AnonLabs - Canada Domestic

Your prices certainly are competitive for Canada domestic, I will say...

How are you able to confirm the veracity of your raw suppliers claims when you don't appear to have any QA measures being conducted on your part?

Are you doing business with the Chinese GMP facility directly? Because without any real analytical testing of your materials its practically impossible for you to know what you are selling.

A few sources here whose MS and user submitted labs turned out to be shitty all said the same thing, how great the working relationship they had with their supplier was and how top notch he was, when in reality they were probably using Bruce group or someone like that.

I would agree that the Canadian market seems to be fairly open, but keep in mind there are Canadian labs that have been around forever with solid reputations (some private) that a lot of Canadian guys have access too, so you still have some decent competition to keep up with :)
Hey weighted chinup,

I completely understand what you mean, but I don't source with anyone that is online, I hired an individual to locate the company who regularly attends many chemical expos. These are registered companies I'm not going through these online resellers. These resellers are getting there product from the same type of company I am the only difference is that they cut theirs to make a quick buck.

I use all of my products and have used many others, I have very, very good products.

It's hard to believe what someone tells you on the Internet but it's the best I can do for you guys AT THIS GIVEN TIME.

I hope to change this in time to give you all more confidence with ordering.
Thanks for the eminently reasonable reply. No one (other than scammers and gear whores) would ask for money up front. Standard practice is to compensate customers who post test results with store credit.

In the case of bunk gear, we've seen replacements with a new batch, or replacement with other products. A single bad test is generally not sufficient to start the cascade, the last bad batches from a source were verified with bloodwork and MS before the pitchforks came out. See the titan thread for reference.

As a note, and let me get this in now, meso does not do the "send free gear to vets" gig. Anyone who claims to be a vet offering to test your gear and provide their feedback is a gear whore. We do not condone that practice here.
I'm willing to compensate anyone who provides valid proof of testing.

10% discount for all future orders if you provide proof of testing good or bad.
Contact :
Shipping: $25.00 flat rate
T/A : 1-4 days (you will be informed before payment if there will be any delays)
Payment : MoneyGram, Western Union, Bitcoin
Minimum Order : $150.00
Notice : Canada domestic only & use a secure email when contacting me.

Intramuscular Medication(s) 10mL :
Testosterone Enanthate (250mg/mL) = $55.00
Testosterone Propionate (100mg/mL) = $45.00
Testosterone Cypionate (250mg/mL) = $50.00
Sustanon (250mg/mL) = $55.00
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (100mg/mL) = $55.00
Nandrolone Decanoate (300mg/mL) = $60.00
Masteron Propionate (100mg/mL) = $65.00
Trenbolone Acetate (100mg/mL) = $65.00
Trenbolone Enanthate (200mg/mL) = $75.00
Equipose (300mg/mL) = $60.00

Oral Medication(s) :
Coming soon!

Order Template Example :
Testosterone Enanthate (3) = $165.00
Nandrolone Decanoate (1) = $60.00
Shipping = $25.00
TOTAL = $250.00
Payment Method: MoneyGram

Verification of Legitimate Production, Sterility, and Disclosure.

Lab Pictures: Attached to post.

Brewing Process:

I incessantly produce my products in (4) stages, these stages being :

1) I invariably inaugurate with pre-sterilization of all equipment, materials and anything that will come in immediate contact amidst production. I equip myself with a mask and sterile gloves in a setup that allows for minimal air flow to impede any microorganisms amongst the air from entering the product introducing contamination.

2) I subsequently carry out the measuring and mixing with references to whichever compounds that are required for the product that I am producing at that given moment, all the while maintaining complete sterility.

3) This being the filtration process, I stringently only use .22um filters (or subordinate) in furtherance of repeatedly producing the aseptic products you are welcomed too.

4) Essentially this would just be the bottling, labeling and preparation of shipment to you, my fellow Canadians!

