What did you inject today?

Dropped my 18 IU GH entirely to see if I can shake this lethargy and facial edema. Added low dose var to aid.

The T4 I added about a week ago hasn't made much of a difference (yet). Will stay on that until I get some blood work in a couple of weeks.

600 mg test
300 mg primo
400 mg tren
10 mg/d Anavar
150 mcg T4

Steady at 216 lbs fasted.
Dropped my 18 IU GH entirely to see if I can shake this lethargy and facial edema. Added low dose var to aid.

The T4 I added about a week ago hasn't made much of a difference (yet). Will stay on that until I get some blood work in a couple of weeks.

600 mg test
300 mg primo
400 mg tren
10 mg/d Anavar
150 mcg T4

Steady at 216 lbs fasted.
When do you inject GH? I found, counterintuitively, a single AM IM bolus before my cardio was the best for counteracting lethargy.
Just a quick tidbit to report today bros. So on the M-Sten I am starting to get the post workout crash and lethargy not dissimilar from superdrol. Where I’ll just be lit up like a Christmas tree on workout, but then 45 min later I don’t even want to get off the couch. I’ll go ahead and stick with it til the end of next week as I am digging the upside, but yeah, the crash sucks.

Oh and it looks like I need to clear out some additional space for a new piece of equipment. Found a guy on marketplace selling a GHD machine from a solid manufacturer for 50 bucks. I’m going to pick it up this afternoon. Pic below from the listing. I should have enough gym flooring tiles left to cover it, but we shall see.

Just a quick tidbit to report today bros. So on the M-Sten I am starting to get the post workout crash and lethargy not dissimilar from superdrol. Where I’ll just be lit up like a Christmas tree on workout, but then 45 min later I don’t even want to get off the couch. I’ll go ahead and stick with it til the end of next week as I am digging the upside, but yeah, the crash sucks.

Oh and it looks like I need to clear out some additional space for a new piece of equipment. Found a guy on marketplace selling a GHD machine from a solid manufacturer for 50 bucks. I’m going to pick it up this afternoon. Pic below from the listing. I should have enough gym flooring tiles left to cover it, but we shall see.

View attachment 300211
That’s a sweet deal!

Sucks about the m-sten crash; know exactly what you’re talking about. Good thing there’s some football on today and tomorrow you can watch while glued to couch!
I am sort of a stickler for routine, and 2 a days is just my routine. Plus to be perfectly honest the gym is sort of a social outlet for me too. Everyone knows me kinda thing. I get all my work in, but I do the bro thing there too.

Adding the drug suggestions to my list. I gotta say I am more excited about my future in this gig than I think I have ever been.

It was my "bro time" too while i was train natty (meaning the first 19 years), i was spending 2,5 hours each session lifting and talking about various $hit with my fellow gym rats but since i got in gear i switched 180*. Setting new goals and i guess gear itself made me 100% focus and introvert AF, i go in, talk some stuff for 5' then put on headphones and do my thing. When people approach me for anything non gym related i burn inside out lol

I understand it's a habit for you and a way to destress but 6 workouts a week it's overkill. If you manage to do 6 workouts a week then i guess your intensity and effort are not that high as you think, unless you're one of the very very few that can recover fast and not tax their bodies and CNS at all.
It was my "bro time" too while i was train natty (meaning the first 19 years), i was spending 2,5 hours each session lifting and talking about various $hit with my fellow gym rats but since i got in gear i switched 180*. Setting new goals and i guess gear itself made me 100% focus and introvert AF, i go in, talk some stuff for 5' then put on headphones and do my thing. When people approach me for anything non gym related i burn inside out lol

I understand it's a habit for you and a way to destress but 6 workouts a week it's overkill. If you manage to do 6 workouts a week then i guess your intensity and effort are not that high as you think, unless you're one of the very very few that can recover fast and not tax their bodies and CNS at all.
The 2 a day thing probably sounds more extreme than it actually is. It's basically a 2 hour workout broken down into 2 sessions at 2 different locations and making use of the equipment at the gym that I don't have at home.

In truth I could plan and execute everything I need to get done at home with the equipment I have no problem. I continue to go to the gym mostly because I am a fixture there, and yes I socialize and talk bro shit with all the regulars. Some people go to the bars for that. I go to the gym.

This is not to say that I don't potentially have some overtraining issues. I only have one speed when I am working out and I am sure you can guess what that is. That is just how I am built. I am seriously considering getting some coaching from a professional, even if only temporarily (especially given the expense) to get some guidance so I am training smarter not necessarily harder. My way of using brute force for everything is likely not the more prudent way.
The 2 a day thing probably sounds more extreme than it actually is. It's basically a 2 hour workout broken down into 2 sessions at 2 different locations and making use of the equipment at the gym that I don't have at home.

In truth I could plan and execute everything I need to get done at home with the equipment I have no problem. I continue to go to the gym mostly because I am a fixture there, and yes I socialize and talk bro shit with all the regulars. Some people go to the bars for that. I go to the gym.

