’d like or you can maybe admit that we as a group abuse the fuck out of tren and it isn’t as good for everything as we think. If you’re the type who grows easily, eats easily, sleeps easily on tren youre the vast minority.
I’m not advocating for tren use. I don’t touch tren and I’m sure like yourself there are other pros who can pile on the weight but that’s not the average person. Kevin Levrone is an example of a guy who did what most people could only dream about.
Disagree. I logged every day of 20 dry lbs in 16 weeks verified by a prep that saw my stage weight grow exactly 20lbs.

You guys can continue to use tren for everything if you’d like or you can maybe admit that we as a group abuse the fuck out of tren and it isn’t as good for everything as we think. If you’re the type who grows easily, eats easily, sleeps easily on tren youre the vast minority.

I get a big laugh out of people now a days avoiding nandrolone because "It's bad for your heart" only to run a bunch of tren and sdrol :rolleyes:

If nandrolone was so horrible every single guy from the 70s/80s/90s would be dead by now cause deca was KING back then and EVERYONE used it!

Moderate test/primo/deca/dbol use ain't gunna kill anyone.
I’m not advocating for tren use. I don’t touch tren and I’m sure like yourself there are other pros who can pile on the weight but that’s not the average person. Kevin Levrone is an example of a guy who did what most people could only dream about.

He also used a SHIT TON of hgh/slin/igf-1 and who knows what the fuck else! Very few guys are actually genetically gifted and even less are gifted and able to consistently put in the effort required.
I'm not going to use tren, so I haven't looked into it in detail, however, with a few quick searches, you can find many sites talking about its interaction with the glutocorticoid receptors, effectively inhibiting cortisol (a catabolic hormone) from interacting with these receptors. I believe this is what he would be talking about with anti catabolism.

I think the general consensus is that tren has 3x the binding affinity for the androgen receptor as test, however, due to the sides preventing mega doses of tren, other compounds could perform better in a bulking setting.

Again, this is with very limited research on tren and no past use of tren, so this could be completely incorrect.
Tren could be used as a nutrition partitioning agent in moderat doses when combined with moderate to high doses hgh, nothing new that high level professionals in the open class are using sometimes 200-300mg Tren a week alongside few Grams of other compounds.

Due to the heavy side-effects that could be resulting in less hunger and digestive issues and/or heartburn (not even mentioned the impact of the lipids thats something get worst on the diet factor alone sometimes even without tren) are mostly not wanted circumstances that should be present in your offseason.

Nandrolone is a more or less tolerable Steroid stacked with Boldenon it works pretty good synergistic and doesn't need to get dosed over a Gramm for each compound to get lean and good results, if you have your estrogen and electrolytes in check there is no flying fuck of water retention.

Just my thoughts.
Tren could be used as a nutrition partitioning agent in moderat doses when combined with moderate to high doses hgh, nothing new that high level professionals in the open class are using sometimes 200-300mg Tren a week alongside few Grams of other compounds.

Due to the heavy side-effects that could be resulting in less hunger and digestive issues and/or heartburn (not even mentioned the impact of the lipids thats something get worst on the diet factor alone sometimes even without tren) are mostly not wanted circumstances that should be present in your offseason.

Nandrolone is a more or less tolerable Steroid stacked with Boldenon it works pretty good synergistic and doesn't need to get dosed over a Gramm for each compound to get lean and good results, if you have your estrogen and electrolytes in check there is no flying fuck of water retention.

Just my thoughts.
this is spot on, except you’ll regularly see 500-750mg or more of tren in advanced show cycles. I’m beginning to believe thru experience that much tren isn’t necessary for stage goals, though.