MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Maybe about 6k posts in a year or two across just two forums, probably more with alt accounts.

Uses only 70mg of test cyp a week and even avoids saying ‘testosterone,’ hiding behind ‘T/C and scared to use any ugl, only uses 70mg a week of pharma…
And acts like he knows more than all of us

Feels like a scammer, always jumping in with some BS to keep up on thread updates


  • IMG_1634.webp
    107.5 KB · Views: 69
Maybe about 6k posts in a year or two across just two forums, probably more with alt accounts.

Uses only 70mg of test cyp a week and even avoids saying ‘testosterone,’ hiding behind ‘T/C and scared to use any ugl, only uses 70mg a week of pharma…
And acts like he knows more than all of us

Feels like a scammer, always jumping in with some BS to keep up on thread updates
I wonder what the penalty is for someone purposely spreading misinformation about a member. Willfully. After being corrected multiple times.

Better check you Pic again. Ouch.
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Curious is there any serious pip with the primo test blend of 150 test e and 100 primo? This is the exact ratio I use when cycling the 2 together so it is pretty perfect for my use. I inject daily no matter the dose so it will be tough if painful. I handled Cat's 200 primo well but it def had more bite than pharma test cyp 200. My guess is that it isn't painful at those concentrations but just wanted to hear if anyone is using it now. Thank you.
Curious is there any serious pip with the primo test blend of 150 test e and 100 primo? This is the exact ratio I use when cycling the 2 together so it is pretty perfect for my use. I inject daily no matter the dose so it will be tough if painful. I handled Cat's 200 primo well but it def had more bite than pharma test cyp 200. My guess is that it isn't painful at those concentrations but just wanted to hear if anyone is using it now. Thank you.
There shouldn’t be PIP on that blend. Have had no complaints and have used it myself also.
Adding npp to my stack. Im looking for a recommendation on a starting dose. I was going to keep it at 100mg per week but I’m second guessing that now thinking that it won’t be enough.
here’s what im currently on

Test c 200mg eod (600/800 per week)
EQ 300mg weekly
Injectable Anadrol 25mg a day
Adding npp to my stack. Im looking for a recommendation on a starting dose. I was going to keep it at 100mg per week but I’m second guessing that now thinking that it won’t be enough.
here’s what im currently on

Test c 200mg eod (600/800 per week)
EQ 300mg weekly
Injectable Anadrol 25mg a day
I would just increase the eq to 900 honestly
Adding npp to my stack. Im looking for a recommendation on a starting dose. I was going to keep it at 100mg per week but I’m second guessing that now thinking that it won’t be enough.
here’s what im currently on

Test c 200mg eod (600/800 per week)
EQ 300mg weekly
Injectable Anadrol 25mg a day
Start at 100 work your way up.
Hi Meso,

We are Axle Labs.

We are a domestic lab that provide domestic AAS. The reason we initially began brewing was because we simply didn't trust buying gear off anyone else. Brewing the product ourselves, we ensured that we knew exactly what we were putting in our bodies. I am sure other steroid users would feel the same way. We have sourced locally and on Bohemia market.

Our main focuses are
  1. Providing the most accurately dosed gear on the market
  2. Ensuring all of our customers remain very satisfied. We will always put the customer first.
For our oils, we offer both MCT and GSO carrier oils for most of our products. We use a triple filtration system through polycap filters, pre-sterilized vials, a sterilized lab, and sterilized lab equipment to ensure there are no contamination issues with any of our products. We do a final stage of blacklight testing even after our whole filtration and vialing process. All our products are overdosed by 5% to account for any possible raw impurities. Although, we do test all our raw batches to ensure continued high purity of all finished products. We offer both 10mL and 20mL versions for many of our injectables, and also fill our vials slightly above the fill line as good measure. We use percentage based calculations for each compound to determine the least amount of solvents needed to ensure the product holds well in the oil while also causing no PIP to the end user.

Our orals come in capsule form. We use a V-mixer to ensure proper blending of the active ingredients and filler for each oral product. We allow the V-mixer to blend the ingredients for an hour per product to ensure even disbursement of the active ingredient with the filler. Our orals come in either 30 count or 60 count depending on the product.

We pride ourselves in our extremely fast T/A. All orders are shipped either same day or next day and arrive within 3-4 business days (and even sooner for most clients). If the order hasn't arrived within the above time frame, you are free to email us for a tracking number which will be provided.

We only accept Crypto.
We accept BTC, ETH, XMR, USDC, USDT.

We provide $100 store credit for all approved bloodwork results as long as you've been using our gear for the proper amount of time to have blood levels saturated. This will vary by the ester of testosterone but the time ranges can be found in the bloodwork guidelines on this forum.

$200 store credit for any finished product quantitative testing of our products. We urge everyone to send our products off for testing to Janoshik or any 3rd party lab that is willing to test them. We love seeing blind test results and this testing helps the whole community. We stand by our quality and would love to see more customers doing this.

In summary, we aren't here to sell you a fancy website or a fancy brand. We are here to provide the best quality gear on the market for affordable, competitive prices. We frequently test our products and urge others to do the same. You can expect a new round of testing every couple of weeks.


Our prices and products can be seen directly on our website:
Our product list can also be seen here: Pastebin

Orders can be placed directly via our website ( or via email:


2x Test-E (10mL - 250mg/ml): $50
3x Anavar (20mg): $120
1x HGH Kit (Black tops): $150
Shipping: $10
Total: $330

Payment Method: BTC

Shipping Info:
Street Address, State, Zip Code

Below is our extensive lab testing and stock pictures. I won't be sharing pictures of our actual lab here publicly for OPSEC reasons but am willing to share with mods.

Axel has already earned my attention. I put in a order on the 18th sent me a tracking number with in 10 min and shipped and will arrive Monday. That's good customer experience. Thank you Axle I'm looking forward to your product