1st cycle of testosterone C. Too much conflicting advice on PCT. Need advice.

Although there are several ASTHETIC adverse effects due to the use of AAS, none are more troubling than the development of GCM IME

It's for that reason, and others, I strongly believe there is no substitute for FDA approved PHARMACEUTICAL ancillaries SERMS and/or AIs in particular.

It is MUCH easier to prevent the progression of GCM at its onset, especially compared the regressive or abortive therapy, as the latter often REQUIRES surgical intervention to acheive a "cure".
Perhaps you should purchase an English dictionary, and expand your vocabulary.
My vocabulary is fine, thanks. Are you always such a condescending jerk?
OMG, as one can only imagine where this is heading, I can only repeat my FIRST post, YOU ARE NOT READY TO RUN AAS!
If you're not going to supply me with you're infinite knowledge and wisdom of this sort then please quit replying. Everyone else has been very friendly and helpful to me except for you.
research chems from meso comes with oral syringe that are labeled with units. Dosing them requires simple math. I think u said ur on trt so u don't need pct. 100mg test c per week is a decent dose for trt. Don't settle for less than that. Run 250mg pw for 10 weeks as a first cycle. With proper diet n training, u can put on 15+ since its new to ur system. Have arimidex on hands or take 0.5mg 3x per week. About reducing body fat, it requires to burn more calories than u eat and making long term changes to ur diet in order to keep the weight off. Do a research about weight lost tips based on science.
Good luck
I would agree, but I'm not diving into it without know what to do. That's why The test has literally been sitting in vials for 2 months while I prepare.

Think carefully, and do take everything everyone says here seriously, even if they sound like dicks.

First, I would say that if I could go back in time, I would never have done gear. It changes you, and not necessarily for the better. To truly reap the benefits, you will devote more of your life to training, eating, and keeping on a drug regiment than you realize. It's years I wish I had back. I turned 38 this year, just cut short a primo cycle I was doing for the summer. I've had enough. I doubt I will ever cycle again. I'm in my first week of PCT, and fuck... I've had enough of this shit. You WILL feel like shit.

All that said, if you're dead set on this - get bloodwork done first.
I've looked into them, how do you dose the liquid dosage correctly? Also, should I invest into some HCG and a Aromatase inhibitor like arimidex?

the dose is on the bottle, for eg. the cia is "30mg/ml" so 0.5ml would be 15mg. you use an oral dropper/syringe or just use a syringe with the needle tip taken off.
I would deff rec the Dex. 0.25-0.5mg (0.25ml-0.5ml since its 1mg/ml) eod depending on bloods/cycle.
I think HCG is useful but not mandatory. for longer cycles i would deff rec it like if using say deca and test for 18 weeks. it helps when PCT time comes IMO. but i feel you will be fine with a decent PCT and diet.
I would rec a pct of 35-50mg clomid ed and 20mg tamox ed for 5 weeks.