“Tren not that good for bulking”

Tren wrecks my appetite. If you can’t eat you can’t gain, so, for me, tren is not good for bulking.

Same with Adrol
Everyone loves it for size and strength.

But i just end up not being able to eat.. so I lose weight but maintain strength..... so great compound for that aspect personally.

No thanks to either one, I'm getting too old to feel like shit for gains
Same with Adrol
Everyone loves it for size and strength.

But i just end up not being able to eat.. so I lose weight but maintain strength..... so great compound for that aspect personally.

No thanks to either one, I'm getting too old to feel like shit for gains
Yep. No matter how strong a compound is, if you can’t eat and you feel like shit on it, it’s not worth taking.

There’s a lot to be said for steroids that don’t impact your quality of life negatively. The older I get, the more I appreciate that aspect of compound choice.

Will I gain as much on a test/eq or test/primo cycle as I will if I take test/tren and force myself to eat? Of course not — but I’m also not having to force myself to eat and I don’t feel like a bag of smashed assholes the whole time. My job requires a lot of accuracy and concentration because if I fuck up it costs big money, so sleepless nights aren’t an option.
In some of MPMD’s videos, he mentions that tren is not “that useful” in a bulking context compared to other steroids. He argues tren is moreso useful as an anti-catabolism agent when cutting weight, as it is not a great muscle builder on its own per se, but rather that it prevents catabolism better than it builds muscle, leading to a “net anabolic effect” and its reputation as such a strong anabolic.

What are your thoughts on this? Tren has always been the “gold standard” steroid to me at least in terms of muscle building, so this confuses me. What are some alternatives that are more anabolic? Nandrolone maybe?
I think that if you handle estrogen well, and don’t get bad side effects, and you can handle to run an appropriate dose of tren, then it shines as a bulker in theory, though I am one of those people that can’t handle any amount of tren, that stuff just makes me miserable.
Edit: /w a heavy dose of test for greater estrogen conversion.
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Trenbolone was originally made for cattle to slaughter so they wouldnt lose any meat in the process.....while they ate nothing. Hes talking about purely tissue gains. Ive never had anything so far put the meat on like nandrolone. I cut weight from 250 to 220 and on npp i feel like im almost as big again at 220 like i was at 250
It’s a nutrient partitioning drug that works regardless of whether you have built up peak blood levels. Tren ace specifically does this
Please stop giving anyone advice ever. You can’t even get a simple cycle correct. You’re afraid of testosterone as a man for whatever stupid regurgitated internet guru reason. You have no experience and should not give advice until you have figured out the basics of running a simple fucking cycle. Let’s see the physique built from running tren like a retard
To be honest i had the thought once too that u could use Tren before a cheatmeal or a reefed for the nutrition partioning effects of it.
Theoretically you could do that but why not just consistently eat clean and use insulin. I know tren is more tissue specific but idk id really like to hear more how this actually plays out
Figure if Tren ace peaks very quickly, while you won’t get the full benefits, I don’t see how it’s nutrient partitioning effects wouldn’t be present even for just a day. I’d rather use testosterone to build muscle over time
So tren is not a great nutrient partitioner?
yeah but its not like if you take a dose an hour before a big cheat meal all the protein will be used for muscle synthesis and all the carbs and fat will evaporate. Seems your overestimating and yeah agreeed you do post whack nOOb shit.
I believe a good rough estimate for un natural athletes is 5-10 pounds of LEAN mass per year. As you said, you can increase scale weight. But that does not mean it’s lean tissue. 5-10 pounds is a good estimate. Of course, this depends on your diet, training, drug protocol etc.
Disagree with you there. Maybe in the first few years but an advanced lifter that’s all natural is looking at like 1-3 lbs of muscle tissue in a year.