Tren: What You Might Not Know

Dude run it. Seriously run. Trt level test. 200mg/week with 35-40mg Tren A ED. You may or may not need an ai. Sides will be minimum but in about 8-10 days you'll start to notice strength and vascularity. Run it short like 6 weeks. Easy to jump off. Will lean you out with some nice gains.

Say your already in Test/mast/and NPP....another 19 nor...I would believe that it would be I'll advised to run two nandrolone at the same time, particularly, on a first run with any event, if one were so inclined, to run tren in their existing cycle...drop the NPP?
Dont forget Cialis pre workout and 2 beers on your drive home.

I tried cialis once as a pwo...didn't really notice anything...except that the ladies stood out more than usual..totally distracted workout..never again. I like my boners at night with my wife right there.
For me it's just not worth fucking with an AAS that has so many physical and psychological side effects. Its a hardcore drug that will fuck you up mentally if your in a bad place in your life. If your life is good and everything is coming up roses than you are much more likely to have a good experience with it.
Lol, Kinda like an acid trip.

I have only used tren less than a handful of times and I have never been blown away by the results. It didn't melt away fat and it didn't make my sex life any better.
If anything it made it worse from not being able to breathe as well and having a hard time reaching climax. To me it's best feature was STRENGTH. Wow! If you enjoy temporary strength gains like halo or superdrol tren is definitely for you. Now thats if you don't mind dealing with all the nasty sides like, ( anger, aggression, insomnia, sweating, high Bp, acid reflux, paranoia, and yes depression) long lasting depression not only while on, but weeks or even months after discontinuing tren. I think it definitely your effects neurotransmitters and messes with dopamine and seratonin levels. It funny because young 23 year old fucks living in there parents basement with not a worry in the world call it "nectar of the gods" While a 35 yo with a wife and two toddlers running around might have a different experience with it all together.
I might consider giving it another go sometime. But why fuck with all those sides effects when I can feel awesome on 600mg of NPP AND 1000mg of masteron.

A thousand of Masteron?! Is that right?
I'm doing my first tren run right now and, as of week four, I don't feel any sides except for pretty bad insomnia if I don't take a bunch of melatonin before bed and running quite hot.

I suspect that many of the horrific psychological sides that people talk about are simply the effects of a strong androgen on unstable personalities.

How much tren are you taking? What else are you taking along with it?
This is typical internet bullshit.

"Most of tren's emotional side effects are due to the fact it has a very clear effect on the brain's neurotransmitters. More so then probably any other steroid."

Talk about a statement that means absolutely nothing. The op has no idea what he is talking about- and comparing tren to heavy drug use is ridiculous. I personally cannot take tren anymore... fuck that shit. You can't breathe, you can't sleep and you want to murder people. Not worth a few lbs on my max.

Pretending to know the physiological and psychological side effects down to neurotransmitter function? A fucking joke.

I hear often that people I'm tren have heard from apitie spikes...and I know from my dbol experience how the hunger would hit me all of the sudden and how pissed I'd be if didn't get food in my promptly...if that is tru for tren, then I would have a great suspicion that food has a large part to play in ones mood whilst on tren.
I hear often that people I'm tren have heard from apitie spikes...and I know from my dbol experience how the hunger would hit me all of the sudden and how pissed I'd be if didn't get food in my promptly...if that is tru for tren, then I would have a great suspicion that food has a large part to play in ones mood whilst on tren.

Food has nothing to do with it. You've never taken Tren have you?
Food has nothing to do with it. You've never taken Tren have you?

Nope...not yet..I'm just speculating but if you think about it I'm sure it can play a major part...hey, like I said, I know how I got from dbol related hunger. I'm just looking at things that might get overlooked. But you, I suppose have run tren, and in your past experience it might not be tru...but you can test the theory for us if you like. How about you run some and skip that meal and let us know?

Oh yeah, and food has nothing to do with it...really?. Food has everything to do with AAS.
The shit you read these days..The doses you read these days..Eat,Rest, Lift hard as hell whatever works for you...Take Less amounts of AAS doses then what you parrot read and you will make gains your entire lifting career..Don't worry about what works for the parrots in other trees Find what works for you..!
Nope...not yet..I'm just speculating but if you think about it I'm sure it can play a major part...hey, like I said, I know how I got from dbol related hunger. I'm just looking at things that might get overlooked. But you, I suppose have run tren, and in your past experience it might not be tru...but you can test the theory for us if you like. How about you run some and skip that meal and let us know?

Oh yeah, and food has nothing to do with it...really?. Food has everything to do with AAS.

It has nothing to do with tren based aggression.
So, I lifted this from a member at TheIronDen. THIS IS NOT MY OWN INFORMATION. I am not citing the member's name at TID, because I think it may actually be his real name.

I was really impressed with this guys level of knowledge of AAS. Also, since everyone believes Tren to be a "get big and get lean" fucking magic pill, with guys with next to zero cycles under their belt trying to jump on it, I thought I'd re-post it here.

"I will chime in to help guys here understand. Sorry for the novel, but this will answer it all for you.

Trenbolone is primarily a drug used in cattle, it is very strong, it has about 3x the ability as testosterone to bind to an androgen receptor.

Tren does alter progesterone levels, estrogen, test, etc..

Most of tren's emotional side effects are due to the fact it has a very clear effect on the brain's neurotransmitters. More so then probably any other steroid.

Neurotransmitters must have a delicate balance. If one is off, then it can cause the other chemicals to be "off" and therefore numerous sides can be associated with this. Tren is therefore clearly inducing a psychological disturbance in many users. This is pre-determined genetically and therefore some people may have minimal side effects, while others may be susceptible to full blown side effects

Neurotransmitters: (chemical messengers in the brain)

Seratonin- probably the most important to recognize and likely this is the primary disturbed neurotransmitter. It is responsible for regulating sleep, mood, anxiety, appetite, and sexuality. This is why SSRI's or anti-depressants are prescribed to patients with Depression/Anxiety..and this is why 5-HTP may help.

