Probably what sketched him out (as well as myself) was that you made the above comment AFTER you outed Anonymous as JeffG. So you dig up dirt, exposed him and now are telling us at Meso to stop digging up dirt... SMFH. THAT is what is sketchy. Not necessarily sketchy, but pretty much contradictory.

I didn't make the culture here but yes, ironic isn't it. I'm not particularly happy about outing Jeff. Like I said, he's a good guy and I feel kind of bad. But this is meso and its what we do right? Or do we just constantly claim shit and not get proof? I could have said nothing but was torn between showing what I found and just keeping silent so I just went ahead reluctantly. Only on meso does someone come with facts and get shit for it but someone else comes with complete horseshit claims and everyone jumps on board with a mob mentality.
I like Jeff and AA but I also like the truth more.
the fuck is your point? you don't like proof? so now people with actual proof for once are sketch and people who lie are cool with you? so people should just claim shit like they always do on meso without proof and you'll be at ease with that? How can I make you comfortable with the truth? can I hold your hand and walk you through what the truth looks like so I can get your approval?
I brought it to your attention and even said multiple times people should know because they should know and this is how meso does everything. You don't like it, then change the culture here. Jeff isnt a bad guy at all and will be a better source now. next time don't bitch about someone finding the actual facts. unbelievable

It's difficult to discuss this with you when you don't comprehend my words...

As @T-Bagger mentioned, your posts are contradictory. You're also more sensitive than a valley girl on the rag... Stop being a whiney bitch looking for your medal, you didn't exist here before this thread and you're walking around like we need to kiss your ass for information that's only partially useful. You don't need to explain to anyone in this thread how meso works... They already know it. They knew it before you came here, and they'll know it after your tantrum is over and you run off.

It's not so much what you shared as your motives behind it. You see to have a personal vendetta against Jeff for some reason...why is that?

I mean you claim you like him now and he's a good guy.

But you were calling him a faggot, a bitch, two faced, etc...

What gives?
It's not so much what you shared as your motives behind it. You see to have a personal vendetta against Jeff for some reason...why is that?

I mean you claim you like him now and he's a good guy.

But you were calling him a faggot, a bitch, two faced, etc...

What gives?

I admit I came off aggressive at first and had to defend myself when he tried to call me out and continued to lie about it. People wanted proof and I showed it and its not good enough which shows a lot about this community. One thing I never appreciated was Jeff going back and fourth between forums talking shit about each one. So that was one initial thing that set me off about him and that is where the two faced comment came in BUT I can still think he's a good guy who just does stupid shit and tries to buy people with contests. He never scammed anyone like I said a few times and people do like him. my motive was to show you what I found. I honestly thought I would feel better about it but I don't so I backtracked a bit because I do feel a bit bad.
It's difficult to discuss this with you when you don't comprehend my words...

As @T-Bagger mentioned, your posts are contradictory. You're also more sensitive than a valley girl on the rag... Stop being a whiney bitch looking for your medal, you didn't exist here before this thread and you're walking around like we need to kiss your ass for information that's only partially useful. You don't need to explain to anyone in this thread how meso works... They already know it. They knew it before you came here, and they'll know it after your tantrum is over and you run off.

I can stop being so sensitive and thats a good point but I don't appreciate having to defend myself when I was clearly right. I explained my contradiction below but here goes again, he initially set me off awhile ago when he was bouncing back and fourth on the forums playing both sides of the coin, he constantly tried to source when he was never approved and hid behind contests to get customers but he always had an agenda in my opinion then I saw him sourcing on here with the same handle he was banned for on sst and was like wtf? So that is where my two faced comment came from. So I brought it up and then felt bad. I didn't think I would feel bad about it because I do think he is a good guy so I backpedaled a bit. He is a good guy and never scammed anyone. I never thought about what would happen after I posted it or how I would feel bad about it.
I admit I came off aggressive at first and had to defend myself when he tried to call me out and continued to lie about it. People wanted proof and I showed it and its not good enough which shows a lot about this community. One thing I never appreciated was Jeff going back and fourth between forums talking shit about each one. So that was one initial thing that set me off about him and that is where the two faced comment came in BUT I can still think he's a good guy who just does stupid shit and tries to buy people with contests. He never scammed anyone like I said a few times and people do like him. my motive was to show you what I found. I honestly thought I would feel better about it but I don't so I backtracked a bit because I do feel a bit bad.

