Are the bd orals legit from this source- lookin to place an order / prices are insane if they are legit orals?
The BD stuff came back pretty good. Anabol and stanzolol were good. The androlics were like 44/50mg I think?
Just placed an order for some BD Anadrolics and BD Stanozol and some Anapolon Abdi Ibrahim- hope I get it in a decent time and it’s legit
The BD comes from Thailand so don’t sweat it if your order takes some time.
Been over a month and haven't received my package. Emailed a few days ago to ask for update and was told they'd look into it. Didn't hear anything for a few days so I asked again but got silence. Would be nice to get some sort of answer @24hreup
Been over a month and haven't received my package. Emailed a few days ago to ask for update and was told they'd look into it. Didn't hear anything for a few days so I asked again but got silence. Would be nice to get some sort of answer @24hreup

I don't understand why shipping takes so fucking long with suppliers like panda/DO and 24? I routinely get packs from China in under 3 weeks so wtf these other clowns are doing I dunno:rolleyes:
I’ve been waitin 6 weeks rite now from another source from Turkey and 3 weeks for somthing Else from Lithuania-wtf- I have a source from Uk that I get Onyx gear and I always get it in like 7 days and it’s only 15$ for shipping - I don’t get it
Just received my packaging . Took about 40 days for first package and about 50 days for second . Think it’s the way it’s sent out because they have such a low seizure rate is why it takes so long . I’m satisfied though. Will be ordering again, but just with faster shipping this time around


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Just received my packaging . Took about 40 days for first package and about 50 days for second . Think it’s the way it’s sent out because they have such a low seizure rate is why it takes so long . I’m satisfied though. Will be ordering again, but just with faster shipping this time around

There's only 1 amp per box?:oops:
Just received my packaging . Took about 40 days for first package and about 50 days for second . Think it’s the way it’s sent out because they have such a low seizure rate is why it takes so long . I’m satisfied though. Will be ordering again, but just with faster shipping this time around
Yea bro I got the same order. I’d agree with you, I’ve never had a pack seized from them.
Greta Thunberg would shit cow sized couscous if she saw the waste of material used to package those in such a way.
That’s like Amazon package huge for something small 1 amp buying 100 boxes truth big waste of package
Yea bro I got the same order. I’d agree with you, I’ve never had a pack seized from them.
wouldn’t the hgh insulin be degraded a little by the time it arrives
That’s like Amazon package huge for something small 1 amp buying 100 boxes truth big waste of package

wouldn’t the hgh insulin be degraded a little by the time it arrives
Nah that’s Sustanon in the pic homie. However for HGH I always get courier express shipping. Usually 4-5 days.