Anavar & Diet questions


New Member
I know there is a lot of information on these forums already, and I have done tons (months) of research before posting this. However, my situation is a bit unique so it is difficult to compile others' logs/experiences/posts into something that will be relevant to mine.

I am 25 years old, 6'2, 212 lbs. Around 16-19% bf. I was young and dumb and tried out 500mg/week of test e for 10 weeks at to young of an age, and then was stupid enough to fuck around with a lightly dosed tren/test p/master on cycle for 8 weeks. Since then 8 have not used any ped's but feel now is the time to get back in the game, as I have lifted vigorously, dieted in every imaginable manner, and reached a plateau. I was 235 @22-25% bf 2 years ago, and was able to diet and work my way down to the current fluctuating 208-212. My chest, arms, shoulders and legs reveal a lot of definition, but although my guy isn't fat, it's not define or ab bearing either.

My training consists of mandatory 5:30 am Monday-Friday fasted cardio (tabata style calisthenics/5 mile runs/sprints at 60:120 second run-to-walk intervals, all for 60 minutes), lifting in the evenings (Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps, Legs/Shoulders, Arms/Abs).

Diet: I am a college student so I eat all of my meals in the cafeteria where healthy options are available. There is a section that offers grilled chicken breasts from 11am-9pm. Huge benefit. This is a usual day,

7:30am: omelet, 4 hard boiled egg whites.
11:00am: grilled chicken breats and small serving of whatever vegetables are available that day.
1:30am: snack, maybe an apple, banana, etc
5:00pm: 2 grilled chicken breasts, or 2 pieces of grilled tilapia with a small serving of usually rice and vegetables

It's hard to be too specific being that I never know exactly what will be cooked. However, listed above is a usual day

Goals and Cycle:
I know many of you are completely against oral only cycles, and I respect your concerns. I have used ped's in ways as stupid as anyone could, conducted a ton of research over the past years and especially months, and seen that countless people have been able to run var only cycles with no problems when done correctly. Also, this is my plan to get leaner and lessen bf% at a plateau, not pile on muscle, so test with it would not be necessary as I have to stay lean for the 2 mile run.

My goal is to lean out and use var to hold on to muscle/maybe even build a bit as I dive deeper into a caloric deficit to reveal the abs. I am not ignorant enough to try and bulk/cut like so many people think is easy with steroid assistance.

Weeks 1-2: Anavar 50mg/day
Weeks 3-5: Anavar 60mg/day
Weeks 6-7: Anavar 70mg/day
Week 8: Anavar 80mg/day

I'll also be taking fish oils, milk thistle, and taurine at popular doses I have seen in most var only cycles (the exact numbers are in a notebook at my office)

Day 1: 150mg Nolva
Next 10 days: 100mg/day
Next 10 days: 50mg/day

My biggest question:

Being that I have to do cardio 5 days a week in the morning, what should daily caloric intake be to maximize the cutting assistance of anavar, and what should protein, carb, and fat grams looks like? I not a noob in the dieting or lifting world, as I was able to drop 20-30lbs and build muscle, I am just curious to what diet recommendations you guys might have with that much cardio and lifting and var added into the picture.
Don't do any aas yet. calculate your diet out of if u want to be ripped. u need to get your calories right if u want to loose more body fat. just eating healthy food isn't going to cut it.

I'd get down to 12-14% than throw in something.

Use tdee calculator online to figure out your diet. stick to the diet exactly and drop more calories when u plateau. Simple as that. believe me I wish eating healthy was all it took to be shredded, I tried it that way for years

TDEE Calculator: Learn Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure
T_verde: thanks man, but as I mentioned, I dropped from 325-208 over a year ago and held on to a lot of muscle. Since then, I have tried 500cal under maintenance, 100cal under, even tried intermed fasting, paleo, upping cardio to 2 sessions a day, low/no carbs, high carbs, no carbs with refuel days, you name it. I feel stuck, which happens. And after a year of research and triL, error, and patience, on top of all of my cardio/weights, my patience has exacerbated.

