Well at least you can admit you're doing it I guess.. Why is how long you've been here always your go to? I must've read hundreds of old threads and I can't remember a single useful post from you.. All just random bullshit about your life which is ok but don't try and hold yourself in high regard..
Yea, I wonder how brutus got this info then..
The board knows you as a clown.. I don't think I'm a "vet" or any other kind of internet title, neither do most people that call you on your crap..
For months you were the GE-TM cheerleader and that went on for weeks AFTER they disappeared, you even admitted you got free gear from them.. So you stopped that a few weeks ago and now just randomly PMing brand new guys your source? Well GE-TM was just your source a short while ago, I'll hand it to you, you weren't out of work long!!
You're just like italianmuscle in alot of ways... You guys have taken advantage of the boards for years lining your pockets.. Maybe it's because you're broke, maybe because you feel entitled to.. Bottom line, it's against one of the few rules Millard has here for good reason..