This is not to say that I don't potentially have some overtraining issues. I only have one speed when I am working out and I am sure you can guess what that is. That is just how I am built. I am seriously considering getting some coaching from a professional, even if only temporarily (especially given the expense) to get some guidance so I am training smarter not necessarily harder. My way of using brute force for everything is likely not the more prudent way.

It doesn't matter if you split it in 2 single hour sessions or one 2 hour session, 12 hours of working out per week is pretty excessive and i think you're just having diminishing returns.

I'm working out exactly half of you in 4 sessions of 90min each doing rotational PPL and honestly i'm having a hard time recovering with 700mg AAS and 700gr carbs a day due to how hard i'm pushing. Maybe me and you are the extreme ends but i think if you just cool down a lil bit you'll have a better progress. If i was in your shoes i'd just go to gym and workout there for an hour a day, i think it's more than enough if you do it 6 times a week. Just my opinion though.
It doesn't matter if you split it in 2 single hour sessions or one 2 hour session, 12 hours of working out per week is pretty excessive and i think you're just having diminishing returns.

I'm working out exactly half of you in 4 sessions of 90min each doing rotational PPL and honestly i'm having a hard time recovering with 700mg AAS and 700gr carbs a day due to how hard i'm pushing. Maybe me and you are the extreme ends but i think if you just cool down a lil bit you'll have a better progress. If i was in your shoes i'd just go to gym and workout there for an hour a day, i think it's more than enough if you do it 6 times a week. Just my opinion though.
See these are the conversations I wish we had more of around here. It’s always 90% drugs, 5% training and 5% nutrition it seems like (well, brushing aside all the GLP crap, and focusing on BB) and I wish that ratio were different.
See these are the conversations I wish we had more of around here. It’s always 90% drugs, 5% training and 5% nutrition it seems like (well, brushing aside all the GLP crap, and focusing on BB) and I wish that ratio were different.
I’m with @Eddie. I actually think you’re hurting your progress if you’re working out 12hrs per week. 6 days a week, PPLPPL/rest, 1hr per session, is perfect imo.

Right now I’m hitting weights 160 minutes max per week, and granted I am rebounding via muscle memory, I’m making great strides by really focusing on several work sets per session. Definitely not saying this will optimize for you, but I think somewhere closer to 6hr per week might net you better gains by allowing you to recover more.
I’m with @Eddie. I actually think you’re hurting your progress if you’re working out 12hrs per week. 6 days a week, PPLPPL/rest, 1hr per session, is perfect imo.

Right now I’m hitting weights 160 minutes max per week, and granted I am rebounding via muscle memory, I’m making great strides by really focusing on several work sets per session. Definitely not saying this will optimize for you, but I think somewhere closer to 6hr per week might net you better gains by allowing you to recover more.
Not gonna lie gents, I hear what your saying and it has merit, I think it’s just going to be difficult mentally for me to dial it back. I’ve been going on like this for…..I dunno? 18 months or so? Around there.

However it’s quite clear at this point my way is not working. The proof is in the pudding. I’m not getting bigger and am only making incremental gains. I’m smart enough to know what I don’t know, and I am man enough to admit when I am clearly wrong.

I got the fire. I got the passion, I just clearly lack the strategy that comes from experience.
Not gonna lie gents, I hear what your saying and it has merit, I think it’s just going to be difficult mentally for me to dial it back. I’ve been going on like this for…..I dunno? 18 months or so? Around there.

However it’s quite clear at this point my way is not working. The proof is in the pudding. I’m not getting bigger and am only making incremental gains. I’m smart enough to know what I don’t know, and I am man enough to admit when I am clearly wrong.

I got the fire. I got the passion, I just clearly lack the strategy that comes from experience.
Dude, it's really tough to dial it back. I completely get it. When I was first on gear, I was balls to the walls for years. Looking back, totally overtraining. But I was having fun. Still, didn't optimize for gains.

Ultimately the choice is yours. Do you want to optimize for fun, or for gains? Either is cool, I just think that more is not better when it comes to training...in fact, more can be worse. Philosophically, some of your overreach today, can impact your session tomorrow.

Not that you asked, but one thing I wish I would've stop doing a long time ago is junk volume. Dumb ass extra sets that serve zero purpose. That includes certain warm ups. I do the minimum I need to get warm, and then just rely on feeder sets going into my next exercises.

Then it's ALL OUT on 1 or 2 work sets per exercise. Sometimes I'll throw in an intensifier like a drop set, rest pause, etc., and then boom, done, move on to the next exercise.

Beautiful thing is this is a long journey, and you've got time to experiment. At some point in the future, I would urge you to try and experiment with less volume, and higher intensity per session. I'm not saying you're not training intensely, but just logically speaking, if volume is higher, your given sets have to be done at less "absolute intensity" compared to sets done in a lower volume workout plan.

