No attack. Just discussion here. And this opinion of mine is not really directed strictly to you
@Mr. Chicago. It just so happens that your comment popped up as these thoughts were running through my mind. So I apologize beforehand
@Mr. Chicago. Honestly I would even like to see this topic in another area rather than this one.
Comments like this without evidence against members is what has been plaguing Meso recently. I am all for bashing and running off bad sources and hidden shills but these senseless allegations imo are just getting out of hand. You've got evidence? Awesome! Bash away! But people should be able to give honest reviews about sources without fear of reprisal. This is what Meso is all about. Harm reduction. And in order to be able to reduce harm, people need to be able to speak. May their speaking be negative reviews or even a bit over zealous, excited review by a noob. Granted the noob's review will bear no weight here.
Bash me, call me whatever names. This is my opinion and I'm sure it means little to anyone but myself. I love the underground and spend most of my time here because the drama is entertaining. But sometimes too much is, well, too much. In fact I monitor every lab thread in the underground but spend most of my time here because it is by far the most entertaining at this time. I have not bought from this lab. I have only bought from two labs on Meso and will gladly tell anyone willing to ask me in case they would like to go to those threads and see if I tried to shill for them. I could probably be accused of being a little excited about my experience, but never a shill.