I have no skin in the game here, however I can attest that @Jeffg353 stepped up a while ago and helped me out in a pinch. Never asked for a THING in return. I was in a pinch, needed GH cause mine was stuck in customs. He sent me a kit and told him just to send him one back when mine arrived. The dude never bothered me about the long wait time (custom's fault, but still), or offered to sell it/asked for money... I HIGHLY doubt he's a source, as he rejected my offer to pay him. Rather, he requested I simply refill his GH supply (that he sent me), when mine arrived. Didn't behave like a source, at all, just a friend.
I have no skin in the game here, however I can attest that @Jeffg353 stepped up a while ago and helped me out in a pinch. Never asked for a THING in return. I was in a pinch, needed GH cause mine was stuck in customs. He sent me a kit and told him just to send him one back when mine arrived. The dude never bothered me about the long wait time (custom's fault, but still), or offered to sell it/asked for money... I HIGHLY doubt he's a source, as he rejected my offer to pay him. Rather, he requested I simply refill his GH supply (that he sent me), when mine arrived. Didn't behave like a source, at all, just a friend.

That's what I mean, he gave me more than 2x the value of my hgh pen and sent same time to me when I was very new to the site. Even threw in more than we agreed on "just because".

Hell I'd almost like this source to be JeffG as I would have a source I could trust.
Yes, yes we fucking can. lol. May god help you if you fuck this up. I also want to apologize if I stepped more bounds than what was appropriate.
You're okay. It's just confusing. It's hard to tell if you're against jeff sourcung or making a case for him sourcing.

Meso isn't exactly about exposing shit. More harm reduction. If you exposed him for being a scammer we would be applauding you. But you kind of exposed him as being helpful and a stand up guy.

As far as @Jeffg353 talking bad about meso, he wasn't lying. And even @Millard Baker weighed in on the subject and I've noticed a subtle change in how people handle vetting ever since.
You're okay. It's just confusing. It's hard to tell if you're against jeff sourcung or making a case for him sourcing.

Meso isn't exactly about exposing shit. More harm reduction. If you exposed him for being a scammer we would be applauding you. But you kind of exposed him as being helpful and a stand up guy.

As far as @Jeffg353 talking bad about meso, he wasn't lying. And even @Millard Baker weighed in on the subject and I've noticed a subtle change in how people handle vetting ever since.

Well its confusing because I was torn and it was obvious. Its like that fat chick you see at the bar when you're drunk. You hate her because she's fat and fat people are greedy but nice to people because they're fat and they have to win people over somehow. And then you fuck her and feel gross about it the next day. You know you should have just left her alone but you were drunk and justified it.
Well its confusing because I was torn and it was obvious. Its like that fat chick you see at the bar when you're drunk. You hate her because she's fat and fat people are greedy but nice to people because they're fat and they have to win people over somehow. And then you fuck her and feel gross about it the next day. You know you should have just left her alone but you were drunk and justified it.
Lol, leave the fat girls alone. They have feelings too!
Just a heads up I'll be out of town tomorrow just for the day. I know service can be spotty where I'm going so might not be able to respond to emails/posts at times.