I'm pretty sure I recall this being in their TOS. And I have also heard of other guys having the same issue as BBBG. Maybe it would be good if 24hreup gave people the option at the time they placed their order. It would be a pretty easy solution to that problem, at least.

I ordered what I thought would be Merck Metformin but received some other less recognizable brand Gilfor or something. No heads up, just arrived. I also ordered Bayer Proviron. Paid for it and when it didn’t show up they said they’d look into it. Oh out of stock. Why’d you take my Bitcoin? Well, we could refund your Bitcoin or offer you Deus Medical proviron plus 100 tabs. That was 8 weeks later.

Not the kind of place I’d do business with ever again. I’m a very loyal customer when things are done the correct way. But shady shit like that rubs me the wrong way.
I ordered what I thought would be Merck Metformin but received some other less recognizable brand Gilfor or something. No heads up, just arrived. I also ordered Bayer Proviron. Paid for it and when it didn’t show up they said they’d look into it. Oh out of stock. Why’d you take my Bitcoin? Well, we could refund your Bitcoin or offer you Deus Medical proviron plus 100 tabs. That was 8 weeks later.

Not the kind of place I’d do business with ever again. I’m a very loyal customer when things are done the correct way. But shady shit like that rubs me the wrong way.
Yeah thats a shitty way of doing business. Fuck that but they would never get any of my business. You aren't the first one to complain.

Oh well lesson learned.
I ordered what I thought would be Merck Metformin but received some other less recognizable brand Gilfor or something. No heads up, just arrived. I also ordered Bayer Proviron. Paid for it and when it didn’t show up they said they’d look into it. Oh out of stock. Why’d you take my Bitcoin? Well, we could refund your Bitcoin or offer you Deus Medical proviron plus 100 tabs. That was 8 weeks later.

Not the kind of place I’d do business with ever again. I’m a very loyal customer when things are done the correct way. But shady shit like that rubs me the wrong way.
Damn. I must admit that is some bullshit to basically fuck your whole order up and then drag it out for two months to finally make it "right".

It's also telling that a rep for them hasn't said a word about these test results.

And they still have it up for sale on their site.
One is supposed to be Tren E and the other Tren A. Both their Tren E and A are dosed @100mg/ml.
Most ugl's here in the states dose their Tren E @200mg/ml. We see some international ugl's dose the Enanthate ester of Tren @100mg/ml for whatever reason.
If you get yourself the Superdrol you're getting every bit of a 50mg and more!
Hey @biggerben69 thanks for sending these in for testing. So are you saying, or rather the lab results are saying, that the tren ace is actually tren e? Do you know if the supposed tren ace was sample 6 or 7?
Not trying to shill for these guys but I’ve never had a negative experience with them. All international products and brands I ordered I received. Their previous domestic line up wasn’t bad. I purchased the Odin anavar which was good and test prop which my buddy is using and he has no complaints. Again, this is just my experience with these guys. However those Odin results make me weary about putting in another domestic order. I have a shitload of Odin from a diff source that I’d like to test. If it all comes back g2g unfortunately like someone mentioned above, maybe they’re home brewing and slapping Odin stickers on the product???
https://janoshik.com/tests/10780-AAS_oil_%221%22_Z816DMI45D5X (https://janoshik.com/tests/10780-AAS_oil_"1"_Z816DMI45D5X)
https://janoshik.com/tests/10781-AAS_oil_%222%22_ENXRWZ57DI22 (https://janoshik.com/tests/10781-AAS_oil_"2"_ENXRWZ57DI22)
https://janoshik.com/tests/10782-AAS_oil_%223%22_3ENV875ANGG8 (https://janoshik.com/tests/10782-AAS_oil_"3"_3ENV875ANGG8)
https://janoshik.com/tests/10783-AAS_oil_%224%22_P5Y9G9PAKLEQ (https://janoshik.com/tests/10783-AAS_oil_"4"_P5Y9G9PAKLEQ)
https://janoshik.com/tests/10784-AAS_oil_%225%22_FVN5ZMGWTAJX (https://janoshik.com/tests/10784-AAS_oil_"5"_FVN5ZMGWTAJX)
https://janoshik.com/tests/10785-AAS_oil_%226%22_HZGAJ158QH69 (https://janoshik.com/tests/10785-AAS_oil_"6"_HZGAJ158QH69)
https://janoshik.com/tests/10786-AAS_oil_%227%22_12UWUTW3BC8U (https://janoshik.com/tests/10786-AAS_oil_"7"_12UWUTW3BC8U)
https://janoshik.com/tests/10787-AAS_pill_%22A%22_MCPCN5QNE4AP (https://janoshik.com/tests/10787-AAS_pill_"A"_MCPCN5QNE4AP)
https://janoshik.com/tests/10788-AAS_pill_%22B%22_VDDKQ3FUBS75 (https://janoshik.com/tests/10788-AAS_pill_"B"_VDDKQ3FUBS75)
https://janoshik.com/tests/10789-AAS_pill_%22C%22_1L79UIT5PWQ3 (https://janoshik.com/tests/10789-AAS_pill_"C"_1L79UIT5PWQ3)
Hi everyone, regarding Odin lab results.
We are randomly making quality control on our UG suppliers we asked @biggerben69 to help out with a round of testing done on Odin.

