Alpha JYM ok to use with Tamoxifen Citrate?


New Member
Hi guys,

First post here. I just finished a 16 week test-only cycle. 500mg/week. Currently on day 4 of PCT using Nolva dosed at 40/40/20/20.

Is it ok to take Alpha JYM (a natty test booster) alongside Nolva (tamoxifen citrate)?

I've read that AI's like Arimidex can negate the effects of Nolva and shouldn't be used in combination during PCT. My concern is that two of the ingredients in Alpha JYM, Long Jack and Damiana (which contains acacetin), are suggested to have AI properties. I know they’re nowhere near as strong as Arimidex, but just a concern given that Arimidex can negate Nolva.

Another concern is one of the ingredients can help support free test, and it’s my understanding that increasing free test may actually lower total test production...thus acting against the overall goal of PCT. And another ingredient, DIM, helps convert more estrogen into the weaker form of estrogen, 2-hydroxyestrone. Not sure if that's a concern. Seems like a positive to me.

I've used Alpha JYM before (when natty) and had GREAT results with in terms of mood, libido, and that drive to get shit done. Was hoping to add it in to help with HPTA recovery. But I don’t want to do anything that will negate the effects of Nolva. Any insight into this will be greatly appreciated.

Anyways, here’s the ingredient breakdown and a link to the product write up for anyone interested.

Thanks guys. I appreciate your time, help, and any insight you have to offer.

Alpha JYM Ingredients

- Fenugreek Seed extract 1,000 mg (50% saponins)
- Damiana (leaf) 1,000 mg †
- Diindolylmethane (DIM) 500 mg †
- Ashwagandha Root Extract 5:1 1,000 mg †
- Eurycoma Longifolia root 100:1 extract 200 mg †
- Quercetin (as quercetin dehydrate) 500 mg †
If you'd like to, sure. I'm not sure how much of a difference you'd see... I'd prefer you used clomid, but, possibly we're a little late with that.
Thanks Wunderpus. I appreciate the quick response.

I've read a lot into the Novla Vs Clomid debates. Both camps make very compelling arguments for using one over the other. And it seems that members of each camp sit pretty firmly in their beliefs.

At the end of the many other readers....I found myself confused over which one to choose. So I opted to start with Nolva for this cycle. I'll try it out. See how it goes. If it goes well, great. I'll use it again. If not, I'll try clomid next cycle. And I may just use clomid next time anyways so I can compare how my body responds to both agents. I think that's probably the best approach when people seem to be so split on the subject.
Thanks Wunderpus. I appreciate the quick response.

I've read a lot into the Novla Vs Clomid debates. Both camps make very compelling arguments for using one over the other. And it seems that members of each camp sit pretty firmly in their beliefs.

At the end of the many other readers....I found myself confused over which one to choose. So I opted to start with Nolva for this cycle. I'll try it out. See how it goes. If it goes well, great. I'll use it again. If not, I'll try clomid next cycle. And I may just use clomid next time anyways so I can compare how my body responds to both agents. I think that's probably the best approach when people seem to be so split on the subject.
Make it easy on yourself and run nolva and clomid for pct.

Hey Savagesteve,

My clomid arrived today and I have a quick question for you.

I'm 2 weeks into using Nolva. Been dosing it at 40mg ED. Tomorrow I drop to 20mg for the final two weeks. How long should I run the Clomid at 50mg ED? For 2 weeks or 4? I have enough Nolva that I can stay at 20mg for Weeks 5 and 6 if need be so that both Nolva and Clomid are run together.

Thanks for your time. I appreciate it.
I would say just run it the 2 weeks but it's really up to you if you want to run the serms longer than 4 weeks.