whats up with my package? its been over a month and the tracking hasnt updated since the day it was shipped which was april 13th. does it usually take this long for airmail? anybody ever get a product a month after purchase?
whats up with my package? its been over a month and the tracking hasnt updated since the day it was shipped which was april 13th. does it usually take this long for airmail? anybody ever get a product a month after purchase?
I used their airmail once and it was like 40 something days. I just stick to courier and I have it in 5 days.
Looking for some var for my first run. I see they gave thaiger 50. I know thaiger just never ran them or var. 80 bucks for 50 is not bad
why did i only receive half my order ?

2 separate packages, probably for stealth reasons, would be my first guess. May want to email or PM them to be certain.

Edit: Hopefully it's not an out of stock issue. Past posts in this thread indicate they aren't the greatest at informing buyers immediately.
how long does it usually take to get an order confirmation after paying by BTC?
I never get one. I just email them my order and that I paid with Bitcoin.
Do they usually respond? I sent an email with my order number and BTC Transaction id but no response. Last time I order I don’t remember doing any of this
Do they usually respond? I sent an email with my order number and BTC Transaction id but no response. Last time I order I don’t remember doing any of this
Yes but not immediately. They’ll usually say payment confirmed and for you to confirm shipping address.