What is the most dangerous profession?

I wonder what the injury and fatality rates are for unemployment? So you work a dangerous job for 8 months out of the year I'm guessing?

I'm a roofer and Im currently sitting on my ass collecting unemployment without having to look for work any of that shit. What i did was sign up for a $400 class community college so I can work but currently Im in training and unable to work lol. Also have return to work date since which was just some random day I came up with assuming season starts back up. having a return to work date automatically gets you out of having to apply places.
i would imagine the roughest, most dangerous profession would be a teenage boy prostitute. man, if you make it a year or 2 without getting the aids you are one lucky son of a bitch. and sounds painful, too.
i would imagine the roughest, most dangerous profession would be a teenage boy prostitute. man, if you make it a year or 2 without getting the aids you are one lucky son of a bitch. and sounds painful, too.

Man, I was about to say crack whore but yours is even worse.
Rodeo clowns- the bulls hate them, the women laugh at them and every body else is half scared of them and half fells sorry for them. Poor rodeo clowns! :(
Might as well own up to the fact that your the guy trash talking military vets on meso. Should we assume the sarcastic ending portion of the above post is directed at our members who have served in the armed forces?
This fukr is bashing vets. Not cool. By the way its a USAF JTAC. Because I'm a bad ass and I said so. No offense to my Navy, Marine, and Army brothers. I know you'll be adding to this. Go Air Force!
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Not many people survive a fall off scaffold,or worse when the whole thing collapses for varying reasons. One reasons consrtuction is way up there. I have walked the steel
Fuck you I trash talked @Leancuisine Why? Because he started talking shit, he's a faggot if he's going to hide behind "oh I'm in the military you have to respect me, but I can talk all the shit I want!" Fuck that bullshit your going to talk down to me I'll talk right back to you

Never said you had to respect me. Just said you're a pussy.
You're only reinforcing that
This fukr is bashing vets. Not cool. By the way its a USAF JTAC. Because I'm a bad ass and I said so. No offense to my Navy, Marine, and Army brothers. I know you'll be adding to this. Go Air Force!
All Spec Ops work together at one point or another. I'm sure you as a JTAC got to work with various Spec Ops teams from different branches. That's the beauty of Spec Ops. If you don't pull your weight or know your shit you are gone.

I've seen a douche bag SF team member get straight kicked off the team. They through all his shit down the hallway for everyone to see what was going on. Then to further embarrass him they snatched his long tab off his shoulder. They had him reassigned to a recruiting battalion Lord knows where. The funny shit was. That he had to walk around without his SF tab until he got to the PX to get another one.

Rangers are different bread. We call the Rangers the ADHD bunch. Many Rangers have a hard time getting through selection. Not because they aren't physically fit or tactically proficient. Because there is a lot of down time and they don't know what to do with themselves.

In Selection you're not constantly on the go. They don't obviously deprive you of sleep and food. It's the downtime that they do a lot of their evaluations.

When you moving regardless only having an hour sleep you don't feel tired or sleepy. But they sit you down on a cot in tent. And your body just falls asleep. Unless you get up and move around.

Shit when I went through Selection. We were heading out to the Star course night land NAV. But it kept getting pushed back because of lightning. But it was pissing down on us.

We were all roster numbers. So me being the smart guy. I went and took my poncho out of my ruck and covered it up to try keep as much water out of it as possible.

One cadre came up to me and just pretended to right something on his eval sheet. It was funny.

At the end I was told that I was the only soldier that did that and they gave me kudos for thinking about keeping my shit dry.

If my sack is water logged then my extra t-shirts and socks become useless. I was big on extra socks. And got fast at changing them out every 12-14 miles.