A big thanks to @biggerben69 with help getting this testing done.

As many of you know Odin is a very popular brand and the latest results are not what we were expecting. With that being said It's important we stay objective -many factors come in play more testing needs to be done before we can draw any major conclusion.

The test reports have been forwarded to Odin -they have been very responsive and informed us that they are sending in their own samples and will compare with recent lab results

We will proceed with more testing and urge our customers and the community as a whole to do the same. We will compensate customers for running lab tests as always.

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to pm or email us.

Thank you all, have a good day and stay safe.
Last edited:
I’m sure with any lab their response will be “that’s weird I sent in my sample and it’s spot on”.
Hi everyone, regarding Odin lab results.
We are randomly making quality control on our UG suppliers we asked @biggerben69 to help out with a round of testing done on Odin.

A big thanks to @biggerben69 with help getting this testing done.

As many of you know Odin is a very popular brand and the latest results are not what we were expecting. With that being said It's important we stay objective -many factors come in play more testing needs to be done before we can draw any major conclusion.

The test reports have been forwarded to Odin -they have been very responsive and informed us that they are sending in their own samples and will compare with recent lab results

We will proceed with more testing and urge our customers and the community as a whole to do the same. We will compensate customers for running lab tests as always.

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to pm or email us.

Thank you all, have a good day and stay safe.
@24hreup - Did you ever address the concerns raised about orders shipping without original packaging? Underdosed looks a lot worse to me when coupled with no way of verifying that the item is legit on the odin site. Perhaps there is a perfectly good reason.... just looks bad.
@24hreup - Did you ever address the concerns raised about orders shipping without original packaging? Underdosed looks a lot worse to me when coupled with no way of verifying that the item is legit on the odin site. Perhaps there is a perfectly good reason.... just looks bad.
Yes we did please refer to post #1,872
Thank you
Yes we did please refer to post #1,872
Thank you
That site will just verify that you are an approved seller. How do I verify an individual item is legit without a code? Maybe I'm spoiled with getting a box with a code and being able to go to the main company's site and checking the code.
Hi everyone, regarding Odin lab results.
We are randomly making quality control on our UG suppliers we asked @biggerben69 to help out with a round of testing done on Odin.

A big thanks to @biggerben69 with help getting this testing done.

As many of you know Odin is a very popular brand and the latest results are not what we were expecting. With that being said It's important we stay objective -many factors come in play more testing needs to be done before we can draw any major conclusion.

The test reports have been forwarded to Odin -they have been very responsive and informed us that they are sending in their own samples and will compare with recent lab results

We will proceed with more testing and urge our customers and the community as a whole to do the same. We will compensate customers for running lab tests as always.

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to pm or email us.

