Actual hepatotoxicity of oxymetholone (anadrol)


New Member
I’ve read several studies now, one of them being included in this MPMD video…. And I’m really having trouble finding any relevant data that would lead me to conclude anadrol is AS* liver toxic as I’ve always been led to believe it is. Anybody on here have any bloodwork showing negative liver biomarkers during/post anadrol administration? Anadrol has always been kind of a dark horse or misunderstood compound for me… You can read about its proposed affinity for AR etc. Very interesting. Thanks in advance all those who engage in discussion!!!

I saw his similar video on 50mg vs 100mg drol. Basically the study had everyone take either dosage for well over 5 weeks. Nothing major happened to subjects in regards to health.

In my opinion the toxicity is overrated for most orals. However, I think superdrol could be the exception, due to how lethargic it makes me feel. But I'm just a n = 1, so it's my opinion, not a fact anyway.
from what I hear Sdrol is very toxic I think even vigorous Steve, who loves it, discusses this at length multiple times. Anadrol just a strange one with such low binding affinity to AR, and oxymetholone is associated with relatively high estrogenicity, and is known to have the potential to produce estrogenic side effects for whatever reason. Also kinda unknown half life too. If anyone can elucidate anything on Drol feel free!
Anadrol is the only oral I can use and not feel toxic!
I usually utilize it like an injectable I mean that I run it 8-10 weeks at 100-150mg per day.
Did have bloods as well and nothing out of ordinary for a steroid user (low HDL, a tad increased hematocrit)
I also don’t bloat and make great gains in strength and size.

Whereas on Dbol,winny,var,sdrol. I feel like death , especially on dbol , I think dbol is the most toxic in my body and also makes me look like shit.
On dbol I get upset stomach , I feel dizzy , I feel nauseous, liver pains , no appetite , heartburn. And that’s from the 2nd 3rd dose. If I take one tab dbol now in some hours I will have bloated face.

On Anadrol haven’t seen any bad sides for real! Not even reduced appetite.
The only side I can think of who maybe isn’t a side effect after all
Is that I feel all my muscles full with fluid?! Like all my muscles are thick but I feel fluid inside them especially on the arms, maybe is the increased blood volume and the water retention ??

Test Anadrol are my go to
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Yeah anadrol is great its just being able to tolerate it is the main reason most guys dont use it. Not sure if its the liver toxicity or if it just makes you feel like complete shit after a few days. Its not very tolerable drug for most people especially if youre pushing food you will hit a wall real quick on anadrol. Just my opinion. On the other hand there are guys who love that shit. Guess its just how well you repsond to it. I think a lot of the liver toxicty was what guys thought was making them feel so bad on it. When it really could have just been their own reaction to the drug.
Yeah anadrol is great its just being able to tolerate it is the main reason most guys dont use it. Not sure if its the liver toxicity or if it just makes you feel like complete shit after a few days. Its not very tolerable drug for most people especially if youre pushing food you will hit a wall real quick on anadrol. Just my opinion. On the other hand there are guys who love that shit. Guess its just how well you repsond to it. I think a lot of the liver toxicty was what guys thought was making them feel so bad on it. When it really could have just been their own reaction to the drug.
It seems to be either you like dbol or drol. I'm on dbol's side, but I can tolerate drol, just it's not as feel good drug as dbol is. All in all, they're both similarly potent, I believe.
Entirely subjective but I saw sdrol mentioned and if you’ve tried an injectable version, IMO, it eliminates most of the serious issues associated with sdrol. Can take half, get insane results, maintain an appetite, etc.

Completely anecdotal. But rank orals on your ability to tolerate them. If you can’t keep eating then Anadrol, dbol, sdrol, doesn’t matter.

As far as toxicity goes, our dosages for orals are/should be pretty far below clinical recommendations and any deflection is liver enzymes and such should be limited and short term if you know wha you’re doing.
It seems to be either you like dbol or drol. I'm on dbol's side, but I can tolerate drol, just it's not as feel good drug as dbol is. All in all, they're both similarly potent, I believe.
Yeah for sure would agree with this. I love dbol, anadrol makes me huge and strong but I cant tolerate it.. Fucking sucks because I would use anadrol a lot if I could the gains are so dramatic.
When I first started back on gear in 2015 I used liquid oral anadrol with test. When I started I was 225-230lbs approx 17-18% bf (maybe closer to 19-20% i hide fat well) and hadn't done a cycle in over 15 yrs.

I quickly went to 250lbs in just a few weeks. My legs where so full of water I couldn't put on pants. I was bloated but all muscles were full as fuck. Lost a lot of muscle definition. But I thought I was huge as fuck and couldn't believe how much Mass I put on...haha.

