When to bulk

Hey guys. After a rinsing from you lot about a cycle plan, I’ve decided to be one of the smart people who take that advice and don’t just try to validate my own question.

I was going to bulk for 12 weeks (Test, Mast Tren), then cut for 6 weeks for a holiday. The do a long bulk. Alas, this approach clearly isn’t favourable and I can see that I’d most likely loose most of the muscle gained in the cycle by doing such a short cut right after the bulk.

So my new approach is to do a 18-24 month slow bulk with a small surplus’s to add as much lean muscle as I can with as little fat.

My question is, would you do a 12-16 week bulk to get things moving (test 300/ mast 300) or leave that until in around 18 months to finish my bulk off?

Do I even need to do this cycle? Maybe it’s better to forget that and focus on adding muscle without assistance form additional AAS.

Being upfront, since age 30, (7 years) done about 5 or 6 basic cycles and always lost the gains (apart from my first cycle where I was massively under trained. I kept those gains tbf) after. So for the last 7 yeats I’ve got fairly decent size wise for my goals, tried to cut to 10% and lost the gains and ended up back at square one.

I’m on TRT and aim for 20nmol a week FYI. I’m also around 11/12% bodyfat aiming to get to 10% for my bulk. Height 6.1, weight 180lbs.

My end goal is to be 10% bodyfat at say 190lbs. So nothing crazy

Here to learn and I do listen, so please bear than in mind.
I’m on TRT and aim for 20nmol a week FYI. I’m also around 11/12% bodyfat aiming to get to 10% for my bulk. Height 6.1, weight 180lbs.

My end goal is to be 10% bodyfat at say 190lbs.
6'1 190lbs is easily achievable natty and doesnt require any "bulking". learn to properly eat. if you cant achieve it on trt, you have no place adding in additional compounds.
everyone is going to have a different way to approaching this.

I would start with a lesser dose and build up. say that now on trt you're using 100mg per week. bump that up to 150 and continue training and eating in a surplus 300kcal a day maybe less on non training days.

the moment you start to stall out and stop gaining weight add in more calories until you're noticing you're not gaining much muscle mainly fat then you can bump up the dose with another 50-100mg and you keep repeating this.

add food add gear train hard and progressively i personally keep logs and i try to beat my last workout with 1 extra rep or a weight increase even if its a micro plate.

i would stick to Test and an AI i personally like that better then the 300 test/mast but this is an opinion. find your ceiling of how much test you can handle without any AI use.
Hire a coach if you dont feel like you can accomplish your goals yourself. They aren’t crazy expensive (for the most part)

Also, the answer is always on drugs. Cut or bulk haha
I'm just a recreational lifter with shit genetics, but if I had to do it again.

- Get as lean as possible. Like 8%.

- Allowing me to run bigger doses of test and GH without looking like a water balloon. (1g test, 10iu gh or something)

- Bulk to 10-11%, maybe for 2-3 months, then diet back down. Repeat.

Bloating the fuck up is ridiculous and the fastest way to get high BP and kill your organs.
6'1 190lbs is easily achievable natty and doesnt require any "bulking". learn to properly eat. if you cant achieve it on trt, you have no place adding in additional compounds.

Thanks mate. I will just run TRT and eat at a small surplus for the next 18 months and go from there.
I'm just a recreational lifter with shit genetics, but if I had to do it again.

- Get as lean as possible. Like 8%.

- Allowing me to run bigger doses of test and GH without looking like a water balloon. (1g test, 10iu gh or something)

- Bulk to 10-11%, maybe for 2-3 months, then diet back down. Repeat.

Bloating the fuck up is ridiculous and the fastest way to get high BP and kill your organs.

Sounds unhealthy haha. I wonder how long it would take you to get to 11% from 8 with a clean diet.