Thank you all, have a good day and stay safe.
So what about the customers who paid a premium and had 1/5th of their order cut short? What compensation will we get for testing along with under dosed ?

the generic response is pretty comical.
Yes we did please refer to post #1,872
Thank you
You never addressed shit about it. You said in a few posts before that, that all products come with packaging that is able to be verified on Odins website. NEVER got them. Now you’re saying they changed the packaging after the fact.

I hope this is a huge warning sign for all trying to purchase. If this was handled better I’d have no problems but being vague and dancing around the problem is a no no for me. Instead of dancing why not tell us what you’re going to do moving forward and give us a solution as to where the problem came from.

shit business 3/10 don’t recommend.
Hi everyone, regarding Odin lab results.
We are randomly making quality control on our UG suppliers we asked @biggerben69 to help out with a round of testing done on Odin.

A big thanks to @biggerben69 with help getting this testing done.

As many of you know Odin is a very popular brand and the latest results are not what we were expecting. With that being said It's important we stay objective -many factors come in play more testing needs to be done before we can draw any major conclusion.

The test reports have been forwarded to Odin -they have been very responsive and informed us that they are sending in their own samples and will compare with recent lab results

We will proceed with more testing and urge our customers and the community as a whole to do the same. We will compensate customers for running lab tests as always.

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to pm or email us.

Thank you all, have a good day and stay safe.
How can a conclusion not be drawn? Quick breakdown and if I'm wrong feel free to point it out.

No testing before product launch.

A long time member who by his own admission isn't looking to hurt you tests and posts bad results with wrong compounds.

Your response isn't to pull product, it's to let source send off testing and encourage testing while still selling products.

Short of not responding at all how much worse could you have handled this? Combine that with your apparent send whatever we have on hand domestically even if it's not what was ordered policy. I'm not sure why anyone would mess with your domestic at this point.
Couple of things. I was told that Odin orders are "on hold" while things are sorted out and Odin is given an opportunity to respond to test results.
To me, this situation speaks to the importance of continued testing of products.
I have a decent feel for how things are handled by 24hr when it comes to their Domestic Line of ugl's on their Domestic List.
I first became aware of 24hreup close to 10 years ago because they were 1 of the very few legitimate Serostim suppliers.
When I say "legitimate" I don't mean they are licensed distributors of EMD Serono products with the sole focus being Serostim.
I mean if guys ordered a 126iu kit of Serostim it was delivered. 24hreup has built a rep here in the USA of delivering on some exotic products.
To me, I always looked at them as being on a different level than other international sources like NAPS or Uncle Z. Reason being, I never saw the term "Selective Scammer" associated with the 24hreup name like I had with Z and Naps.
For years I prided myself on sniffing out putting all types of int and domestic scamming sources on blast. Its what I did. I had different guys I'd call on for help. Usually computer guys who could identify locations and use IP addresses for different things.
Even before meso on the original drugbuyers.co* board(which was shuttered yrs ago) from 99-04 a scamming site mexrxonline.co* and its sister sites(i learned what sister sites were) that were solid for a good year to 18 months and who first introduced me to Quality Vet Mexican vet gear, went bad. I was a vocal and well known member of that board.
A rep from mexrxonline hit me up wanting to enlist me/bribe me to keep the scam going for as long as possible.
Mexrxonline operated out of San Ysidro, CA. They sold a wide variety of Mexican vet steroids as well as narcotic pain relievers with Oxycontin being the most popular. Those were the items that made their published product list. They also had a list that wasn't published for all to see. Tar, cocaine and speed were also available.
Mules were bringing across products every day so that orders could be filled and shipped from the usa side of the border to avoid Customs.
Mexrxonline made it unnecessary for me to travel from the NorthEast to Brownsville, Tx. 3 or 4 times a year and walk over the border 2 or 3 times a day the 4 days I was there with gear taped to my thighs and stuffed in the specially outfitted speedo type underwear to fit as much as I could every trip I made.
A few of us traveled to San Ysidro to meet with Senor Garza the scum bag who was our Mexrxonline contact. We put an end to the scam before it got moving.
Then the feds had their own sting set up for the sister sites of mexrxonline that survived one of their sites from being labeled a scam.