I hate to be the tool saying "fuck that, I'm taking them anyway." But in this case, I'm not being a tool. I've had logs of macro/micro figures for p's,c's, and f's, counted calories, portions, etc, I need just a little slump buster in my life.
You say you've tried 500 under and 100? (Maybe that's suppose to be 1000?) and how do you know this if you don't know your diet? What's your macro breakdown? You aren't in control of your own food making process nor weigh anything? Why are you doing an oral only when you've pinned before? Test e will give you much more keepable results then anavar stand alone. I don't think you have everything else nailed down but I'm not saying steer away I'm saying try harder to nail those down and do a real cycle not a oral only
I think u will be dissaponted with your results from the var without figuring out what u need to get down to 10% believe me I know it's not easy, I'm naturally not ripped either. I'm probly at 14% and it's taken a lot to get there. I don't know how to do it other than sticking to an exact diet everyday.

If u don't figure out the diet part u will just go back to where u are and maybe worse off. Are u eating any healthy fats? Follow an exact diet every single day for 3 months with a caloric deficit. Fasted cardio 30min every morning 7 days a week. 500 calories under maintenance is suppose to be a starting point for cutting usually than go from there and drop it down when needed. Just keep messing with the diet bro and u will eventually get it. do the same shit every single day, no cheat meals than come back and do a real cycle. not trying to be harsh but u wanted advice. Good luck
Rodgerthat: yes, I've pinned before. Doesn't bother me at all, I just don't want the water retention of test, I wanted to do this var only to get me over this weight/bf% I've been stuck at for over a year.

I know you both say "do a real cycle" but it wouldn't be in line with my goals to throw some test in there and add size yet. At the bigger picture, I want to prioritize cutting and leaning out out until 185-195, 10-13% bf, and then maybe run test/winstrol to get back up too a much more lean 205-210.

And guys if you'll recall in the opening post I provided, I've tried multiple diets and have kept track of macros before, the only reason I don't currently have them is because I am new to this university and trying to document what types of meals options are available each day. Until I figured it out, I've just been trying to eat the cleanest foods avaliable in small portions.

My major question was while on this var cycle, which many have ran and experienced results, would there be a need to further the caloric deficit or lessen the caloric deficit? I could see both being an option. I could further it to speed up fat loss and the var would help hold on to muscle , or I could lessen it an allow the var to use it's metabolism boosting features to compensate for the lessened deficit.

Also, do you guys think for a strictly body fat % reduction cycle that maybe test/win would be better? If so, what kind of effects would have on cardio? There are mixed opinions on the topic
I do appreciate the helpfulness of these comments. Most threads contain nothing but ignorant, "you're fucking stupid" or "you have no idea what you're doing" comments. The human nature is rebellious so such comments are always counter productive. These sites are to educate and ask questions, not to up your self esteem by pouncing on curiosity. Your sincere input is much appreciated
That seems like a long time to run anavar without any test of some kind. You sound concerned about water retention but if you were to add at least a trt level dose of test you shouldnt suffer, plus overall health should be better.

Also your nolva dosages seem very high...those numbers make me think that you are thinking of clomid? Nolva would look more like 40mg to start and 20mg thereafter.
You can try every diet in the world but the fact of the matter is if you are in a true DEFICIT you will lose weight. Now my last cycle I lost 22 pounds while on test and NPP in there so I guess I don't know too much but I don't think water retention would hold you back from reaching your goals. I think a test 250mg ew and anavar for 6 weeks would be best to suit your goals but there is still much research I think you need to do. Your cardio seems fine to me and maybe even overkill to do it everyday but if you enjoy it keep going. Spend lots of time working on compound movements as they increase LBM which will therefore increase RMR and I know you don't want to gain weight but it won't gain you weight in the end and you will look better. Now you've got a lot to research about pct as @cdoubleu said cause that is not a proper pct layout especially if using nolva but even if it was clomid wouldn't be great.
Thanks guys. So would this look better for operating in more of a deficit with all the cardio involved:

