USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

If you would have been here the last year and a half you wouldn't feel that way. We may come off like a bunch of arrogant cock strong meatheads but the bottom line is they all play games and duck and dodge until poof they take off in a cloud of controversy or vanish with members money. They don't deserve a fair shake they are unprofessional people peddling illegal drugs for money. His prop may be good but his history here is sketchy and he has never gained the respect he could have had if he was a straight shooter. I don't want to start a beef with you but the way you've been posting in this thread is cause for suspicion.

And theres certainly NO BEEF with me! I am just glad you told me of the guys rep! ;)
Thank You for spelling it out for me... i am new on here, and sorry i've raised some eyebrows! I think your 100% correct in your assessment of these UGL's and how they operate, and i am glad you pointed out this guys past history to me also! I have been wondering about the details regarding the riff!
Can't tell if you being sarcastic or serious lol. But anywho I thought the same thing about the way the guys around here approached these labs and thought to myself "here we go again" and then they would absolutely trash these new labs and run most of them off. Now that I've been around a while there is a method to the madness. CBS, Brutus, Jballz, BB and others know what they are doing and it works and also saved many members from dangerous labs who deal in infections, underdosed gear, and methods that make them targets for LE. They may look like the biggest assholes on the net but they are the meso regulators and I wouldn't change a thing about the way they talk to these labs. They saved me from myself a few times when I thought to myself a lab looked good and was gearing up for a purchase only to watch them crack the labs scheme open at the last minute. I'm forever grateful for those guys who helped this fool not lose his money and health on these shit labs.

Stick around, take a step back watch learn and listen and you'll see what I was missing early on when I first got here. I promise you that you will be enlightened.
Can't tell if you being sarcastic or serious lol. But anywho I thought the same thing about the way the guys around here approached these labs and thought to myself "here we go again" and then they would absolutely trash these new labs and run most of them off. Now that I've been around a while there is a method to the madness. CBS, Brutus, Jballz, BB and others know what they are doing and it works and also saved many members from dangerous labs who deal in infections, underdosed gear, and methods that make them targets for LE. They may look like the biggest assholes on the net but they are the meso regulators and I wouldn't change a thing about the way they talk to these labs. They saved me from myself a few times when I thought to myself a lab looked good and was gearing up for a purchase only to watch them crack the labs scheme open at the last minute. I'm forever grateful for those guys who helped this fool not lose his money and health on these shit labs.

Stick around, take a step back watch learn and listen and you'll see what I was missing early on when I first got here. I promise you that you will be enlightened.

I like that! Very well spoken... and duly
noted! I have no allegiance with any of these fucking "lab rats" and i certainly think MESO, and its vigilant members are doing a fantastic job! Thank You MESO, and its senior members! ;)
@usaspetz The 50mL NPP jugs are a different product than the 100mL jugs. I overlooked this but am wondering if you can elaborate. Do you have boxes/inserts for this product? I'm not disputing the authenticity, but it does have a very different distinguishable feel. Lighter carrier oil maybe?