USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

* you're, you dumb fucking idiot. 3 times in one post!

Good Morning Rocks off...
Yes.. you're a literary GENIUS! But who writes text msgs. or posts with perfect punctuation? It takes too long, and takes up too much space! But.. so you can sleep at nite, I will try to make sure and include the apostrophe, and the "e" from now on... since we have a grammatical expert in our midst here at MESO, that likes hanging out with the rest of the neanderthal's, and the 3 or 4 nice guys that frequent the site too!
I dont think this is spetz I know Spetz I use to date his mom so I was kinda like his dad. I believe there is two situations you are a troll? Or you are a fan I think you are really a guy. Who is a first purchase ever so your excited want to tell the world. I get it we have all been there at one time. But you are making yourself foolish and immature. We welcome all members here but you need to contribute real info to the board.
Thanks PI.

Thanks for your advice... my responses are equivalent to the insults that are being hurled my way! And while my clit is larger than the penis of some "men" here on this thread... i assure you i'm ALL woman! As far as a first buy? Are you fucking kidding me? I was purchasing AAS as far back as 1983 when i was getting Finajet in 50 ml. Jugs Thank you! And i would have plenty to contribute... if a few of your members would kindly put away their flame throwers! And, I will NOW move onto other more intelligent threads! Ciao!
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Thanks for your advice... my responses are equivalent to the insults that are being hurled my way! And while my clit is larger than the penis of some "men" here on this thread... i assure you i'm ALL woman! As far as a first buy? Are you fucking kidding me? I was purchasing AAS as far back as 1983 when i was getting Finajet in 50 ml. Jugs Thank you! And i would have plenty to contribute... if a few of your members would kindly put away their flame throwers! And, I will NOW move onto other more intelligent threads! Ciao!

I smell major douche
You sure you were in the gym when these guys "were in diapers still shitting themselves?" You claim to be 44-years-old and been bodybuilding for more than 20 years, yet in Dec. 2012 when you would have been 42, you said in a very *troll-like* post on ology that you had a 16-year-old brother.

Now correct me if I'm wrong here but 42 - 16 = 26, correct? That means you're 26 years older than your little brother. I suppose it's *possible*... in APPALACHIA! Highly unlikely anywhere else. I smell bullshit.

12-09-2012, 09:12 PM


"Hey JD408,
are you gay dude? What is your motive behind
posting a photo of yourself like this? Nobody
on this forum wants to see images of your body
below your waist line! Find a gay bodybuilding forum
to showcase your junk! You got nothing we wanna
see on here dude! You look more like a skateboarder
that smokes meth, than a bodybuilder! My 16 year old
little brother is more muscular than you! LMAO!"
Had a good Leg Sesh at the gym today after my first 4mg inject of prop yesterday. Could be placebo or the 2 rest days in between only time will tell.
Brother, if you got time, go introduce yourself in the new member section so we can all get to know you etc. You'll find it under the "Discussion" sub-forum...

Absolutely none
That's interesting. We have seen problems with the Anabolix line, especially in regards to PIP in earlier batches of Test E/C. Enough quality issues where as Spetz chose to discontinue advertising his line here @ Meso. I'm unsure whether your report eases my mind that these issues have been addressed....or raises more concerns. In my experience, PIP and PROP go hand, just part of the deal to an extent.
Had a good Leg Sesh at the gym today after my first 4mg inject of prop yesterday. Could be placebo or the 2 rest days in between only time will tell.
The reason you are being asked to go introduce yourself is because we don't know your ass from a hole in the wall. How about some personal stats like age, height and weight. Maybe cycle history if you really have any. So until then your post carry no merit....zilch. If you are gong to constantly update us too go start a log.
The reason you are being asked to go introduce yourself is because we don't know your ass from a hole in the wall. How about some personal stats like age, height and weight. Maybe cycle history if you really have any. So until then your post carry no merit....zilch. If you are gong to constantly update us too go start a log.
Making friends wherever I go!
The reason you are being asked to go introduce yourself is because we don't know your ass from a hole in the wall. How about some personal stats like age, height and weight. Maybe cycle history if you really have any. So until then your post carry no merit....zilch. If you are gong to constantly update us too go start a log.
Ive been a nay sayer to plenty of the UGL's on here as Ive tried a few.
But Im giving Spetz a chance and wont cry wolf until Ive had some bloods done.
Tried Superior, Dunamis, and some canadian source. All of them were bunk as hell except the dunamis which was probally does at 1/16th lol