After about 6 weeks I lost appetite and my ankles started swelling. So I dropped the anadrol as well as about 20lbs of water weight
It was insane. This was on 150mg ed.

Once I finish my cut I'm considering taking 50mg ed for a few weeks and see how full my muscles get. I know it'll just be temporary but I'm still tempted.
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Anadrol is the only oral I can use and not feel toxic!
I usually utilize it like an injectable I mean that I run it 8-10 weeks at 100-150mg per day.
Did have bloods as well and nothing out of ordinary for a steroid user (low HDL, a tad increased hematocrit)
I also don’t bloat and make great gains in strength and size.

Whereas on Dbol,winny,var,sdrol. I feel like death , especially on dbol , I think dbol is the most toxic in my body and also makes me look like shit.
On dbol I get upset stomach , I feel dizzy , I feel nauseous, liver pains , no appetite , heartburn. And that’s from the 2nd 3rd dose. If I take one tab dbol now in some hours I will have bloated face.

On Anadrol haven’t seen any bad sides for real! Not even reduced appetite.
The only side I can think of who maybe isn’t a side effect after all
Is that I feel all my muscles full with fluid?! Like all my muscles are thick but I feel fluid inside them especially on the arms, maybe is the increased blood volume and the water retention ??

Test Anadrol are my go to
I agree dbol does feel more toxic to me as far as destroying my appetite. I stick with Anadrol mainly because its the only oral that doesn’t give me back pumps
Anadrol is the only oral I can use and not feel toxic!
I usually utilize it like an injectable I mean that I run it 8-10 weeks at 100-150mg per day.
Did have bloods as well and nothing out of ordinary for a steroid user (low HDL, a tad increased hematocrit)
I also don’t bloat and make great gains in strength and size.

Whereas on Dbol,winny,var,sdrol. I feel like death , especially on dbol , I think dbol is the most toxic in my body and also makes me look like shit.
On dbol I get upset stomach , I feel dizzy , I feel nauseous, liver pains , no appetite , heartburn. And that’s from the 2nd 3rd dose. If I take one tab dbol now in some hours I will have bloated face.

On Anadrol haven’t seen any bad sides for real! Not even reduced appetite.
The only side I can think of who maybe isn’t a side effect after all
Is that I feel all my muscles full with fluid?! Like all my muscles are thick but I feel fluid inside them especially on the arms, maybe is the increased blood volume and the water retention ??

Test Anadrol are my go to

I agree dbol does feel more toxic to me as far as destroying my appetite. I stick with Anadrol mainly because its the only oral that doesn’t give me back pumps

Have you tried injectable Anadrol, If so any pros or cons compared to oral ?
Have you tried injectable Anadrol, If so any pros or cons compared to oral ?
Personally no , it’s rare to find , have a lot of chemicals in guiacol , also I respond great to oral anadrol so haven’t found the need to try it.

Also for anadrol , anapolon vs ugl. With various UGL’s I have some stomach discomfort with the anapolon never.
Anadrol is the only oral I can use and not feel toxic!
I usually utilize it like an injectable I mean that I run it 8-10 weeks at 100-150mg per day.
Did have bloods as well and nothing out of ordinary for a steroid user (low HDL, a tad increased hematocrit)
I also don’t bloat and make great gains in strength and size.

Whereas on Dbol,winny,var,sdrol. I feel like death , especially on dbol , I think dbol is the most toxic in my body and also makes me look like shit.
On dbol I get upset stomach , I feel dizzy , I feel nauseous, liver pains , no appetite , heartburn. And that’s from the 2nd 3rd dose. If I take one tab dbol now in some hours I will have bloated face.

On Anadrol haven’t seen any bad sides for real! Not even reduced appetite.
The only side I can think of who maybe isn’t a side effect after all
Is that I feel all my muscles full with fluid?! Like all my muscles are thick but I feel fluid inside them especially on the arms, maybe is the increased blood volume and the water retention ??

Test Anadrol are my go to
Yea that full feelings is Drol’s mineral/gluco corticoid effect I believe. And just overall muscle recruitment and adrenergic signaling I BELIEVE*… it’s just from all anecdotal experiences I hear firsthand how toxic it is and how people can’t eat on it etc etc. That’s surprising you say that about dianabol, most people report feeling a tad bit euphoric from dbol or just motivated and very full. It’s basically estrogen in a pill too, so if you’re utilizing heavy dht derivatives having that on hand in case you tank your e2 with a reversely-binding aromatase inhibitor (masteron, primo, myriad DHT’s) or with adex or something, is quite handy/smart.
I agree dbol does feel more toxic to me as far as destroying my appetite. I stick with Anadrol mainly because its the only oral that doesn’t give me back pumps
That’s so strange so many ppl are saying that about dianabol because I’ve never done it and I hear tell that it makes people feel great and happy and energetic etc.
When I first started back on gear in 2015 I used liquid oral anadrol with test. When I started I was 225-230lbs approx 17-18% bf (maybe closer to 19-20% i hide fat well) and hadn't done a cycle in over 15 yrs.

