Been going through a lot of bs outside the gym but there is always one place I feel better. I've switched my training up a bit. A lot more supersets and hitting everything twice a week with very little time between sets. I try to hit 16 sets of each chest and back twice a week and then arms I'm doing 4 days high reps to get the blood pumping at the end of the workout. Legs I hit way more sets twice a week and shoulders I barely hit since they over power my chest. The goal is to step back on stage for a local show in may bigger and more ripped then do masters nationals later in the year
Yes I have done the same thing.
I did 20 sets. But I tried this routine that I combined with this other guy thats huge at my gym.
So 10 sets of chest press superset with 10 sets of back row. With strict 30 sec rest between each set and superset. 20 reps down to 8 by last set. Increasing weight each lift/set. It was killer
Chest press set 1-20 reps- 30 sec rest
Back row set 1- 20 reps- 30 sec rest
Chest press set 2-19 reps 30 sec rest
Back row set 2-19 reps- 30 sec rest
continue to
Chest press set 20-8 reps-30sec rest
Back row set 20-8reps-30 sec rest
this should equal 20 minutes approx, even with slow 3-4 second lifts. 2sec up 2 sec down.
You increase weight each set by one plate or 5-10 lbs. I am so sore today.
I did this again with 5 set workouts making 20 working sets for back and 20 working sets for flys. 3 workouts for each.
I know you know what your doing, but I was getting bored with my routine. I am going to be doing this for one of the 2 times I hit chest and back each week. I willl do it once for legs, and once for arms. I workout each muscle 2x a week.