Am I really out to the loop?!?!


New Member
Okay, I'm having an argument with a person about pinning AAS. I've always known that AAS is pinned intramuscular. I've also always known that pinning subcutaneously that you don't get the same results or it's pretty much a complete waste. I know that HGH, HCG and other peptides are pinned subcutaneously. Am I missing something here because he just seems like an idiot to me. This is his argument.

"I’m not trying to argue with you. You can subq test or any steroid. You’re out of the loop

Subcutaneous (SubQ) testosterone injections are becoming more popular than intramuscular (IM) injections for several reasons:
SubQ injections have a lower risk of injecting testosterone oil into a blood vessel.
SubQ injections are usually less painful because they use smaller gauge needles and the testosterone is often compounded in a thinner oil.
Ease of use
SubQ injections into the thigh or abdomen are easier to self-administer than IM injections into the glute or hip.
Muscle damage
SubQ injections cause less muscle damage and scar tissue.
Testosterone release
SubQ injections release testosterone more slowly, which can lead to fewer spikes in estrogen, DHT, and hematocrit.
SubQ injections are more tolerable, with lower self-reported scores for pain and anxiety before, during, and after the injection"
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Why don't you attempt to counter each point he made in this post, if he's so clearly wrong then it should be easy to debunk?
What is your source for "Pinning SubQ is a complete waste"?
I think you're operating on some outdated information but outside of a few specific use cases such as individual lumping, solvent content, injection volume or tolerance for certain carrier oil, its all pretty much the same.
You haven’t known any of what you said ….

Yes you are out to the loop lol

Most prefer IM including myself. Subq def works tho.

I feel you are just trying to get the ok to pin Subq from us
You haven’t known any of what you said ….

Yes you are out to the loop lol

Most prefer IM including myself. Subq def works tho.

I feel you are just trying to get the ok to pin Subq from us
No, not at all! I have always ran IM. I've been pinning for 13 years now and have always heard and read that Sub-Q is definitely not okay. I don't know when it everybody decided to change over from IM to Sub-Q. I'm an older guy and have just never heard of it.
I wouldn't say subq is a complete waste, but I also wouldn't pin Sub-q personally -- I only pin IM for oils

the only benefits I've really read about subq is lower estrogen peaks from aromtization due to slower release of the oil

That said though you can't pin nearly as much volume sub-q, and your chance of developing a knot, or PIP is much greater than IM.

There's usually atleast 1 thread a week of someone pinning subq then complaining about PIP and knots. I don't get this problem when jabbing IM
Okay, I'm having an argument with a person about pinning AAS. I've always known that AAS is pinned intramuscular. I've also always known that pinning subcutaneously that you don't get the same results or it's pretty much a complete waste. I know that HGH, HCG and other peptides are pinned subcutaneously. Am I missing something here because he just seems like an idiot to me. This is his argument.

"I’m not trying to argue with you. You can subq test or any steroid. You’re out of the loop

Subcutaneous (SubQ) testosterone injections are becoming more popular than intramuscular (IM) injections for several reasons:
SubQ injections have a lower risk of injecting testosterone oil into a blood vessel.
SubQ injections are usually less painful because they use smaller gauge needles and the testosterone is often compounded in a thinner oil.
Ease of use
SubQ injections into the thigh or abdomen are easier to self-administer than IM injections into the glute or hip.
Muscle damage
SubQ injections cause less muscle damage and scar tissue.
Testosterone release
SubQ injections release testosterone more slowly, which can lead to fewer spikes in estrogen, DHT, and hematocrit.
SubQ injections are more tolerable, with lower self-reported scores for pain and anxiety before, during, and after the injection"

Nothing wrong with subq when doing smaller volumes, so definitely ok for TRT or TRT+ scenarios. For large, cycle volume injections, that isn't the best idea though, but not because of absorption; idk where you heard that subq is a "complete waste", it definitely isn't. You could have checked a study or two which delves in to subq testosterone pharmacokinetics, you would have had your answer in minutes time ...