Weeks 1-2: anavar 50mg/day
Weeks 3-5: Anavar 60mg/day
Weeks 6-7: Anavar 70mg/day
Week 8: Anavar 80mg/day
test p - 100mg eod throughout the whole cycle
Nolva 40mg ed weeks 1-2
Nolva 20 mg ed weeks 2-4

@RodgerThat: down 22 lbs on a test cycle? Were you able to build a lot of muscle while losing that kind of weight? Not that I ever anticipate building muscle while burning fat, but just curious
80mg of var had me lethargic and calf pumps hurt so fucking bad I couldn't do any cardio. 60 was my sweet spot id say run it there for 6 weeks if u wanna push it go 8. and yes u can build muscle while losing fat
80mg of var had me lethargic and calf pumps hurt so fucking bad I couldn't do any cardio. 60 was my sweet spot id say run it there for 6 weeks if u wanna push it go 8. and yes u can build muscle while losing fat
Op this is very true. Anavar had me feeling the same way at 50/day. Shoulders pumps and lower back pumps as well that were not helpful. I also found that my high intensity cardio suffered greatly on the var and 450 test.
Cut it to 6 weeks of var and max dose probably 60mg but assess your own personal tolerance. I didn't lose any muscle at all in 22Lbs you don't need to gain muscle when you make that kind of a change because you look better and bigger with less BF. I did how ever gain some serious strength because of my programming.
You have to calculate the caloric intake you need to maintain your weight and drop 500-1000 calories per day. I'm q fan of nutrient timing as well, in my opinion, when losing fat, a.m. Pre-anaerobic and post-anaerobic is when I take in carbohydrates. Pre-anaerobic will fuel your workout (45 min), immediately post workout will allow your muscles to refuel. Your muscles are in a state of up-regulation in terms of insulin meaning it's one of the only times your muscle tissue is insulin sensitive. In regards to the a.m., look up the karvonin formula for gauging where your heart-rate should be. Use a fat burning heart rate. I personally like a fasted cardio when I'm trying to drop pounds. I've also gone through phases where I'll eat a piece of fruit so my cortisol levels drop and I'm not catabolizing muscle. One thing about AAS is that they allow you to use a caloric deficit and not catabolize muscle. But for healthy natural weight loss, 500-1000 calories per day is the most you should do. That can yield 1-2 pounds of fat per week.
Roger rabbit: just read up on the gw. Sounds good, but it seems there are a lot of scams out there (much higher percentage than even anavar) that aren't selling the real stuff. At 20mg/30ml that is a big financial risk to take in order to run 10-20mg/day for 30+days. Can you personally review the effects of this stuff from a fat burning perspective?

Right now I am leaning towards test-p/anavar, but test-p/winstrol isn't out of the question. I plan to stick with the cardio Monday-Friday, weights Monday-Friday, and operate in a 500-1000 calorie daily deficit for the whole cycle. I am going to make my diet very official as far as timing, and not 2 or 3 options for what Ivan eat each meal, but rather know for sure, while I finalize my decision of testp/anavar or testp/winstrol
At 6'2 208-212, I'm not far away from where I want to be.
@RodgerThat dropped 22lbs on a test cycle, I believe with anavar or winstrol in the mix helping with water retention I could also drop 15 or 20lbs. Or more importantly, go from 16% bf to 12-14%
At 6'2 208-212, I'm not far away from where I want to be.
@RodgerThat dropped 22lbs on a test cycle, I believe with anavar or winstrol in the mix helping with water retention I could also drop 15 or 20lbs. Or more importantly, go from 16% bf to 12-14%
If you are 16% BF man you should be setting your eyes on 10% in a 8 week cycle drop calories to 1000 under as the test will make you anti catabolic so you'll maintain your muscle, the only thing between you and this goal is willpower, 8 weeks of actual cutting is tough and it's the binge cheat meals that will wreck progress but if you can hold onto the diet and 1 time a week eat at Maintenence then you'll get there because you should drop 2lb a week