At meso, the scam that comes to mind because I was just talking about it recently, was a group generic gh buy which was orchestrated by a popular member at the time who went by stretch. Members trusted stretch who collected cash from a bunch of meso members. Noobs and vets alike all got their cash in by the deadline set by stretch to be part of the group purchase of Riptropins from TP.
Stretch went dark. Stretch was also a member of theironden.co* and had some words with den owner mugzy at one point in regards to stretch repping for some outfit with mugzy telling stretch it was a bad idea and how when the source ended up scamming he wasn't going to be welcome at his board etc.
Meso members were licking their wounds and coming to terms with being ripped off by this trusted and popular member for several thousand dollars.
Then mugzy invited myself and meso member @CensoredBoardsSuck along with computer wiz and staff member at several boards and meso member and good friend of mine who went by regular, to a private chat room at theden where the 4 of us got together and discussed what we knew about stretch. We met over the course of a few days seeing what we could come up with as far as stretch's real name and location were.
Our meetings produced what turned out to be the actual name and location which was Detroit, MI.
@mugzy was able to convince stretch it would be in his best interest to return and make good on his promise to mezo members with either cash or Riotropins.
Shit...there I go again like an old nan with dementia lamenting over the "Good ol days".
I'm going to try and salvage this post and then try again in another post soon..
24hreup is a big supporter of the Community. They prove this to me by not only supporting testing of products through lip service and giving customers credit but by also paying for testing themselves.
They paid for the samples i sent to Jano before I sent them. This was a joint or group effort with myself taking possession of Odin products by way of an order of 10 items sent to me the same way they got to anyone else who ordered Odin to ensure things would be on the up and up.
24hr has seen test results in the past from Odin that were much better than the results from samples I sent in.
A member said its like watching a slow train wreck or something. Things take time. I promise you things are happening. 24hr isn't resting on their laurels.
The day i got results in I was discussing with Ron from 24hr what the next steps should and would be.
He told me that Odin orders were on hold.
Next we discussed the possibility of sending unopened vials to @janoshik to eliminate the possibility of contaminating samples by using the same needles to draw other compounds or eliminating that as a reason for skewed results.
Jano answered me when I asked him about unopened vials.
My point is 24hreup gives a shit about the Community. Does it sound like an advertisement for 24hr? Maybe. But these are the people I went to when meso members were ripped off and sent fake Humatrope gh kits and the source that sent them wouldn't make good on replacements or refunds and laughed at us when we asked him for them.
24hreup sent those meso members legit humatrope kits free of charge.
3 yrs ago when a meso member scammed other members out of their money when he kept the cash they sent him for gear. 24hreup contacted members and sent them product at their expense.
I like having an outfit like 24hr around. While I don't like the policy of sending replacements at their discretion without contacting the customer if they run out of a product they didn't invent the policy. I've seen the small print over the years with other large online pharmacy-like companies. If i'm not mistaken that's something that has been addressed and amended or soon will be.
24hr is not only supporting testing they are being transparent about it.
The best a place in their position can do is have test results before offering for sale(ugl gear on domestic list).
They test product during the time the ugl is offered. They're doing this now. I posted some not so wonderful results. Its being addressed now.
They are doing what they can and doing what has to be done to remedy the situation. It does take some time and 24hreup has proven that they are in for the long haul. They aren't a flash in the pan like so many others we've seen.
Couple of things. I was told that Odin orders are "on hold" while things are sorted out and Odin is given an opportunity to respond to test results.
To me, this situation speaks to the importance of continued testing of products.
I have a decent feel for how things are handled by 24hr when it comes to their Domestic Line of ugl's on their Domestic List.
I first became aware of 24hreup close to 10 years ago because they were 1 of the very few legitimate Serostim suppliers.
When I say "legitimate" I don't mean they are licensed distributors of EMD Serono products with the sole focus being Serostim.
I mean if guys ordered a 126iu kit of Serostim it was delivered. 24hreup has built a rep here in the USA of delivering on some exotic products.
To me, I always looked at them as being on a different level than other international sources like NAPS or Uncle Z. Reason being, I never saw the term "Selective Scammer" associated with the 24hreup name like I had with Z and Naps.
For years I prided myself on sniffing out putting all types of int and domestic scamming sources on blast. Its what I did. I had different guys I'd call on for help. Usually computer guys who could identify locations and use IP addresses for different things.
Even before meso on the original drugbuyers.co* board(which was shuttered yrs ago) from 99-04 a scamming site mexrxonline.co* and its sister sites(i learned what sister sites were) that were solid for a good year to 18 months and who first introduced me to Quality Vet Mexican vet gear, went bad. I was a vocal and well known member of that board.
A rep from mexrxonline hit me up wanting to enlist me/bribe me to keep the scam going for as long as possible.
Mexrxonline operated out of San Ysidro, CA. They sold a wide variety of Mexican vet steroids as well as narcotic pain relievers with Oxycontin being the most popular. Those were the items that made their published product list. They also had a list that wasn't published for all to see. Tar, cocaine and speed were also available.
Mules were bringing across products every day so that orders could be filled and shipped from the usa side of the border to avoid Customs.
Mexrxonline made it unnecessary for me to travel from the NorthEast to Brownsville, Tx. 3 or 4 times a year and walk over the border 2 or 3 times a day the 4 days I was there with gear taped to my thighs and stuffed in the specially outfitted speedo type underwear to fit as much as I could every trip I made.
A few of us traveled to San Ysidro to meet with Senor Garza the scum bag who was our Mexrxonline contact. We put an end to the scam before it got moving.
Then the feds had their own sting set up for the sister sites of mexrxonline that survived one of their sites from being labeled a scam.

