What is the most dangerous profession?

I could never do it. EMT that is. In the service I did Combat Life Saver course. The one time I had to actually use it scarred me for life. Blood bad.
It's always the people you know, or even the people that remind you of people you know that will mind fuck you.
Completely agree. There is NO reason for a JTAC to be sniper qualified. Especially when attached to an ODA. I just wanted the school personally. But the military doesn't care about personal wants or needs. LMAO
That's the reason. If there is no need for the school then they won't send you and waste the money. Soldiers in the army get turned down for airborne school sometimes by there units because they aren't an airborne unit.

I had a buddy that was in a conventional unit and wanted a top secret clearance. He applied but got denied. No need for him to have that type of clearance with his job. LOL!!!
Well............ Actually, General Cota said "well goddamnit then, Rangers, lead the way!" On Omaha beach.
Check rog?

Had that shit drilled into my brain doing many push ups with my feet elevated. Until I got to mountain phase. Then I got to do flutter kicks until I went to dive school... which never happened. So I just did lots of flutter kicks.
Flutter kicks
I really need to get back on some sort of a core program. I dodge core work like the plague. Im running a John Meadows program right now. He has ab work in there
I seen it. I always skip it :)
Story of my training career. ALWAYS skip ab work

What would you recommend?
Flutter kicks
I really need to get back on some sort of a core program. I dodge core work like the plague. Im running a John Meadows program right now. He has ab work in there
I seen it. I always skip it :)
Story of my training career. ALWAYS skip ab work

What would you recommend?

I do zero core work, too.
Flutter kicks
I really need to get back on some sort of a core program. I dodge core work like the plague. Im running a John Meadows program right now. He has ab work in there
I seen it. I always skip it :)
Story of my training career. ALWAYS skip ab work

What would you recommend?
Flutter kicks are awesome. You can do so many variations. Hold a few inches of the ground hold high.
Same here. I know I could use some core work. I was thinking that last night. Flutter kicks, planks, and cable crunches.
Flutter kicks are awesome. You can do so many variations. Hold a few inches of the ground hold high.
Helps keep the stomach wall tight during bulk season.
Its not really a problem till you get heavy and the pursuit of pure size.
I need to work on it. It would help
I haven't tried it. Shit at 240 my wife was telling you have to stop growing lol.

How tall are you?

One bulk cycle I'll try to get past 240. Lots of eating.
It has to be taken in steps man. I bulked too fast to get to 284. I forced the issue the whole way. Very unhealthy. I felt like a bag of mashed dicks at the end. Everything hurt all the time. Most guys use GH and slin to get there. Some thing i havent dabbled in yet. No doubt it would make the journey easier and put nutrients, protein and carbs to work more efficiently. Its a lesson i learned.

Im also going to tell you any time you have to break a plateau its going to be all hands on deck to make it happen. Every plateau break is like that. I remember thinking way back in the day 220 was really some thing. I was very much a natty then. But i still had that desire to eat and get huge and strong. Like we all do. Every plateau was like that. Swollen with food, hating life, not trusting your birps. And i will also say it gets harder as you get bigger and it slows down.

Hell when i first came here 3 yrs ago i came off a long 8 yr stint of being fat dad and not working out. Its how i got in to steroids. A low T blood test my doc gave me. 3 yrs later i have added on a ridiculous amount of solid ass mass. Still learning everyday. This is why we do this. Fixing to hit the GH and slin train this fall
Nothing will stop me now