What did you inject today?

Feel you on the harsh and toxic orals. Awesome for the workout, sucks for the rest of the time.

You’re welcome; I hope that the experiment pays off! Curious, what rep range are your work sets in?
Depends on the movement and the day, but
to the point I’m sure you are getting at, yes, I like my reps.

Though I throw some diversity in fairly often, so failure sets, amraps, widow makers, supersets.
Depends on the movement and the day, but
to the point I’m sure you are getting at, yes, I like my reps.

Though I throw some diversity in fairly often, so failure sets, amraps, widow makers, supersets.
I like my reps too, and also it totally depends for me as well. Was really just more of a curiosity question lol
They are real. They work better to maintain existing fertility rather than regain while on gear.

I posted about my fertility journey in a thread somewhere on this forum if you go back very early in my post history.

Please google translate to English for me next time so I don’t have to do that leg work.
Funktionieren HMG und HCG? Sind sie echt? Haben Sie einen Spermientest gemacht?
More on cycle bloodwork heading out for analysis today. So cholesterol, CRP, Cortisol, Kidney, micronutrient, thyroid, Test, FAI, SHBG and Estradiol.