I quickly went to 250lbs in just a few weeks. My legs where so full of water I couldn't put on pants. I was bloated but all muscles were full as fuck. Lost a lot of muscle definition. But I thought I was huge as fuck and couldn't believe how much Mass I put on...haha.

After about 6 weeks I lost appetite and my ankles started swelling. So I dropped the anadrol as well as about 20lbs of water weight
It was insane. This was on 150mg ed.

Once I finish my cut I'm considering taking 50mg ed for a few weeks and see how full my muscles get. I know it'll just be temporary but I'm still tempted.
Lmao ankles started swelling these cycle experiences (bulking) are my favorite to be honest. I want the mASS baby!!!
Entirely subjective but I saw sdrol mentioned and if you’ve tried an injectable version, IMO, it eliminates most of the serious issues associated with sdrol. Can take half, get insane results, maintain an appetite, etc.

Completely anecdotal. But rank orals on your ability to tolerate them. If you can’t keep eating then Anadrol, dbol, sdrol, doesn’t matter.

As far as toxicity goes, our dosages for orals are/should be pretty far below clinical recommendations and any deflection is liver enzymes and such should be limited and short term if you know wha you’re doing.
The injectable oral route scares me because of the solvents man… I just don’t want that systemic inflammation and I don’t wanna have to go check my blood for C-reactive proteins etc. like John Meadows (RIP) or coach Steve recommends. I like to come to my own conclusions but I think them popularizing the negative view of synthetic carrier oils and solvents is awesome.
Personally no , it’s rare to find , have a lot of chemicals in guiacol , also I respond great to oral anadrol so haven’t found the need to try it.

Also for anadrol , anapolon vs ugl. With various UGL’s I have some stomach discomfort with the anapolon never.
BINGO! That guiacol (sp?) or however it’s correctly spelled is a huge turnoff for yours truly here. That systemic inflammation and taxation on your body and organs is not worth it to me at all. I wish there could be some preparation for these orals that didn’t chemically warrant or necessitate such harsh shit. Because I hear inj. Winstrol is a GAME CHANGER bro…
The injectable oral route scares me because of the solvents man… I just don’t want that systemic inflammation and I don’t wanna have to go check my blood for C-reactive proteins etc. like John Meadows (RIP) or coach Steve recommends. I like to come to my own conclusions but I think them popularizing the negative view of synthetic carrier oils and solvents is awesome.
At absolutely tiny volumes. This seems like an odd hill to die on considering everything else we inject at much larger volumes for much longer periods.

Why aren’t you checking CRP regularly? If that isn’t part of your regular bloodwork you’re missing the boat: injectables orals or not.
When I first started back on gear in 2015 I used liquid oral anadrol with test. When I started I was 225-230lbs approx 17-18% bf (maybe closer to 19-20% i hide fat well) and hadn't done a cycle in over 15 yrs.

I quickly went to 250lbs in just a few weeks. My legs where so full of water I couldn't put on pants. I was bloated but all muscles were full as fuck. Lost a lot of muscle definition. But I thought I was huge as fuck and couldn't believe how much Mass I put on...haha.

After about 6 weeks I lost appetite and my ankles started swelling. So I dropped the anadrol as well as about 20lbs of water weight
It was insane. This was on 150mg ed.

Once I finish my cut I'm considering taking 50mg ed for a few weeks and see how full my muscles get. I know it'll just be temporary but I'm still tempted.
Currently two weeks into taking 50mg ed, and so far all is really good. None of the stereotypical boogie man sides that you hear about in the forums when talking about oxys.

I have heard that 75-100mg is the 'standard', or perhaps a better way to say it 'popular' dose. But, as long as 50mg is doing it's job - I see no need to bump it up.
Yea that full feelings is Drol’s mineral/gluco corticoid effect I believe. And just overall muscle recruitment and adrenergic signaling I BELIEVE*… it’s just from all anecdotal experiences I hear firsthand how toxic it is and how people can’t eat on it etc etc. That’s surprising you say that about dianabol, most people report feeling a tad bit euphoric from dbol or just motivated and very full. It’s basically estrogen in a pill too, so if you’re utilizing heavy dht derivatives having that on hand in case you tank your e2 with a reversely-binding aromatase inhibitor (masteron, primo, myriad DHT’s) or with adex or something, is quite handy/smart.
Anadrol bloats my face too much, within an hour i can see my nasolabial folds where it was fine before i took it. Also more lethargy than win var and dbol.