Me personally, I do them in the glute area as I don't really have enough fat anywhere else and even if I did, I hate pinning subq around the belly button as it has a higher chance to turn somewhat painful and lumpy.

Regarding the above points, all of them are more or less on point.
Nothing wrong with subq when doing smaller volumes, so definitely ok for TRT or TRT+ scenarios. For large, cycle volume injections, that isn't the best idea though, but not because of absorption; idk where you heard that subq is a "complete waste", it definitely isn't. You could have checked a study or two which delves in to subq testosterone pharmacokinetics, you would have had your answer in minutes time ...

Me personally, I do them in the glute area as I don't really have enough fat anywhere else and even if I did, I hate pinning subq around the belly button as it has a higher chance to turn somewhat painful and lumpy.

Regarding the above points, all of them are more or less on point.

Yeah, me too in the glute area and never in belly. 0,40ml everyday with test and primo haven't created any lumps or PIP. Some guys go up to 0,7-0,8ml..haven't tried it yet but maybe sometime in near future.
"it's pretty much a complete waste."

You're not "out of the loop", just completely misinformed. Where do you think it goes?
Yeah, me too in the glute area and never in belly. 0,40ml everyday with test and primo haven't created any lumps or PIP. Some guys go up to 0,7-0,8ml..haven't tried it yet but maybe sometime in near future.
You pin .4 ml of test subq daily in the same areas and don’t have any lumps or anything?
You pin .4 ml of test subq daily in the same areas and don’t have any lumps or anything?

0.4 both test and primo with one slin pin for 4 months and yes, i haven't experienced any lumps or any other issues. I had 2-3 times some slight bruising probably from superficial blood vessels that fade away after 2 days but that would happen regardless subc or im.

Prior to that i was cruising with test doing subc again but 0,12ml ED. Currently after finishing my cycle of test and primo I'm cruising again with test only but I'm doing 0,26ml MWF. All in the same area of glute and slightly towards the hip. One shot left side next shot right side. Tried pharma stuff as well as UGL. So far castor oil and GSO are treating me well.
0.4 both test and primo with one slin pin for 4 months and yes, i haven't experienced any lumps or any other issues. I had 2-3 times some slight bruising probably from superficial blood vessels that fade away after 2 days but that would happen regardless subc or im.

Prior to that i was cruising with test doing subc again but 0,12ml ED. Currently after finishing my cycle of test and primo I'm cruising again with test only but I'm doing 0,26ml MWF. All in the same area of glute and slightly towards the hip. One shot left side next shot right side. Tried pharma stuff as well as UGL. So far castor oil and GSO are treating me well.
That’s incredible to me. I pin daily right now too - test e and primo. But I have to rotate a new site each day. I do shallow im, but if even the slightest bit leaks I get a painful knot that lasts days if not weeks.
That’s incredible to me. I pin daily right now too - test e and primo. But I have to rotate a new site each day. I do shallow im, but if even the slightest bit leaks I get a painful knot that lasts days if not weeks.
Yeah, it seems some guys can tolerate it and some not. Also if you're super lean it's gonna make a lump since there's no bodyfat to make the depot. The only downside it's the time it gets to reach the highest blood concentration since the release is too slow. For my next cycle I'm thinking to pin the test and npp ED subc and do the EQ intramuscular, otherwise it'll take ages for the undecylenate ester to be released from the subc depot.
SubQ works fine, it juts tends to lump more. I would say your friend is right, you can pin everything subQ or IM, its down to preference and how well it works with your body/skin/muscle.

I would suggest most people to stick to IM for oils in general, but im biased as ive always had bad lumps every time ive pinned oil subQ.

For water based stuff, i prefer IM, but for hgh i usually do subQ as its better for my current goals even though its kinda majoring in the minors.