At meso, the scam that comes to mind because I was just talking about it recently, was a group generic gh buy which was orchestrated by a popular member at the time who went by stretch. Members trusted stretch who collected cash from a bunch of meso members. Noobs and vets alike all got their cash in by the deadline set by stretch to be part of the group purchase of Riptropins from TP.
Stretch went dark. Stretch was also a member of theironden.co* and had some words with den owner mugzy at one point in regards to stretch repping for some outfit with mugzy telling stretch it was a bad idea and how when the source ended up scamming he wasn't going to be welcome at his board etc.
Meso members were licking their wounds and coming to terms with being ripped off by this trusted and popular member for several thousand dollars.
Then mugzy invited myself and meso member @CensoredBoardsSuck along with computer wiz and staff member at several boards and meso member and good friend of mine who went by regular, to a private chat room at theden where the 4 of us got together and discussed what we knew about stretch. We met over the course of a few days seeing what we could come up with as far as stretch's real name and location were.
Our meetings produced what turned out to be the actual name and location which was Detroit, MI.
@mugzy was able to convince stretch it would be in his best interest to return and make good on his promise to mezo members with either cash or Riotropins.
Shit...there I go again like an old nan with dementia lamenting over the "Good ol days".
I'm going to try and salvage this post and then try again in another post soon..
24hreup is a big supporter of the Community. They prove this to me by not only supporting testing of products through lip service and giving customers credit but by also paying for testing themselves.
They paid for the samples i sent to Jano before I sent them. This was a joint or group effort with myself taking possession of Odin products by way of an order of 10 items sent to me the same way they got to anyone else who ordered Odin to ensure things would be on the up and up.
24hr has seen test results in the past from Odin that were much better than the results from samples I sent in.
A member said its like watching a slow train wreck or something. Things take time. I promise you things are happening. 24hr isn't resting on their laurels.
The day i got results in I was discussing with Ron from 24hr what the next steps should and would be.
He told me that Odin orders were on hold.
Next we discussed the possibility of sending unopened vials to @janoshik to eliminate the possibility of contaminating samples by using the same needles to draw other compounds or eliminating that as a reason for skewed results.
Jano answered me when I asked him about unopened vials.
My point is 24hreup gives a shit about the Community. Does it sound like an advertisement for 24hr? Maybe. But these are the people I went to when meso members were ripped off and sent fake Humatrope gh kits and the source that sent them wouldn't make good on replacements or refunds and laughed at us when we asked him for them.
24hreup sent those meso members legit humatrope kits free of charge.
3 yrs ago when a meso member scammed other members out of their money when he kept the cash they sent him for gear. 24hreup contacted members and sent them product at their expense.
I like having an outfit like 24hr around. While I don't like the policy of sending replacements at their discretion without contacting the customer if they run out of a product they didn't invent the policy. I've seen the small print over the years with other large online pharmacy-like companies. If i'm not mistaken that's something that has been addressed and amended or soon will be.
24hr is not only supporting testing they are being transparent about it.
The best a place in their position can do is have test results before offering for sale(ugl gear on domestic list).
They test product during the time the ugl is offered. They're doing this now. I posted some not so wonderful results. Its being addressed now.
They are doing what they can and doing what has to be done to remedy the situation. It does take some time and 24hreup has proven that they are in for the long haul. They aren't a flash in the pan like so many others we've seen.
Sorry bro I like you and you bring a lot to the board but these guys are fuckups!

