It is not bologna, I know several people who abused MDMA and are now clinically depressed on heavy duty SSRI's, if they weren't on them they would have probably commited suicide long time ago. As with anything, there is a difference between use and ABuse of anything, drugs, steroids etcm if you ABuse your risk of causing permanent damage is much higher.
Unfortunately, a statement like this doesn't account for exaggeration or acceleration of a preexisting psychological condition. I could say the opposite of your statement and tell you of numerous people who abused LSD, MDMA, or similar substances who were once "clinically depressed" and are now no longer suffering from any form of depression (myself included).
Most people who abuse drugs do so to mask an underlying psychological condition, so of course the longer-term effects of a drug abuser would differ from that of recreational drug user for two reasons: one, exacerbated mental illness as a result of drug abuse and two, a drug abuser usually ingests a much higher volume of chemicals with a much higher frequency of ingestion.