So if he is either one of those, why does it matter? Because he was not forthcoming in his intro and Jeffg was banned for running their mouth? Or is it because Jeffg/LnL was a scammer and we want to protect the Meso members?

I'm asking because I don't know the answer, I have been around for some time but do not read everything on here

Came here to to say Jeff is not LnL he was on their page saying he would take care of one of their customers who had not received products. He has never scammed anyone The only thing he did was call out meso for being meso and was banned like four times for not following easy rules. I found the proof and brought it here and that was it but I never once said he was a bad guy or a scammer just an idiot. He did help a lot of people but I'm sure it was to get customers under the table. either way people liked him and he should be judged on the way he sources here which will be fine I'm sure.
I don't think the email thing is a signature.

I don't think anyone really does care lol, except for the dude that popped in here. I guess he was trying to be helpful but it really makes no difference to me. I'm not aware of Jeffg scamming anyone... As a matter of fact, I know he's helped quite a few people out for really no apparent reason. He sent GH kits out for Xmas during a game, similar to the one in this thread.

Actually, the only issue with him I ever had was that he talked shit about meso... But you know, if we're being honest, he was right with what he said. I don't agree with how he said it or that he said it at all, but it didn't make him wrong.

Regardless, I do think he should have been transparent and admitted his previous handle but I also can understand why separation may be safer. If anyone is aware of actual scams that he pulled, I hope they'll post up.

Two points.

1. Like I said if it is actually JeffG the guy sent me 2x the value of my pen for it, so I'd actually trust this X guy more than if he wasn't at least initially.

2. I like how after this came to light, everyone just kept guessing numbers LOL

Came here to to say Jeff is not LnL he was on their page saying he would take care of one of their customers who had not received products. He has never scammed anyone The only thing he did was call out meso for being meso and was banned like four times for not following easy rules. I found the proof and brought it here and that was it but I never once said he was a bad guy or a scammer just an idiot. He did help a lot of people but I'm sure it was to get customers under the table. either way people liked him and he should be judged on the way he sources here which will be fine I'm sure.

I can appreciate the honest assessment.
Never scammed anyone n I will not or cannot admit or deny to having another handle. Some people have my address from previous dealings n I have made posts giving details about my general area. Not saying I don't trust those guys but u never really know who were interacting with. I can tell u this much I'm not RnR. I think its safer to let it go.

Here's some reviews from SST. (Jeffg353.....Hgh BlackTops) (u/Jeffg353 T/A Caber) (Moderator Election Campaign Contest - Make SST Great Again!)

The real reason I think they banned me is cuz I had to much pull with the members n the mods/sources didn't like it.
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I don't think the email thing is a signature.

I don't think anyone really does care lol, except for the dude that popped in here. I guess he was trying to be helpful but it really makes no difference to me. I'm not aware of Jeffg scamming anyone... As a matter of fact, I know he's helped quite a few people out for really no apparent reason. He sent GH kits out for Xmas during a game, similar to the one in this thread.

Actually, the only issue with him I ever had was that he talked shit about meso... But you know, if we're being honest, he was right with what he said. I don't agree with how he said it or that he said it at all, but it didn't make him wrong.

Regardless, I do think he should have been transparent and admitted his previous handle but I also can understand why separation may be safer. If anyone is aware of actual scams that he pulled, I hope they'll post up.

This is exactly correct. All of it. But Jeff never scammed anyone ever. He helped a lot of people but I'm sure it was to get them as customers which was why he kept gettin banned but he just didn't want to follow rules for whatever reason or maybe mods just didn't want him to source. Only thing he ever did was call out meso but he didn't even try to cover his tracks. He even had TA reviews as Anonymous and was banned for it. We should judge him now from how he acts as a source on here and not because he didnt want to admit he was Jeff. I just found it and brought it to your attention and that was it. Hes not a bad guy.
Never scammed anyone n I will not or cannot admit or deny to having another handle. Some people have my address from previous dealings n I have made posts giving details about my general area. Not saying I don't trust those guys but u never really know who were interacting with. I can tell u this much I'm not RnR. I think its safer to let it go.

Here's some reviews from SST. (Jeffg353.....Hgh BlackTops) (u/Jeffg353 T/A Caber) (Moderator Election Campaign Contest - Make SST Great Again!)

The real reason I think they banned me is cuz I had to much pull with the members n the mods/sources didn't like it.

