US domesctic only getting. caught: after browsing this forum + web: conclusion

Question for all of you since I can’t seem to get an answer elsewhere. I live in the U.S.

With someone like QSC on this forum, they have a domestic warehouse and international raws. When you order international, it gets shipped to the domestic warehouse with your name and then is sent to you from there.

Is there technically any difference between ordering raws int vs domestic then? I can’t see any real difference because customs is bypassed. Thanks
Question for all of you since I can’t seem to get an answer elsewhere. I live in the U.S.

With someone like QSC on this forum, they have a domestic warehouse and international raws. When you order international, it gets shipped to the domestic warehouse with your name and then is sent to you from there.

Is there technically any difference between ordering raws int vs domestic then? I can’t see any real difference because customs is bypassed. Thanks
Yeahh test, Deca, primo, and gh isn’t going to be prescribed at the dosages I’d be playing with I’ve ordered intl before from ppl and all went well.

I literally just wanted to distinguish if there’s any difference between int and domestic with a source like QSC other than time, and it appears there isn’t. I’m aware of the risk but I like to know my odds and the best move to make on the chess board.

QSC does user a reshipper right? I’m 95% sure but want to verify. If they do use a reshipper, I don’t see why domestic is any more risky than int since your name shouldn’t be on any pack going through customs.

I appreciate any input, thank you in advance.

Based on their price list, the order is forwarded to the domestic warehouse and then to you. So unless there’s something I’m missing, it’s virtually the same risk as ordering domestic.

You are correct that U.S is strict on laws, especially the state I live in.

Thanks for your input as well.

You've asked this same question twice, on 2 different days. Got the same answer everytime. Do you want someone to tell you you'll get a controlled delivery so you quit asking and move on?
You've asked this same question twice, on 2 different days. Got the same answer everytime. Do you want someone to tell you you'll get a controlled delivery so you quit asking and move on?
You must really enjoy following me around. Maybe post the response? I know you said there was no difference but then a large number of other people disagreed.

I decided to move to this thread as it seemed more fitting
You must really enjoy following me around. Maybe post the response? I know you said there was no difference but then a large number of other people disagreed.
Quote these large numbers of people saying that. You're full of crap and nothing but apparently need constant attention on here.

Like how stupid can you be to not understand ordering usa reship from QSC is the same as just ordering domestic. It's been said many times, and you can't seem to comprehend it.
Quote these large numbers of people saying that. You're full of crap and nothing but apparently need constant attention on here.

Like how stupid can you be to not understand ordering usa reship from QSC is the same as just ordering domestic. It's been said many times, and you can't seem to comprehend it.
Please, quote them. Because there was an equal number of people stating that it is indeed different. I appreciate your opinion, but even when I messaged the source QSC about int vs domestic their only response was that domestic is safer.

No further clarification as to why, even though they use a reshipper.
Not much to comment on the other areas, but if you want an interesting read on why steroids are treated the same as meth, et al., "Legal Muscle " is a great book. It's written by Rick Collins, a lawyer that specializes in steroid cases. He helped with a case against me back in the day. My case is in the book as well. Short version is, it was a purely political decision and the AMA was against changing the schedule drug steroids were included in. That won't help you now of course.
Please, quote them. Because there was an equal number of people stating that it is indeed different. I appreciate your opinion, but even when I messaged the source QSC about int vs domestic their only response was that domestic is safer.

No further clarification as to why, even though they use a reshipper.
You must not have been good at the "what's different about this picture " puzzles. Really odd you dont get it by now. Probably shouldnt be ordering this stuff. Tell us what you think the difference is.

Why do you act so helpless? Why does somebody have to do it for you? Can you really not just read and quanitify information via deductive reasoning ?
Not much to comment on the other areas, but if you want an interesting read on why steroids are treated the same as meth, et al., "Legal Muscle " is a great book. It's written by Rick Collins, a lawyer that specializes in steroid cases. He helped with a case against me back in the day. My case is in the book as well. Short version is, it was a purely political decision and the AMA was against changing the schedule drug steroids were included in. That won't help you now of course.
Rick Collins is definitely the best there is when it comes to steroid laws.

Bottom line is AAS are a controlled substance thanks to our now president JB and that is why they are treated the same as meth, heroin and all those other drugs. Stupid I know but it is what it is.
Rick Collins is definitely the best there is when it comes to steroid laws.

Bottom line is AAS are a controlled substance thanks to our now president JB and that is why they are treated the same as meth, heroin and all those other drugs. Stupid I know but it is what it is.

Agree it's over scheduled but steroids are in no way shape or form treated like meth or heroin.

A shipment of heroin caught by customs is going to get you a lot more than a "confiscation letter".