So you never actually had any negative experience with him, correct?

You just didn't like him talking negatively about forums?
I can stop being so sensitive and thats a good point but I don't appreciate having to defend myself when I was clearly right. I explained my contradiction below but here goes again, he initially set me off awhile ago when he was bouncing back and fourth on the forums playing both sides of the coin, he constantly tried to source when he was never approved and hid behind contests to get customers but he always had an agenda in my opinion then I saw him sourcing on here with the same handle he was banned for on sst and was like wtf? So that is where my two faced comment came from. So I brought it up and then felt bad. I didn't think I would feel bad about it because I do think he is a good guy so I backpedaled a bit. He is a good guy and never scammed anyone. I never thought about what would happen after I posted it or how I would feel bad about it.

Fair enough.
So you never actually had any negative experience with him, correct?

You just didn't like him talking negatively about forums?

I never once had any personal negative experience with him other than the double-dipping shit talking on both forums which I thought was particularly slimy. I saw an opportunity to call him out on it and the aftermath just made me feel bad looking back on it only because I know how much people like him (most likely for all the constant free shit) but I don't want this to ruin his sourcing. I didn't think of the consequences as much as I should have. I never said he scammed anyone ever, just called him out on something I found. And thats as honest and upfront as I can possibly be about it.
I know I'm a newer member, and I always get out of the way and leave the vetting to the experienced forgive me for chiming in here. Is it just me or does something about the way this guy words things seem eerily familiar? Like hes been here before? It's almost like Rowdy stole all that money and bought a shit ton of HGH with it, and then will slowly add in his anabolics. I could be way way off, but that's the way my mind works after getting fucked over. Again, my bad guys.

I started laughing my ass off when I saw your post about Rowdy scamming and buying a lot of gh lol!
Look at this post I tagged above...its my post from the very first page! Lol I'm turning into a conspiracy theorist. Anyways man, just thought it was funny...and you aren't the only one who's mind that's crossed.
Okay thanks for sharing, if that's the worst of it and he's been on multiple forums and no one is running in crying scam or anything I guess it really doesn't matter if this is JeffG or not. If he does sell his oils here, he'll go through the same vetting process as every other source.

Crumpled paper with handle/meso and date, pictures of equipment, etc

And yes, some titties too.
I admit I came off aggressive at first and had to defend myself when he tried to call me out and continued to lie about it. People wanted proof and I showed it and its not good enough which shows a lot about this community. One thing I never appreciated was Jeff going back and fourth between forums talking shit about each one. So that was one initial thing that set me off about him and that is where the two faced comment came in BUT I can still think he's a good guy who just does stupid shit and tries to buy people with contests. He never scammed anyone like I said a few times and people do like him. my motive was to show you what I found. I honestly thought I would feel better about it but I don't so I backtracked a bit because I do feel a bit bad.
Well, you proved it and another brother substantiated your claims and we believe the proof. Sorry that we’re not just going to automatically believe a noob who just jumps on here. Your first pic looked sketchy and photoshopped. Once the other brother went to SST and confirmed it, no one doubted you. It’s just odd that you bashed him and then now you talk about what a great guy he is and then say it’s the Meso way to rip new sources and then tell us to stop digging. Homie, just go take a nap and come back later. I have no beef with you and I appreciate you outing AA/JeffG.
Okay thanks for sharing, if that's the worst of it and he's been on multiple forums and no one is running in crying scam or anything I guess it really doesn't matter if this is JeffG or not. If he does sell his oils here, he'll go through the same vetting process as every other source.

Crumpled paper with handle/meso and date, pictures of equipment, etc

And yes, some titties too.

I consider this dropped and hope AA can move forward as a reputable source.