@Ryanlats r u that same Glassin asshole that was constantly riding my dick over there?

I'm not the one in question here you are. I simply found dirt on you in spectacular meso fashion. Everyone is welcome to go to SST, click "search" and look for Anonymous_Anabolics. Take a look at the first thread that pops up. People don't like what I found and someone want to call em out, well maybe meso should change their dirt searching culture or accept when someone found actual proof instead of the usual unsubstantiated claims. What I notice is people like Jeff and don't really care which is no skin off my back. I just came forward with what I know. You are better off just admiting it at this point and stop lying to cover your ass that you are two faced. But people trust you so own it faggot. You can turn this around in your favor if you just stop acting like a bitch. Anyone wants too look it up then look it up its there and you are him other than that welcome to meso.


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@Jeffg353 don't answer that question.

I'll admit I am a former member but I don't know who this dipshit is and I need to protect myself as well as my customers. It's anonymous for a reason. I will neither admit nor confirm my previous identity.
I'm not the one in question here you are. I simply found dirt on you in spectacular meso fashion. Everyone is welcome to go to SST, click "search" and look for Anonymous_Anabolics. Take a look at the first thread that pops up. People don't like what I found and someone want to call em out, well maybe meso should change their dirt searching culture or accept when someone found actual proof instead of the usual unsubstantiated claims. What I notice is people like Jeff and don't really care which is no skin off my back. I just came forward with what I know. You are better off just admiting it at this point and stop lying to cover your ass that you are two faced. But people trust you so own it faggot. You can turn this around in your favor if you just stop acting like a bitch. Anyone wants too look it up then look it up its there and you are him other than that welcome to meso.

What dirt? What have I done that was 2faced? Did I talk shit about the way things were going in a negative direction...YES! I admitted it then just as I am now. The tits or gtfo way of vetting a source was getting old n getting us nowhere. Looks like things have changed a little.

What have I done that I get so under ur skin? Is it because I have some money n can afford to have some fun n give away some free shit to people?
What have I done that was 2faced? Did I talk shit about the way things were going in a negative direction...YES! I admitted it then just as I am now. The tits or gtfo way of vetting a source was getting old n getting us nowhere. Looks like things have changed a little.

well you called out other sources every chance you got and even got one banned all I did was what you would have done. meso can do what they please with the info. I'm just looking out for everyone who seems to like you so it shouldn't matter either way just be a good source and stop being a snake
All that photo does is prove my point but those aren't the email addresses I used. They were
All that photo does is prove my point but those aren't the email addresses I used. They were

just be a good source stop fighting this people like you and don't care. stfu and do good by meso
go to

I didn't photoshop shit just go to sst hit search and look up anonymous_anabolics click on the first thread and see for yourself before you talk shit
Wow you're irritable huh? Click on that Pic and zoom in on the emails and you'll see what I mean. Relax
search the forum like I said and explain to me exactly how the fuck I can photoshop a public forum you dolt
Oh, you're not irritable . ... You're just an asshole.
Are you not able to do what I said in my last post? You may very well be right, I simply explained the reason behind my photoshop comment and you came back with that? Not sure why you're so up tight.
I used to be a PPL rep too so can we make the assumption that I'm Panda. I've had enough of this shit for the night.
search the forum like I said and explain to me exactly how the fuck I can photoshop a public forum you dolt

Post the link.. you just screenshot it for Christ sake and now everyone needs to comb through SST?

This looks photoshopped as all hell.