Not sure if I communicated that last part well, but, just some food for thought. I recently gained a lot of inspiration from DC training style and implemented it how I saw fit into "my plan."
Day 54 back on AAS

30mg test p
40mg mast p
20mg primo e
60mg EQ (I couldn't let her go...i think I love her)
10mg anavar
80mg Telmisartan
5mg cialis
200mcg t4
4mg salbutamol
~5iu GH
10mg Cardarine
600mg inj l carnitine
1000iu HCG or 75iu HMG (alternating EoD; sometimes i forget which day I'm on and just do both...)
150mg armodafinil
~2mg retatrutide (daily avg. I do two 6mg shots per week)
2mg TB500
2mg BPC157
6mg SLU-PP-332 daily, 2mg 3x per day
Dude, it's really tough to dial it back. I completely get it. When I was first on gear, I was balls to the walls for years. Looking back, totally overtraining. But I was having fun. Still, didn't optimize for gains.

Ultimately the choice is yours. Do you want to optimize for fun, or for gains? Either is cool, I just think that more is not better when it comes to training...in fact, more can be worse. Philosophically, some of your overreach today, can impact your session tomorrow.

Not that you asked, but one thing I wish I would've stop doing a long time ago is junk volume. Dumb ass extra sets that serve zero purpose. That includes certain warm ups. I do the minimum I need to get warm, and then just rely on feeder sets going into my next exercises.

Then it's ALL OUT on 1 or 2 work sets per exercise. Sometimes I'll throw in an intensifier like a drop set, rest pause, etc., and then boom, done, move on to the next exercise.

Beautiful thing is this is a long journey, and you've got time to experiment. At some point in the future, I would urge you to try and experiment with less volume, and higher intensity per session. I'm not saying you're not training intensely, but just logically speaking, if volume is higher, your given sets have to be done at less "absolute intensity" compared to sets done in a lower volume workout plan.

Not sure if I communicated that last part well, but, just some food for thought. I recently gained a lot of inspiration from DC training style and implemented it how I saw fit into "my plan."
i mentioned this earlier, but I’m thinking very seriously of just shouldering the expense of hiring a coach, at least temporarily for 6 months or so to really take a stab at going after my potential. Or hell, discover if I ever have potential for that matter.

It would also mean I would need to bug you guys less, and if I tapped my contacts and got one I really clicked with it could open up a new world of opportunity for me. Just something I have been kicking around

i mentioned this earlier, but I’m thinking very seriously of just shouldering the expense of hiring a coach, at least temporarily for 6 months or so to really take a stab at going after my potential. Or hell, discover if I ever have potential for that matter.

It would also mean I would need to bug you guys less, and if I tapped my contacts and got one I really clicked with it could open up a new world of opportunity for me. Just something I have been kicking around
Just make sure you hire a high quality coach! Wouldn't compromise there or it probably won't be worth it.

Secondly, I am here to be bugged lol. I have learned a lot from here and other boards and my own experience and it feels good to give back however I can.
Just make sure you hire a high quality coach! Wouldn't compromise there or it probably won't be worth it.

Secondly, I am here to be bugged lol. I have learned a lot from here and other boards and my own experience and it feels good to give back however I can.
I appreciate that bro, and whatever it is I decide to do I am sure you guys will be the first to know. I’m just ready to get serious about things and stop fucking around.
I had been planning on sticking it out with the M-Sten until next week but I am kicking it to the curb ahead of schedule. As much as I love the workout kick in the ass I just can't take the fucking crash afterwards. I am reminded why I stopped taking it in the first place and the bottle sat around in my collection for over a year. Same with the bottles D-Drol, Dymethazine and other similar orals I have lying around here that I have experimented with in the past. With orals of this type I think they would be useful for very short stints when you have a specific and time sensitive goal in mind, but other than that, yeah kinda not worth it.

Rest day for me today, so lots of football and being a lazy bum. I have been reflecting a bunch on comments here on my training methods, from @Eddie. and @Trenbolonetax especially. I think the main reason I have more of a CrossFit body instead of a bodybuilder body has to do with my training load making growth difficult. I think it sometimes just takes 3rd party perspective for a person to see the light of day. If nobody ever critiques what you are doing, then it's easy to get overconfident and nobody had ever taken the time to do so. So thanks gents. Changes are coming.
I had been planning on sticking it out with the M-Sten until next week but I am kicking it to the curb ahead of schedule. As much as I love the workout kick in the ass I just can't take the fucking crash afterwards. I am reminded why I stopped taking it in the first place and the bottle sat around in my collection for over a year. Same with the bottles D-Drol, Dymethazine and other similar orals I have lying around here that I have experimented with in the past. With orals of this type I think they would be useful for very short stints when you have a specific and time sensitive goal in mind, but other than that, yeah kinda not worth it.

Rest day for me today, so lots of football and being a lazy bum. I have been reflecting a bunch on comments here on my training methods, from @Eddie. and @Trenbolonetax especially. I think the main reason I have more of a CrossFit body instead of a bodybuilder body has to do with my training load making growth difficult. I think it sometimes just takes 3rd party perspective for a person to see the light of day. If nobody ever critiques what you are doing, then it's easy to get overconfident and nobody had ever taken the time to do so. So thanks gents. Changes are coming.
Feel you on the harsh and toxic orals. Awesome for the workout, sucks for the rest of the time.

You’re welcome; I hope that the experiment pays off! Curious, what rep range are your work sets in?


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