Security: I use SecureNym with 4096bit PGP key encryption ontop of Tails OS with the ISO image booted onto a removable media device(please read up on this if you are unaware as I see it benefiting the end user equally). It allows you to use the internet anonymously and to circumvent censorship, as all connections are forced to go through the Tor network. Tails uses state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt all of my files, emails and instant messaging, also leaving no trace on the computer you are using unless I ask it explicitly. The entirity of your information once submitted for shipping purposes is ALWAYS wiped, never will it be saved for ANY reason whatsoever. Your safety and security is one of my highest priorities.

Full Disclosure: AnonLab is ran independently by me, myself and I. NEVER will I acquire anyone to represent my business as I know it best. Providing quality products that you love is my motivation and it is regularly driving me to outperform myself everyday.

Meso-Rx Handles: AnonLab is my ONLY handle, overlook all messages from anyone regarding AnonLab products unless it is directly from me.

Testing: Unfortunately, I will not be providing products or paying for others testing as this is something people must do independently to ensure legitimacy considering I could simply send better products to those of whom are testing. Although, I continuously encourage for my customers to constantly be testing my products wether it be via labmax, bloodwork, etc. I have worked alongside my raw supplier for a favorable amount of time and have constructed a considerably large amount of trust in what they provide for my customers and I. My supplier attends, and sets up booths at many chemical expos annually, it's most certainly not some shady Chinese individual located on Alibaba. Quality is a fundamental part of my business, if in the highly unlikely case that you recieved something you pertain as "bunk" or "underdosed" then it is required that you provide me proof and I will adhere to the problem and you will be reimbursed with your losses.

References: I am currently not sourcing on any other boards at this given moment, although, there are some strictly Canadian boards that are of a small nature I may be apart of in the future. AnonLab established as a small operation strictly for myself and other close friends which eventually led to providing as the local "go-to" guy, but that has since passed me as word gets around and the hype just isn't ideal to me.

Source Website: N/A

On a Side Note: I would like to state that I am in this for the long haul, that being said, I am willing to cooperate as much as possible with the community in order to build a solid foundation of trust and integrity here at Meso-Rx. If you have a predicament, let me know and we will work together to solve it as easily and quickly as possible.
You do have a better intro than most labs. But dont you think tho prices are steep prices. Test prop 45.00 bucks. Unless thos are Canadian prices. Masteron PROP 65.00 buck's. Dude thos are short esters. Why are we gonna pay more to a source we dont know, when their other sources with good quality and cheaper than yours.
You do have a better intro than most labs. But dont you think tho prices are steep prices. Test prop 45.00 bucks. Unless thos are Canadian prices. Masteron PROP 65.00 buck's. Dude thos are short esters. Why are we gonna pay more to a source we dont know, when their other sources with good quality and cheaper than yours.
Honestly, my prices are not steep. If you look at other reputable Canadian sources on Canadian boards you will notice my prices are generally lower.

$45 CAD = $40 USD

Test a product once and get 10% off forever. Equalling $36 USD per bottle of Testosterone Propionate.

Not steep.
Hey weighted chinup,

I completely understand what you mean, but I don't source with anyone that is online, I hired an individual to locate the company who regularly attends many chemical expos. These are registered companies I'm not going through these online resellers. These resellers are getting there product from the same type of company I am the only difference is that they cut theirs to make a quick buck.

I use all of my products and have used many others, I have very, very good products.

It's hard to believe what someone tells you on the Internet but it's the best I can do for you guys AT THIS GIVEN TIME.

I hope to change this in time to give you all more confidence with ordering.

I don't refute anything you say about your methods in getting a raw supplier, but I really think it would benefit you if you could confirm the accuracy of your raws.

Just so I understand 100%, the individual who you operate through gets materials DIRECTLY from the Chinese GMP facilities, correct? Basically the only thing between you and a facility is the gentleman you hired?

If this is the case then you certainly have reduced a great number of opportunities for things to get fucked, but without any QA its impossible to verify reliably your raws are of a high standard, even for you as a source.