Would you approve of a response like this? Its bullshit!


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Sorry bro I like you and you bring a lot to the board but these guys are fuckups!

Would you approve of a response like this? Its bullshit!
I went back and saw the conversation back in August. Not a response that makes a whole lot of sense? Did he mean that it would all even out in the end? Like you got some that were filled to 8ml but next order they will prob be filled to 12ml so you'll break even? Sometime reps help and other times..not so much.
It hasn't been an easy ride adding a ugl or 2 to the Domestic List. For years it was just Serostim that made up the Domestic list. Customers were continually asking 24hr to add items to their domestic list.
24hr has a big following at eroids. I've ducked in to see what was being said about Serostim over the years. One thing that didn't change was guys asking them to add to their Domestic List...yes, even asking for ugl gear.
Being based in Europe and not being part of the UGL's they put on the list they test product from the ugl and come to an agreement about shipping time from the moment they send the ugl their customers order until it ships to the customer is hopefully 48hrs. Thats the goal.
How do I know, I knew the ugl owner of Royal Pharm back in 2016-2018. Wasn't quite 2 years and I can tell you. The guy(ugl owner of royal) had his regular load of orders from his own customer list plus the load of 24hr customers and he had a difficult time keeping up. He eventually had to bow out.
The service Royal provided was always late. Occasionally he got orders out within the 48hr window but most times was several days past that. The saving grace was his gear tested out to label claims.
Thats the problem my friend at Royal had. He bit off more than he could chew when he took on 24hr customers.
The only thing I see that 24hreup can do is test product,,,,they did when they paid for the tests I sent out to Jano. If it isn't right they stop selling the product, which they've also done.
24hr comes to an agreement and has product tested. They have to have faith that the UGL will come through with the service and product they say they will. 24hr is EU can't oversee the ugl's day to day operation and count on customer feedback when it comes to anything having to do with the ugl. They have to react from the feedback. I'm quite sure hu-tech didn't give 24hr a heads up about underfilling their vials.
Hu-Tech is no longer on the list. Is 24hreup responsible for the fuckups of the ugl's on their list? They sure as hell are. Its their customers they are entrusting to these ugl's. It obviously reflects poorly on them. Is 24hreup in kahoots with Hu tech to underfill vials. No. I don't believe they were privy to anything of the sort. Does 24hr have people in the states brewing fake Odin gear who can't put labels on properly? No. Knowing how long they've been around and how they have built their rep over the decade plus to throw it away the way some suggest is silly IMO.
24hr is at the mercy of the ugl they have serving customers on their domestic list, to degree. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point they decide that its not worth it to have a ugl on their site. Its turning out to be a headache. I'm sure they never thought it would be so difficult for a ugl to send out a quality product in a reasonable amount of time? Its starting to look that way.
Over the years the pharm/human grade products they sell have been the real deal. They aren't used to dealing with ugl's the way we are at meso, We see these issues day after day and year after year, Maybe the next ugl will be the one to do what is starting to seem impossible.
One is supposed to be Tren E and the other Tren A. Both their Tren E and A are dosed @100mg/ml.
Most ugl's here in the states dose their Tren E @200mg/ml. We see some international ugl's dose the Enanthate ester of Tren @100mg/ml for whatever reason.
If you get yourself the Superdrol you're getting every bit of a 50mg and more!

