They wouldn't.
The issue is that now if they see a connection with him buying/selling PEDs, they can locate him. It's about allowing people to connect the dots between your online presence and yourself IRL.
Lol, if your a high quantity brewer or distributor then yeah I would be careful.
If your a regular joe that buys 3 vials of Test and Tren every six months, then it don’t mean dick!! Crazy paranoia around these parts..
If I see them coming I’ll just draw everything I got up in 2- 100ml syringes and pin all of it right then. Actually I might need 3 - 100 ml to get all of it gone
I’ll be more careful from now on and thanks to everybody for looking out. I definitely don’t want to go to prison
Good group of fellers on here
That's very interesting to hear. Makes me want to try it now. The price seems much more appealing after you say this.

No one I knew of domestic had any and hCG and the international source I felt most comfortable only had ovitrelle. When A_A came around I tried some of the powder, which arrived 1st actually. Anyway yea I was willing to pay $120 for ovitelle from the other source but thankfully when I asked if A_A could get some he did and for a 1/3 of the cost.
TD from A_A! TA time 3 days! He's been extremely helpful answering all my questions. Looking forward to making more purchases in the future. Thanks again X!
How useful/misleading will bloods be ~10 days into 500mg test e and 50mg/day oral winstrol?

Didn't get a chance for pre-bloodwork, but still want to get them done asap to have something to compare to mid and post cycle.