“Tren not that good for bulking”

How would you nail the timing for this? I could see it theoretically working but only if the timing is perfect. You are still waiting on the acetate ester to be cleaved. Wouldn’t Tren base be a more logical choice since the timing would be 60-90 mins before your feasting?
I thought the same but with tren base you could get really aggressive and have a lot of pip for not really much. Sound good in theory to me but i dont think there is an practical application for it.
I thought the same but with tren base you could get really aggressive and have a lot of pip for not really much. Sound good in theory to me but i dont think there is an practical application for it.
Ah... so what you’re saying is it’s a stupid idea.
I believe the biggest issue comparing tren Vs deca for a bulk is that most of the ppl can't recreate the same condition to compare those two compound on a bulk.

I had the same issues as many on tren when I started cycling. Heartburn/no appetite/sleepless nights. So I couldn't bulk on tren, but shit if I loved it on a cut.

Dunno what happened I don't have those problem anymore now, so I probably could bulk on tren but then that would mean using tren the whole year and that's just bad... So yeah I'm gonna keep using deca for bulking and tren for cutting for now, until I drop dead or I feel I'm too old for this shit.

For cutting nothing beat tren Imho. I always feeling I'm recomping while I cut on Tren, maybe just in my mind, but best look as always been on tren.
Maybe I'm minority but the best decision I made was to try tren on my 1st cycle.

My 1st cycle I was like WTF my tren is bunk I don't get side effects (that was a side effect paranoia) I was paranoid it was bunk and at the same time I had gained 12kg and dropped fat. That my friends is the main side effect of trenbolone PARANOIA.
If one day you look at the mirror and don't like what y see boom tren paranoia kicks in you see fellas 50kg and you're like wtf this mother fucker is bigger than me.
Then the paranoia fades and you see clearly that you're the best gym rat in your gym.

With that said I've found to respond better on trenbolone than any other AAS.

To be fair I respond excellent to nandrolone also.

I will only get minor side effects like insomnia for the 1st or 2nd week.

It puts meat on me like no other. Even with starvation diet I still see growth.

Now most people aren't tolerate trenbolone well. So for the majority of people nandrolone would suite best.

I get zero side effects from nandrolone at any dosage ratio or combination.

But I don't get side effects with trenbolone so I better use tren, as I see way more results.

I get way more side effects on testosterone ,dbol,boldenone. Actually those 3 are the worst for me. Side effect wise.

If you tolerate tren well and wanna use it on a bulk the secret is not to go high dosage, go with what feels comfortable. And also you need to cycle other products with it like peps,gh,testosterone,orals.
Disagree. I logged every day of 20 dry lbs in 16 weeks verified by a prep that saw my stage weight grow exactly 20lbs.

You guys can continue to use tren for everything if you’d like or you can maybe admit that we as a group abuse the fuck out of tren and it isn’t as good for everything as we think. If you’re the type who grows easily, eats easily, sleeps easily on tren youre the vast minority.
Bumping this thread because I find the discussion extremely interesting.

I do happen to be in the minority of people who hyper-respond to tren without any of the sides, even at low doses. In a single digit cut, 10mg/day + TRT is all I need. However, I've never tried it in a surplus.

Do you think there's a place for tren in a massing phase to help keep the athlete leaner (than he would otherwise be without the tren)? If tren improves substrate utilization (eg it's just as anabolic as other AAS, but way more anti-catabolic than other AAS), that would imply that per some unit food, more can be utilized for muscle building/repair, leaving less available substrate for fat storage.

I hate the term 'nutrient partitioning' as people misuse the term alot, but it does seem like it could fit that use case for the offseason athlete.
If your the 10% that doesn’t get severe sides, Tren is amazing for bulking. You can even just throw it in at a low dose with your test and npp so your sides are near non-existent.

Bulking on tren I see significant gains with very little body fat. It really is hard to over eat on tren and get fat. I cannot get fat on 5500 cal a day with zero cardio on 420 ace a week.
If your the 10% that doesn’t get severe sides, Tren is amazing for bulking. You can even just throw it in at a low dose with your test and npp so your sides are near non-existent.

Bulking on tren I see significant gains with very little body fat. It really is hard to over eat on tren and get fat. I cannot get fat on 5500 cal a day with zero cardio on 420 ace a week.
Damn! I wish my metabolism was that high. Whats your BMR usually?
In some of MPMD’s videos, he mentions that tren is not “that useful” in a bulking context compared to other steroids. He argues tren is moreso useful as an anti-catabolism agent when cutting weight, as it is not a great muscle builder on its own per se, but rather that it prevents catabolism better than it builds muscle, leading to a “net anabolic effect” and its reputation as such a strong anabolic.

What are your thoughts on this? Tren has always been the “gold standard” steroid to me at least in terms of muscle building, so this confuses me. What are some alternatives that are more anabolic? Nandrolone maybe?
I don’t like to resort to it. But Tren with IGF1LR3 does seem like it has crazy synergy both in theory and in practice for me. Off-season context for a brief time. This is probably the only
Time it’s going to be “worth it “ or along with a hefty price tag of GH/Lantus and thus downstream igf/growth factor production.

Right now I’m using Tren and Estradiol like a cow in a deficit and I’m still growing like a weed it seems. So there’s that too.
I don’t like to resort to it. But Tren with IGF1LR3 does seem like it has crazy synergy both in theory and in practice for me. Off-season context for a brief time. This is probably the only
Time it’s going to be “worth it “ or along with a hefty price tag of GH/Lantus and thus downstream igf/growth factor production.

Right now I’m using Tren and Estradiol like a cow in a deficit and I’m still growing like a weed it seems. So there’s that too.
Estradiol meaning straight up E2 without any test base at all?