Anabolic Steroids & Kidney

I was admitted was for kidney function though.

My mom was in the room. No way in hell would I say anything about an od.
Resting heart rate was 120. Bp wasn't crazy high, but any time I go to the ER I get admitted because of s heart attack I had smoking crack 30 years ago. Guess i had that coming since i was the first guy in the neighbor hood that knew make crack. I think about that all the time. How many lives i fuckec up.

They see an inverted t-wave and they keep me.

First time anyone ever told me my kidneys were struggling though.
120 is pretty high. Tren and t3 get my heart rate up to about 100 and my bp up around 140/70. If I leave the t3 out heart rate isn't a problem but the tren still elevates bp. Good luck with your kidneys man.
I think they guys is to stay hydrated, most of us walk around all day dehydrated anyways. I made ot my goal to drink 2 gallons of water daily while cycling on my last test tren and winstrol cycle. I also supplemented with 4000mg of fish oil daily, and did not drink alcohol i think maybe once through the 3 months. Off cycle i try to drink a gallon of water daily and half of it is during training. It waorks for me and helps me to sweat at the gym too. Also focus on your gfr rates and creatinine. Any decline in gfr and increase in creat and its time to see your primary. Best of luck.
Ok great Thks I'm gonna increase my water intake makes a lot of sense. What's fucked up is I love gear so much I don't ever wanna quit unless I have to. Hope I never have to...
Nope, thats how you get sick bud. Its called AAS "abuse". Keyword is there. I like to run maybe once a year or twice at absolute must. Once you come down with symptoms after tears of hard abuse there might not be a way to come back. Think about it. I love it too but there are guidelines or at least i like to think so. Good luck.
Nope, thats how you get sick bud. Its called AAS "abuse". Keyword is there. I like to run maybe once a year or twice at absolute must. Once you come down with symptoms after tears of hard abuse there might not be a way to come back. Think about it. I love it too but there are guidelines or at least i like to think so. Good luck.
You only run gear 2 x a year so maybe 4 months a year? not questioning you and your making a great point. I'm just curious.
Nope, thats how you get sick bud. Its called AAS "abuse". Keyword is there. I like to run maybe once a year or twice at absolute must. Once you come down with symptoms after tears of hard abuse there might not be a way to come back. Think about it. I love it too but there are guidelines or at least i like to think so. Good luck.
And do you have s medical background?
My "opinion" is solely based pn my own experience with the compounds and with those peers around me who won't listen to my advise. I cycle or at least try once a year like 2015 i cycled january through march then pct and now i am clean but already gathering my supplies for next years cycle. This stuff is not addictive but psychologically your mind loves the results so " you want more". I actually discourage cycling 2 times a year and personally dont like it as its too much stress on my body. As i play with dosing and compound i get to know my body better and the precautions to take. The answer to your second question is yes i am a registered nurse. I have advised many of my friends to not cycle unless you have everything on hand and you can afford to invest proper time, food and traing to your cycle, as well as all other ancillarie compounds such as fish oil, multi vitamins, bp meds on hand and even other drugs to support sides from trenbolone in my case. Also take into account proper peak times and injection hours compared to training times. Hope i amswered your questions.
My "opinion" is solely based pn my own experience with the compounds and with those peers around me who won't listen to my advise. I cycle or at least try once a year like 2015 i cycled january through march then pct and now i am clean but already gathering my supplies for next years cycle. This stuff is not addictive but psychologically your mind loves the results so " you want more". I actually discourage cycling 2 times a year and personally dont like it as its too much stress on my body. As i play with dosing and compound i get to know my body better and the precautions to take. The answer to your second question is yes i am a registered nurse. I have advised many of my friends to not cycle unless you have everything on hand and you can afford to invest proper time, food and traing to your cycle, as well as all other ancillarie compounds such as fish oil, multi vitamins, bp meds on hand and even other drugs to support sides from trenbolone in my case. Also take into account proper peak times and injection hours compared to training times. Hope i amswered your questions.
That's a lot of rhetoric. don't get mad I'm just saying.....
Nah bro, i take pleasure in explaining a little bit about what we do and teach others to not get f**ed up in the process. Thats all, not mad at all.
After several days kidney function was normal.

I was in the middle of a cycle and travled. I usually prepare and have plenty of Gatorade and water plus snacks. This time I didn't plan. I had a lot on my mind.

Just a reminder that what we do has consequences, and we need to be aware of that.
In not sure. I did run teen straight for about three months, bad idea. I'm taking a break now and my kidney function is coming back. I'll get new results in a week from a 24 hour pee test. Hopefully it was just the tren. Doctor explained to me how important lots of water is and that drinks like soda and Gatorade actually require more water for your body to process. Straight water is key. Also high protein diets are hard on the kidneys and I have been eating tons of it. I cut that back too. Doc says liver can take a lot but kidneys seem to be more sensitive to processing / cleaning your blood. Trying to drink a little I've a gallon of water everyday. He says if your pee is yellow / dark yellow you are dehydrated and kidneys are strained.
After several days kidney function was normal.

I was in the middle of a cycle and travled. I usually prepare and have plenty of Gatorade and water plus snacks. This time I didn't plan. I had a lot on my mind.

Just a reminder that what we do has consequences, and we need to be aware of that.
Not sure if this helps you but my doctor told me drinks like Gatorade, soda, coffee and even juices require more water for your body to process. Not saying they're bad I have just been including a lot of water too.
After several days kidney function was normal.

I was in the middle of a cycle and travled. I usually prepare and have plenty of Gatorade and water plus snacks. This time I didn't plan. I had a lot on my mind.

Just a reminder that what we do has consequences, and we need to be aware of that.
Ok good news take care.
Not sure if this helps you but my doctor told me drinks like Gatorade, soda, coffee and even juices require more water for your body to process. Not saying they're bad I have just been including a lot of water too.
I wondered about this myself. I do not drink sodas but I've had a diet coke or two/day for years, as well as a coffee maybe 1-2x/day. Throw in the occasional energy drink and I often wonder how much this can further dehydrate me. Less caffeine and more water is what I need myself