Dopamine- Pleasure center of the brain. When these are reduced the user can experience deep depression and lack of motivation. As an example, Dopamine is prevented from having a re-uptake when using Cocaine, but then when the user comes off, it is lowered or cut off from dopamine production. Tren is the same way, when the brain senses this compound, it "can" lower or cut off dopamine, thus giving the user the similar feeling they would after coming off Cocaine or Ecstacy. The issue with compounds that interact with dopamine, is that dopamine receptors can be if you are abusing a drug such as cocaine, or even tren for example, the receptors can be weakened and either take a very long time to return to normal, or never return at all. This means in lamens terms that users of these drugs can experience prolonged or permanent depression after discontinuing. This can clearly impact an individuals ability to experience happiness.

Epinephrine Regulates Stress

Norepinephrine - Regulates sleep and alertness..this is also known as the chemical that produces "fight or flight" or adrenaline. Spikes is this level can cause sleeplessness and aggression.

Acetylcholine - Associated with muscle control and learning

Histamine - Associated with arousal. It is often released in response to an allergic reaction. It can certainly "sedate" the patient when it is released, this is some of the thought process why tren and other compounds cause lethargy, it is 'believed' that the body is constantly releasing histamines into the bloodstream to fight off the allergens..aka "tren". Also this is medically theorized and makes sense as to explain "Tren COUGH". When the user injects tren, the body instantly releases several chemicals, including Histamine. It is such a sudden and large amount of release that the body interpets it as an "allergic reaction". It responds with symptoms such as coughing, itchy eyes, runny nose, swollen eyes, respiratory issues and shortness of breathe.

Take into combination the fact Tren scrambles up your normal hormone ratios, test, estrogen, etc..take into combination that the fact tren increases BP which can also induce lethargy and various other issues, and then combine the fact it disturbs normal brain functions, and you can see why this is a compound that should only be used by the most experienced of users, who know how to treat and recognize each symptom.

And even then, this compound should be used with extreme caution."

Great a condensed version of CNS neurotransmitters and utterly absurd extrapolations on how one AAS in particular, (Trenbolone) effects these endogenous chemicals and neurosynaptic transmission.

But wait it seems something IS MISSING; evidence, direct or indirect, connecting the OPs OPINIONS on Tren to altered neurotransmission, or more importantly objective data that is clinically reproducible.

After all I could formulate similar opinions on a variety of substances from the amino acid Tryptophan, as a Serotonin precursor, to Thiamine a critical factor in acetylcholine production!

To that end it should be no surprise supplement manufacturers have made a killing using similar postulates as the OPs has done with Tren.

So what we have here is more of the same --- BRO-SCIENCE

Please spare me the next chapter on how E-2 influences mood, cognition, and resolves the id - ego conflicts of maleness, lol!
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I tried cialis once as a pwo...didn't really notice anything...except that the ladies stood out more than usual..totally distracted workout..never again. I like my boners at night with my wife right there.
Lol,wood all time. One of those sides, wife makes me put a pillow between us on her nights off.
I would love to see where this person got their information from. The post is riddled with malapropism and excessive use of jargon simply to appear educated.

This doesnt happen. Not with Meth, not with anything. Can you cause harm? Sure. Your brain will find new pathways for dopamine and serotonin to travel. It is MUCH more complex than this. But this idea that a drug say MDMA can make you forever sad is bologna..

The scary part about tren IMO is the Alzheimer's

I agree with you for the most part though I would like to see studies showing the time and rate of return to homeostasis in people who've taken these recreational drugs.

Unrelated to your post:
People who are prescribed SSRIs, Dopamine agonists and other drugs that have a significant neurophysiological effect on excitatory neurotransmitters/hormones, often display dramatic neurological detriment when they switch drugs, decrease the dosage or simply forget to take it. The raging elephant in the room is that most non-terrorism related mass shooters in the last 3 decades have been on exogenous neurotransmitters or NT agonists. This is a major problem in contemporary mental health in America. Instead of assisting patients with developing effective coping mechanisms, we're putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound and simply throwing Zoloft or Diazepam at them and creating a lifelong addict; not nuch different than prescribing opiates.
This doesnt happen. Not with Meth, not with anything. Can you cause harm? Sure. Your brain will find new pathways for dopamine and serotonin to travel. It is MUCH more complex than this. But this idea that a drug say MDMA can make you forever sad is bologna..

The scary part about tren IMO is the Alzheimer's

It is not bologna, I know several people who abused MDMA and are now clinically depressed on heavy duty SSRI's, if they weren't on them they would have probably commited suicide long time ago. As with anything, there is a difference between use and ABuse of anything, drugs, steroids etcm if you ABuse your risk of causing permanent damage is much higher.
Tren is good. As good as it gets? Sure. But IMO it isn't as crazy as many make it to be. If someone can't handle the sides, same as any drug stop. But also like other drugs, one dance with her and you won't die. What may happen is what happened to me, finding a way to incorporate her in all of my cycles.
Been as high as 800mg/week tren e....525 mg tren a.....except getting only a few hours of sleep a night the sides are nothing for me.
Heartburn is the most annoying but its easily controlled.
Got anxiety once for about a week as blood levels rose.
OP's article is primarily bullshit as far as trens effects on brain function etc.
There are no human studies to back up any of the authors claims period.
But how Tren affects individuals does vary greatly.
(My opinion)This tolerance/intolerance is possibly a genetic thing or maybe it is related to age and endocrinal maturity?....current stress levels?
All i know for sure is that Tren is my friend.