What is the most dangerous profession?

All Spec Ops work together at one point or another. I'm sure you as a JTAC got to work with various Spec Ops teams from different branches. That's the beauty of Spec Ops. If you don't pull your weight or know your shit you are gone.

I've seen a douche bag SF team member get straight kicked off the team. They through all his shit down the hallway for everyone to see what was going on. Then to further embarrass him they snatched his long tab off his shoulder. They had him reassigned to a recruiting battalion Lord knows where. The funny shit was. That he had to walk around without his SF tab until he got to the PX to get another one.

Rangers are different bread. We call the Rangers the ADHD bunch. Many Rangers have a hard time getting through selection. Not because they aren't physically fit or tactically proficient. Because there is a lot of down time and they don't know what to do with themselves.

In Selection you're not constantly on the go. They don't obviously deprive you of sleep and food. It's the downtime that they do a lot of their evaluations.

When you moving regardless only having an hour sleep you don't feel tired or sleepy. But they sit you down on a cot in tent. And your body just falls asleep. Unless you get up and move around.

Shit when I went through Selection. We were heading out to the Star course night land NAV. But it kept getting pushed back because of lightning. But it was pissing down on us.

We were all roster numbers. So me being the smart guy. I went and took my poncho out of my ruck and covered it up to try keep as much water out of it as possible.

One cadre came up to me and just pretended to right something on his eval sheet. It was funny.

At the end I was told that I was the only soldier that did that and they gave me kudos for thinking about keeping my shit dry.

If my sack is water logged then my extra t-shirts and socks become useless. I was big on extra socks. And got fast at changing them out every 12-14 miles.

During my selection's ruck out to cole range the cadre got pissed off and made us all chuck our rucks in this little pond/swamp thing. I was one of the few guys that had wrapped my shit in my stuff sacks n water proofed everything.
Then they had us continue the march. Bunch of people dropped out because they didn't think they could carry the added weight for the remainder of the ruck march. Turns out or destination was a half mile or so away from the pond they threw our shit in.
It's all a mind fuck. But whatever they did, I'm glad they did it. I lucked out and had the best fire team and squad.
During my selection's ruck out to cole range the cadre got pissed off and made us all chuck our rucks in this little pond/swamp thing. I was one of the few guys that had wrapped my shit in my stuff sacks n water proofed everything.
Then they had us continue the march. Bunch of people dropped out because they didn't think they could carry the added weight for the remainder of the ruck march. Turns out or destination was a half mile or so away from the pond they threw our shit in.
It's all a mind fuck. But whatever they did, I'm glad they did it. I lucked out and had the best fire team and squad.
Haha!!! It is a mind fuck. The majority of soldiers going through those schools are physically fit. They are looking for the mentally weak.

Had a similar situation in selection. 0 Day week 1 easy 12 mile ruck. Day 4 another ruck this one was 20 miles. But they took us right by our tents we're the day 0 ruck had finished. A lot of soldiers quit when they saw the cones continue past our tents. They always told us to follow the cones until they ended. It was only 2 miles more. Lol. Most officers quit few enlisted.
All Spec Ops work together at one point or another. I'm sure you as a JTAC got to work with various Spec Ops teams from different branches. That's the beauty of Spec Ops. If you don't pull your weight or know your shit you are gone.

I've seen a douche bag SF team member get straight kicked off the team. They through all his shit down the hallway for everyone to see what was going on. Then to further embarrass him they snatched his long tab off his shoulder. They had him reassigned to a recruiting battalion Lord knows where. The funny shit was. That he had to walk around without his SF tab until he got to the PX to get another one.

Rangers are different bread. We call the Rangers the ADHD bunch. Many Rangers have a hard time getting through selection. Not because they aren't physically fit or tactically proficient. Because there is a lot of down time and they don't know what to do with themselves.

In Selection you're not constantly on the go. They don't obviously deprive you of sleep and food. It's the downtime that they do a lot of their evaluations.

When you moving regardless only having an hour sleep you don't feel tired or sleepy. But they sit you down on a cot in tent. And your body just falls asleep. Unless you get up and move around.

Shit when I went through Selection. We were heading out to the Star course night land NAV. But it kept getting pushed back because of lightning. But it was pissing down on us.

We were all roster numbers. So me being the smart guy. I went and took my poncho out of my ruck and covered it up to try keep as much water out of it as possible.

One cadre came up to me and just pretended to right something on his eval sheet. It was funny.

At the end I was told that I was the only soldier that did that and they gave me kudos for thinking about keeping my shit dry.

If my sack is water logged then my extra t-shirts and socks become useless. I was big on extra socks. And got fast at changing them out every 12-14 miles.
Don't you hate that feeling when your so sleep deprived that your body starts spasming violently when you do nod off for an hour. It was actually better to stay awake!
Haha!!! It is a mind fuck. The majority of soldiers going through those schools are physically fit. They are looking for the mentally weak.

Had a similar situation in selection. 0 Day week 1 easy 12 mile ruck. Day 4 another ruck this one was 20 miles. But they took us right by our tents we're the day 0 ruck had finished. A lot of soldiers quit when they saw the cones continue past our tents. They always told us to follow the cones until they ended. It was only 2 miles more. Lol. Most officers quit few enlisted.
Us Air Force and Army guys are all brothers anyways. USAF guys are always working with SF and Rangers. We were just smart enough to join the Air Force. LMAO! Our officers have a 6 week prep course before they go through training with us.
Us Air Force and Army guys are all brothers anyways. USAF guys are always working with SF and Rangers. We were just smart enough to join the Air Force. LMAO! Our officers have a 6 week prep course before they go through training with us.
Another thing is I know we laugh at shit that most would be horrified at the fact we are laughing at it.