No Jeff you never scammed anyone or I would have came forward with that for sure. from what I saw you just kept coming back over and over as a unapproved source which is sort of shitty but you gained followers for all the stuff you gave away but I'm sure it was to get business. Is it that hard to get approved to source there? Couldn't you have just tried to get approved instead of getting banned over and over?
No Jeff you never scammed anyone or I would have came forward with that for sure. from what I saw you just kept coming back over and over as a unapproved source which is sort of shitty but you gained followers for all the stuff you gave away but I'm sure it was to get business. Is it that hard to get approved to source there? Couldn't you have just tried to get approved instead of getting banned over and over?

I tried for a few months. Sent the mods about 15-20 different emails. But never got a response. Called out get swole on the discord about it n was banned from there as well. In the beginning I had no intentions of ever sourcing...n still don't ;);)
So I'm confused.....

Is it agreed anonymous is Jeff And we are good and accepted? Seems like he just got caught and it seems like it's okay...
Which is okay withe me
Maybe meso should try to stop digging up dirt on everyone and let a good potential source be a good source
I tried for a few months. Sent the mods about 15-20 different emails. But never got a response. Called out get swole on the discord about it n was banned from there as well. In the beginning I had no intentions of ever sourcing...n still don't ;);)

well you are a nice dude thats for sure and I almost feel bad for posting that but meso had to know so they can hold people accountable. But I also think that meso should stop witch hunting every good potential source and give a source the chance to be good before flaming them and yes you called out meso for its childish ways but you also got a source banned and called out many other sources even if they deserved it you found something that had to be brought up. Just go forward as Jeffanonomyous and be yourself it was good enough for everyone
Maybe meso should try to stop digging up dirt on everyone and let a good potential source be a good source

well you are a nice dude thats for sure and I almost feel bad for posting that but meso had to know so they can hold people accountable. But I also think that meso should stop witch hunting every good potential source and give a source the chance to be good before flaming them and yes you called out meso for its childish ways but you also got a source banned and called out many other sources even if they deserved it you found something that had to be brought up. Just go forward as Jeffanonomyous and be yourself it was good enough for everyone

He didn't get anyone banned... that dude ruined his business and was a security risk for the people who weren't smart enough to realize it.

Brew had everything coming to him from his own being a fucking idiot.

Just fyi.
He didn't get anyone banned... that dude ruined his business and was a security risk for the people who weren't smart enough to realize it.

Brew had everything coming to him from his own being a fucking idiot.

Just fyi.

thank you for clarifying. Jeff was not the reason brew was a fucking idiot but If I remember correctly he screwed over Jeff and thats when everyone jumped in. Proof people like Jeff a lot and hate fucking idiots
thank you for clarifying. Jeff was not the reason brew was a fucking idiot but If I remember correctly he screwed over Jeff and thats when everyone jumped in. Proof people like Jeff a lot and hate fucking idiots

No doubt Jeff fucked him over in a different way... hahahaha
He tested 8 products lol. But Brewkit could've handled it different and it wouldn't have gone down like it did.
And then he blew up all over the place.
But it was a ticking time bomb.
Maybe meso should try to stop digging up dirt on everyone and let a good potential source be a good source

This is a strange thing for you to say... You were the one that "dug up this dirt" because "meso had to know so we can hold Jeff accountable".

Somehow you sketch me out more than the new source, that doesn't happen too often.
This is a strange thing for you to say... You were the one that "dug up this dirt" because "meso had to know so we can hold Jeff accountable".

Somehow you sketch me out more than the new source, that doesn't happen too often.

the fuck is your point? you don't like proof? so now people with actual proof for once are sketch and people who lie are cool with you? so people should just claim shit like they always do on meso without proof and you'll be at ease with that? How can I make you comfortable with the truth? can I hold your hand and walk you through what the truth looks like so I can get your approval?
I brought it to your attention and even said multiple times people should know because they should know and this is how meso does everything. You don't like it, then change the culture here. Jeff isnt a bad guy at all and will be a better source now. next time don't bitch about someone finding the actual facts. unbelievable
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Maybe meso should try to stop digging up dirt on everyone and let a good potential source be a good source
Probably what sketched him out (as well as myself) was that you made the above comment AFTER you outed Anonymous as JeffG. So you dig up dirt, exposed him and now are telling us at Meso to stop digging up dirt... SMFH. THAT is what is sketchy. Not necessarily sketchy, but pretty much contradictory.
the fuck is your point? you don't like proof? so now people with actual proof for once are sketch and people who lie are cool with you? so people should just claim shit like they always do on meso without proof and you'll be at ease with that? How can I make you comfortable with the truth? can I hold your hand and walk you through what the truth looks like so I can get your approval?
I brought it to your attention and even said multiple times people should know because they should know and this is how meso does everything. You don't like it, then change the culture here. Jeff isnt a bad guy at all and will be a better source now. next time don't bitch about someone finding the actual facts. unbelievable
How much tren are you on?