Again, these are strong claims, every single lab here has made them ('i have a great supplier'), only one has actually produced reasonable evidence that he has a close relationship with a GMP, the rest of the sources here have had inconsistent results, again, because of no QA measures.

For you as a source who presumably wants to make sure he is getting what he pays for from China, do you take any measures or plan on implementing some form of QA to guarantee you are not getting screwed? If I have learned one thing from reading threads in the Underground, its that China is only reliable until they fuck you over.
Honestly, my prices are not steep. If you look at other reputable Canadian sources on Canadian boards you will notice my prices are generally lower.

$45 CAD = $40 USD

Test a product once and get 10% off forever. Equalling $36 USD per bottle of Testosterone Propionate.

Not steep.
I don't refute anything you say about your methods in getting a raw supplier, but I really think it would benefit you if you could confirm the accuracy of your raws.

Just so I understand 100%, the individual who you operate through gets materials DIRECTLY from the Chinese GMP facilities, correct? Basically the only thing between you and a facility is the gentleman you hired?

If this is the case then you certainly have reduced a great number of opportunities for things to get fucked, but without any QA its impossible to verify reliably your raws are of a high standard, even for you as a source.

Again, these are strong claims, every single lab here has made them ('i have a great supplier'), only one has actually produced reasonable evidence that he has a close relationship with a GMP, the rest of the sources here have had inconsistent results, again, because of no QA measures.

For you as a source who presumably wants to make sure he is getting what he pays for from China, do you take any measures or plan on implementing some form of QA to guarantee you are not getting screwed? If I have learned one thing from reading threads in the Underground, its that China is only reliable until they fuck you over.
Yes because these facilities won't generally be in direct contact with customers overseas, especially when there are all kinds of people over in China willing to sell it for them (all these people you see online that sell shit). It's really difficult to work directly with a manufacturer when you don't speak their language. That's where the person I hired really helps out and makes it possible for me. Hired is a broad term for this person....

Anyways of course I'd like to have everything tested for that extra security, this stuff takes time but you can definitely expect it in the future.

For now, independent testing by my customers is what you will have to go off of.
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to get at here? I am a Canadian domestic source ONLY and I have listed my products in Canadian currency. What does proving myself have anything to do with my prices? I stand behind my product and I'm going to charge what I feel they are worth.
I'd like to hear some of the canadian brothers chime in on this thread...
He's not selling to the us. He's Canadian domestic only.
He stated above he is Canada domestic only cause the states have so many unless he states other wise his prices are reasonable but I truly hope he tests his raw before anything
I'd like to hear some of the canadian brothers chime in on this thread...

He's not selling to the us. He's Canadian domestic only.

Canadian here and from what I have seen from other open sources his prices are competitive. Definitely what I would consider to be on the lower side.

But my concern as a consumer are really the same as everyone elses when a new source pops up. With no Q/A it presents too much of a risk for me as a consumer. We have seen before many guys are willing to take that risk, and to Anon's credit he did do an amicable job addressing the SCoC, but after watching the Titan situation play out, I have serious reservations about doing business with anyone that doesn't have a: way to verify raws, or a long standing solid reputation.

There are also some long standing labs in Canada that a lot of guys seem to have access to, some of which are private, that have very good reputations. I have no real knowledge of the Canadian boards though, this is just based off my experiences with people I know and have talked to. As far as Canadian forums go, I would bet about as much scamming and horseshit goes down on them as any other source board. Again, I have no experience with these boards.

It seems sources want costumers to be their QA department, because in this case the only way for anyone to verify the quality of the product is through costumer conducted testing..

Canadian consumers have to decide whether or not they want to take that role before purchasing.
Canadian here and from what I have seen from other open sources his prices are competitive. Definitely what I would consider to be on the lower side.

