What is the most dangerous profession?

What so you think are some of the most dangerous and hardest jobs out there? What do you do? And what makes it soooo hardcore?
Male prostitution was tough, man... Lost a lot of good men out there, I had to retire about a year ago.. It's a lot to take in, really... Now I find it hard to afford my gear and gym fees...
Flutters always burnt out my hips. Not much else.

good ol' fashion admirals chair hanging leg Raise. Bring those knees up to your chest.
Oblique Side Crunches. Place a yoga Ball against a wall and when your obliques are at peak contraction, keep your arm stiff and push into the yoga Ball. Gets your Serratus pretty well.

No real core strength here.... pretty much just aesthetic. I hear stomach vacuums are supposed to be the best for getting your TVA tight.

I weighed in at 236 today. Down from 242 from last week. Been cutting off a solid diet of English muffins, eggs, and tacos.
Sawyer for forest firefighting is a bitch, we got a hell of a lot less training then a professional faller and always worked with danger trees that are half burnt or still burning if they were dem big fucking cedars could be burning inside and out of nowhere boom expoldes and falls.

Made some sketchy repels out of some helis too and been in a heli crash which sucked more balls then my ex.

Search and rescue I always find myself on the shit end of an avalanche danger area or making some sort of sketch ancor for me to repel to go save some ungrateful SOB that is an idiot for getting lost in the first place. Been swept by an avalanche once, not something I'd wish on my worst enemy even the small one that took me hit as hard as a freight train and breaks bones.

Did some first responder work in a 3rd world country and while performing life saving first aid for someone I got tackled and a knife put on me for trying to save the guy, federallis jumped in and beat the shit outa that guy and the other guy didn't make it during the process so that might be considered hard core?

I've got more but don't want to put too many out there for identity purposes if anyone pieces the stories together. Most this shit I never talk about or post any social media related stuff
you've blinded me with science.

Hahaha, see what I failed to mention is that the 3 ingredients work together to create a sort of anabolic trifecta. I read it in pubmed somewhere.
As Von Moger said.... "my diet is like the food pyramid, except it's more of a box, and I just throw whatever in there."
Sawyer for forest firefighting is a bitch, we got a hell of a lot less training then a professional faller and always worked with danger trees that are half burnt or still burning if they were dem big fucking cedars could be burning inside and out of nowhere boom expoldes and falls.

Made some sketchy repels out of some helis too and been in a heli crash which sucked more balls then my ex.

Search and rescue I always find myself on the shit end of an avalanche danger area or making some sort of sketch ancor for me to repel to go save some ungrateful SOB that is an idiot for getting lost in the first place. Been swept by an avalanche once, not something I'd wish on my worst enemy even the small one that took me hit as hard as a freight train and breaks bones.

Did some first responder work in a 3rd world country and while performing life saving first aid for someone I got tackled and a knife put on me for trying to save the guy, federallis jumped in and beat the shit outa that guy and the other guy didn't make it during the process so that might be considered hard core?

I've got more but don't want to put too many out there for identity purposes if anyone pieces the stories together. Most this shit I never talk about or post any social media related stuff

What kind of a badass has the nerve to tackle a bear and put a knife on him?
Jesus... that guy had fuckin brass balls.
You know that kid who is under that apple being shot at by an archer in the circus...
They aren't too far away from the board.... but still. Doing it outside. All it would take is a gust of wind, or a gnat going in the throwers eye at the perfect time.
Or her purse slipping and throwing her off balance. Too many factors.