Shit I was installing blinds in my new house on Friday. I was using empty paint buckets to stand on and fell off. I was laughing as I was falling. My or my in laws didn't laugh. I was there laughing for a few minutes by myself.
Another thing is I know we laugh at shit that most would be horrified at the fact we are laughing at it.

Shit I was installing blinds in my new house on Friday. I was using empty paint buckets to stand on and fell off. I was laughing as I was falling. My or my in laws didn't laugh. I was there laughing for a few minutes by myself.
Thats cuz you aint skeered
Don't you hate that feeling when your so sleep deprived that your body starts spasming violently when you do nod off for an hour. It was actually better to stay awake!
Happens all the time. Usually i wake back up b4 i turn that 1 ton Silvy in to a tin can tho
What's a condom?
Yea I know right haha

One of the 4 girls I fucked in the 4 months I left this girl made me wear one I bought the ultra sensitive and I couldn't feel shit
She actually had to direct my dick because I kept almost putting it in her ass ..
I really have to find me a young girl again these old ones are not for me ..
I mean this chick I live with is so fuckin clean I'd lick her ass anytime but she doesn't like to fuck as much as the young ones do ..
I better watch what I ask for though because my stamina isn't as high as my sex drive and I'll liable to find one who doesn't wanna stop fuckin like this one used to be ...

Its because 9 out of ten times I won't cum and she gets discouraged they really don't like a man not cuming but I rather they cum it feeds my ego more
@gr8whitetrukker how often do you have to stop and rest? What are the laws on that. Can you just keep driving as long as your up?? How would they monitor you? GPS?
11hrs drive, 14 hrs total time per day. So that can be any combination of ON DUTY time and driving as long as no more than 11hrs driving. Followed by 10 consecutive hrs OFF DUTY. 70 hrs a week max followed by 36hrs OFF DUTY. Also option of 1, 16 hr day a week. But even on said BIG DAY you still cant drive more than 11 hrs.

The quick version any way...

Then of course theres Texas Regs which can only be done in the confines of Texas. 15 hours ON DUTY followed by 8 hrs OFF DUTY

Theres other regs i manipulate but done at my own risk and just wanted to make it simple for you. At a glance if you will...

As of recent the feds also now make us take a 30 minute break during the middle of our day. As early as 3 hours in to shift no later than 8 hrs in to our shift. That covers us for all 14 hrs.

Electronic Logs have made it impossible to fake these days and recently the court case was lost which will require independent operators to also carry them. Regardless of fleet size. Its the new age brother...the days of burning paper and running 23 hrs a day are over. Along with CSA scores alot more drivers are becoming less employable these days. Gotta keep it clean

Heres to my next million. CHEERS!
Most dangerous job?

I can tell you its NOT a roofer. Maybe it is enlisted military (sorry officers). Maybe not.

Dangerous jobs (in no order)
Street Walker - no bodyguard and perverted customers
Animal Insiminator - I just feel like dealing with horny tigers is a bad deal
Rihanna - getting punched before award shows
David Blaine - I mean he's gonna die on tv
Farm Animal - youre gonna die!
Suicide Bomber - :mad:
Crash Test Dummy - ouch
Yea I know right haha

One of the 4 girls I fucked in the 4 months I left this girl made me wear one I bought the ultra sensitive and I couldn't feel shit
She actually had to direct my dick because I kept almost putting it in her ass ..
I really have to find me a young girl again these old ones are not for me ..
I mean this chick I live with is so fuckin clean I'd lick her ass anytime but she doesn't like to fuck as much as the young ones do ..
I better watch what I ask for though because my stamina isn't as high as my sex drive and I'll liable to find one who doesn't wanna stop fuckin like this one used to be ...

Its because 9 out of ten times I won't cum and she gets discouraged they really don't like a man not cuming but I rather they cum it feeds my ego more

Yeah, my ex was like that when we were on heroin and pain pills. I couldn't ever get off and it pissed her off so much. It was like it gave her a complex or something.
Most dangerous job?

I can tell you its NOT a roofer. Maybe it is enlisted military (sorry officers). Maybe not.

Dangerous jobs (in no order)
Street Walker - no bodyguard and perverted customers
Animal Insiminator - I just feel like dealing with horny tigers is a bad deal
Rihanna - getting punched before award shows
David Blaine - I mean he's gonna die on tv
Farm Animal - youre gonna die!
Suicide Bomber - :mad:
Crash Test Dummy - ouch

11hrs drive, 14 hrs total time per day. So that can be any combination of ON DUTY time and driving as long as no more than 11hrs driving. Followed by 10 consecutive hrs OFF DUTY. 70 hrs a week max followed by 36hrs OFF DUTY. Also option of 1, 16 hr day a week. But even on said BIG DAY you still cant drive more than 11 hrs.

The quick version any way...

Then of course theres Texas Regs which can only be done in the confines of Texas. 15 hours ON DUTY followed by 8 hrs OFF DUTY

Theres other regs i manipulate but done at my own risk and just wanted to make it simple for you. At a glance if you will...

As of recent the feds also now make us take a 30 minute break during the middle of our day. As early as 3 hours in to shift no later than 8 hrs in to our shift. That covers us for all 14 hrs.

Electronic Logs have made it impossible to fake these days and recently the court case was lost which will require independent operators to also carry them. Regardless of fleet size. Its the new age brother...the days of burning paper and running 23 hrs a day are over. Along with CSA scores alot more drivers are becoming less employable these days. Gotta keep it clean

Heres to my next million. CHEERS!
Good luck bro. And stay safe!
Meth cook has to be way up on that list. Cops are after them, shadow people are after them, they work with dangerous chemicals and hook up with a lot of questionable women.