But my concern as a consumer are really the same as everyone elses when a new source pops up. With no Q/A it presents too much of a risk for me as a consumer. We have seen before many guys are willing to take that risk, and to Anon's credit he did do an amicable job addressing the SCoC, but after watching the Titan situation play out, I have serious reservations about doing business with anyone that doesn't have a: way to verify raws, or a long standing solid reputation.

There are also some long standing labs in Canada that a lot of guys seem to have access to, some of which are private, that have very good reputations. I have no real knowledge of the Canadian boards though, this is just based off my experiences with people I know and have talked to. As far as Canadian forums go, I would bet about as much scamming and horseshit goes down on them as any other source board. Again, I have no experience with these boards.

It seems sources want costumers to be their QA department, because in this case the only way for anyone to verify the quality of the product is through costumer conducted testing..

Canadian consumers have to decide whether or not they want to take that role before purchasing.
Also I just want to state that it isn't very hard to fake a test, I've seen it done time and time again.

When a customer posts a test people see it much more valuable then if the source were to post the same thing.

People seem to take what a source shows them with a grain of salt, which is understandable as a lot of scamming goes on.

I feel customer testing is much better but I will get something for you guys, I just need you to give me time.
Good Intro.
Also I just want to state that it isn't very hard to fake a test, I've seen it done time and time again.

When a customer posts a test people see it much more valuable then if the source were to post the same thing.

People seem to take what a source shows them with a grain of salt, which is understandable as a lot of scamming goes on.

I feel customer testing is much better but I will get something for you guys, I just need you to give me time.

Keep in mind that actively testing your materials is beneficial for you as well.

It serves far more purposes that just making costumers feel comfortable, its the only way for you to ACCURATELY know what you are selling. If your intention is to consistently provide a good product and maintain a solid rep, I feel active QA measures are critical.

Take your example, while I agree consumer conducted MS carries more water than anything a source submits, lets assume the following happens:

  • Source doesn't do any QA
  • Costumer does QA
  • MS comes back with piss poor purity
This is not only bad for consumers, this is bad for you as a source. Your reputation in this situation would appropriately take a hit, and costumers would rightfully expect replacements.

Replacements, but where are you going to get the raws if your originals weren't of a high standard?

What about guys who ordered other products that weren't tested, most guys don't have access to MS, so naturally they are going to assume their product isn't of a high standard. Bad for the source who has to appease the rightfully pissed off consumer, and ESPECIALLY bad for the consumer, who has no idea if his product is delivering what is advertised.

In this situation:

  • Costumers get fucked
  • Sources reputation (appropriately) takes a hit
Even though users should test product to verify for themselves and others, it is VERY important that sources conduct QA. There is no way of knowing what you are selling otherwise. If your intention is to provide consistency and quality, it is imperative.

Keep in mind that after GE-TM and Titan's respective fuck ups, people don't really want to deal with sources that don't do QA. Even if they promise replacements, its still a complete shit show that wastes consumers time and money, and to a lesser extent, a sources time and money. Completely avoidable if QA is being done.
Canadian here and from what I have seen from other open sources his prices are competitive. Definitely what I would consider to be on the lower side.

But my concern as a consumer are really the same as everyone elses when a new source pops up. With no Q/A it presents too much of a risk for me as a consumer. We have seen before many guys are willing to take that risk, and to Anon's credit he did do an amicable job addressing the SCoC, but after watching the Titan situation play out, I have serious reservations about doing business with anyone that doesn't have a: way to verify raws, or a long standing solid reputation.

There are also some long standing labs in Canada that a lot of guys seem to have access to, some of which are private, that have very good reputations. I have no real knowledge of the Canadian boards though, this is just based off my experiences with people I know and have talked to. As far as Canadian forums go, I would bet about as much scamming and horseshit goes down on them as any other source board. Again, I have no experience with these boards.

It seems sources want costumers to be their QA department, because in this case the only way for anyone to verify the quality of the product is through costumer conducted testing..