Ben thank you for testing man and that wasn't fucking cheap to send that many samples in over a grand of I'm correct either way urs and skunk testing is huge man along with others.... I'm gunna also try and send out some samples.of some other well known labs I'm talking with skunk so we don't send the same samples or products out.... But I'll be sending mine out within the next week I just got my stim check lol so some of its going back into the cumminty for testing along with an order..... I'm honestly getting to the point where I'm about to just start homebrewing my own shit... If labs can't get there shit together and just put out a quailty product it's time to switch to homebrewing ur own.... And clearly they did those test on purposes u don't magically get 85mg of primo and somehow get 10-12mg of test it it by accident clearly there tryin to make up for there low dosage primo somewhere.... And I mean wtf ur charging an outrageous price atleast u could do is make a fucking qauilty products and dose them correctly .....

If I know 24 he is gunna be very pissed and u happy with Odin I wouldn't be surprised if he even drops them completely..... And I'll make sure I post my results from jano on the forums guys all the best to all of u
one god damn rule that no fourms have the damn balls doing is. if you want to be a source. then testing your products before selling on the fourm should always be priority.
Couple of things. I was told that Odin orders are "on hold" while things are sorted out and Odin is given an opportunity to respond to test results.
To me, this situation speaks to the importance of continued testing of products.
I have a decent feel for how things are handled by 24hr when it comes to their Domestic Line of ugl's on their Domestic List.
I first became aware of 24hreup close to 10 years ago because they were 1 of the very few legitimate Serostim suppliers.
When I say "legitimate" I don't mean they are licensed distributors of EMD Serono products with the sole focus being Serostim.
I mean if guys ordered a 126iu kit of Serostim it was delivered. 24hreup has built a rep here in the USA of delivering on some exotic products.
To me, I always looked at them as being on a different level than other international sources like NAPS or Uncle Z. Reason being, I never saw the term "Selective Scammer" associated with the 24hreup name like I had with Z and Naps.
For years I prided myself on sniffing out putting all types of int and domestic scamming sources on blast. Its what I did. I had different guys I'd call on for help. Usually computer guys who could identify locations and use IP addresses for different things.
Even before meso on the original drugbuyers.co* board(which was shuttered yrs ago) from 99-04 a scamming site mexrxonline.co* and its sister sites(i learned what sister sites were) that were solid for a good year to 18 months and who first introduced me to Quality Vet Mexican vet gear, went bad. I was a vocal and well known member of that board.
A rep from mexrxonline hit me up wanting to enlist me/bribe me to keep the scam going for as long as possible.
Mexrxonline operated out of San Ysidro, CA. They sold a wide variety of Mexican vet steroids as well as narcotic pain relievers with Oxycontin being the most popular. Those were the items that made their published product list. They also had a list that wasn't published for all to see. Tar, cocaine and speed were also available.
Mules were bringing across products every day so that orders could be filled and shipped from the usa side of the border to avoid Customs.
Mexrxonline made it unnecessary for me to travel from the NorthEast to Brownsville, Tx. 3 or 4 times a year and walk over the border 2 or 3 times a day the 4 days I was there with gear taped to my thighs and stuffed in the specially outfitted speedo type underwear to fit as much as I could every trip I made.
A few of us traveled to San Ysidro to meet with Senor Garza the scum bag who was our Mexrxonline contact. We put an end to the scam before it got moving.
Then the feds had their own sting set up for the sister sites of mexrxonline that survived one of their sites from being labeled a scam.