Canadian consumers have to decide whether or not they want to take that role before purchasing.
My apologies, brother. I failed to detect the underlying scent of maple syrup and free health care in your posts, eh? :D
Keep in mind that actively testing your materials is beneficial for you as well.

It serves far more purposes that just making costumers feel comfortable, its the only way for you to ACCURATELY know what you are selling. If your intention is to consistently provide a good product and maintain a solid rep, I feel active QA measures are critical.

Take your example, while I agree consumer conducted MS carries more water than anything a source submits, lets assume the following happens:

  • Source doesn't do any QA
  • Costumer does QA
  • MS comes back with piss poor purity
This is not only bad for consumers, this is bad for you as a source. Your reputation in this situation would appropriately take a hit, and costumers would rightfully expect replacements.

Replacements, but where are you going to get the raws if your originals weren't of a high standard?

What about guys who ordered other products that weren't tested, most guys don't have access to MS, so naturally they are going to assume their product isn't of a high standard. Bad for the source who has to appease the rightfully pissed off consumer, and ESPECIALLY bad for the consumer, who has no idea if his product is delivering what is advertised.

In this situation:

  • Costumers get fucked
  • Sources reputation (appropriately) takes a hit
Even though users should test product to verify for themselves and others, it is VERY important that sources conduct QA. There is no way of knowing what you are selling otherwise. If your intention is to provide consistency and quality, it is imperative.

Keep in mind that after GE-TM and Titan's respective fuck ups, people don't really want to deal with sources that don't do QA. Even if they promise replacements, its still a complete shit show that wastes consumers time and money, and to a lesser extent, a sources time and money. Completely avoidable if QA is being done.
I know weighted chinup, I've been in the customers shoes many times and have had my fair share of shitty products.

I will do QA, but it's going to take time to send stuff away and get a response. I'm just saying for now, people will have to base it off of other customers.

I have labmaxed the finished products but I don't feel that is sufficient testing at all. Blood tests from friends on Testosterone products have come back very good. It's hard to tell exactly how good something is without actually doing MS tests and such.
I know weighted chinup, I've been in the customers shoes many times and have had my fair share of shitty products.

I will do QA, but it's going to take time to send stuff away and get a response. I'm just saying for now, people will have to base it off of other customers.

I have labmaxed the finished products but I don't feel that is sufficient testing at all. Blood tests from friends on Testosterone products have come back very good. It's hard to tell exactly how good something is without actually doing MS tests and such.

I'm just relaying my concerns to you, take it for what it is :)

In regards to blood tests on test products; I am curious as a source what your standards are in this area. What would you consider to be good? What would you reasonably expect peak serum levels of Test E @ 500mg / week for example to be?

If costumers aren't satisfied with their serum levels on labs, what is your cut off for offering replacements? What kind of levels in relation to dose taken and duration are you looking for.
I'm just relaying my concerns to you, take it for what it is :)

In regards to blood tests on test products; I am curious as a source what your standards are in this area. What would you consider to be good? What would you reasonably expect peak serum levels of Test E @ 500mg / week for example to be?

If costumers aren't satisfied with their serum levels on labs, what is your cut off for offering replacements? What kind of levels in relation to dose taken and duration are you looking for.
Testosterone Serum = 9,000+ once had one over 10,000.

It's hard to base serum as a cutoff since you never know how much a customer is actually taking. i.e. TRT patient taking my product low dose and submitting tests to get free gear.

Since testosterone is dirt cheap to produce I'd be willing to make a cutoff of anything below 6,000.

Obviously testing time would need to be in relation to the ester.
Testosterone Serum = 9,000+ once had one over 10,000.

It's hard to base serum as a cutoff since you never know how much a customer is actually taking. i.e. TRT patient taking my product low dose and submitting tests to get free gear.

Since testosterone is dirt cheap to produce I'd be willing to make a cutoff of anything below 6,000.

If I am understanding that correctly, is that 6000ng/dl @ 500mg / week?