At meso, the scam that comes to mind because I was just talking about it recently, was a group generic gh buy which was orchestrated by a popular member at the time who went by stretch. Members trusted stretch who collected cash from a bunch of meso members. Noobs and vets alike all got their cash in by the deadline set by stretch to be part of the group purchase of Riptropins from TP.
Stretch went dark. Stretch was also a member of theironden.co* and had some words with den owner mugzy at one point in regards to stretch repping for some outfit with mugzy telling stretch it was a bad idea and how when the source ended up scamming he wasn't going to be welcome at his board etc.
Meso members were licking their wounds and coming to terms with being ripped off by this trusted and popular member for several thousand dollars.
Then mugzy invited myself and meso member @CensoredBoardsSuck along with computer wiz and staff member at several boards and meso member and good friend of mine who went by regular, to a private chat room at theden where the 4 of us got together and discussed what we knew about stretch. We met over the course of a few days seeing what we could come up with as far as stretch's real name and location were.
Our meetings produced what turned out to be the actual name and location which was Detroit, MI.
@mugzy was able to convince stretch it would be in his best interest to return and make good on his promise to mezo members with either cash or Riotropins.
Shit...there I go again like an old nan with dementia lamenting over the "Good ol days".
I'm going to try and salvage this post and then try again in another post soon..
24hreup is a big supporter of the Community. They prove this to me by not only supporting testing of products through lip service and giving customers credit but by also paying for testing themselves.
They paid for the samples i sent to Jano before I sent them. This was a joint or group effort with myself taking possession of Odin products by way of an order of 10 items sent to me the same way they got to anyone else who ordered Odin to ensure things would be on the up and up.
24hr has seen test results in the past from Odin that were much better than the results from samples I sent in.
A member said its like watching a slow train wreck or something. Things take time. I promise you things are happening. 24hr isn't resting on their laurels.
The day i got results in I was discussing with Ron from 24hr what the next steps should and would be.
He told me that Odin orders were on hold.
Next we discussed the possibility of sending unopened vials to @janoshik to eliminate the possibility of contaminating samples by using the same needles to draw other compounds or eliminating that as a reason for skewed results.
Jano answered me when I asked him about unopened vials.
My point is 24hreup gives a shit about the Community. Does it sound like an advertisement for 24hr? Maybe. But these are the people I went to when meso members were ripped off and sent fake Humatrope gh kits and the source that sent them wouldn't make good on replacements or refunds and laughed at us when we asked him for them.
24hreup sent those meso members legit humatrope kits free of charge.
3 yrs ago when a meso member scammed other members out of their money when he kept the cash they sent him for gear. 24hreup contacted members and sent them product at their expense.
I like having an outfit like 24hr around. While I don't like the policy of sending replacements at their discretion without contacting the customer if they run out of a product they didn't invent the policy. I've seen the small print over the years with other large online pharmacy-like companies. If i'm not mistaken that's something that has been addressed and amended or soon will be.
24hr is not only supporting testing they are being transparent about it.
The best a place in their position can do is have test results before offering for sale(ugl gear on domestic list).
They test product during the time the ugl is offered. They're doing this now. I posted some not so wonderful results. Its being addressed now.
They are doing what they can and doing what has to be done to remedy the situation. It does take some time and 24hreup has proven that they are in for the long haul. They aren't a flash in the pan like so many others we've seen.
Curious if this substitution policy is being fixed also. Pretty aggravating to get a different (cheaper) item subbed without asking me first. At least sub a more expensive item. Guess I just get to donate the price difference...
Curious if this substitution policy is being fixed also. Pretty aggravating to get a different (cheaper) item subbed without asking me first. At least sub a more expensive item. Guess I just get to donate the price difference...
I agree that its annoying, A let down. I'm pretty sure I remember reading somewhere in the fine print that this is an option they give themselves..the substitution. If its with a product that is less expensive that would be a shitty policy and don't believe its what 24hr would do without compensating somehow?
I was pointing out that the policy isn't unique to 24,,,or that they are the first to substitute without the ok of the customer, I've seen it elsewhere.

It may sound like I'm sticking up for this source. I have to remind guys that these are the people that have, without hesitating, come to the aid of Meso members who have been scammed in the past. Its made me at least FEEL important if not look that way when I can announce that the guys,,,and gal(@Kim was scammed and taken care of by 24hr) who were taken for their cash would be made whole by this source.
They've done some things that put them in the category of being a Class Act. I don't see them trying to make that money back by putting fake labels on fake ugl gear. Its just not something they would do.