Hey guys, before I dive into the meat and potatoes of this thread- just wanted to give some general info about myself for context.
-25 years old
-5'6- 204lbs- 11% BF
-10 years of prior training and enhanced for *2.5 of those years
My first cycle was 350mgs of test/16 weeks- not a fucking spot of acne to be found anywhere on my body. It was fantastic. We added about 20lbs of lean mass keeping bf% relatively stable
My second cycle was 500mgs test/16 weeks- similar gains- again...not a fucking single pimple in sight
This third cycle...same dose of test, same brand, same diet(all variables constant across the board)…and let me tell you...I couldn't even bone my girl without being self conscious that she was gonna reach her hand around my back and feel the goddamn roadmap back there. Every square inch of my back was covered in painful, deep, blistering cystic acne(Starting at about wk 4 of cycle). It was real bad. Couldn't sleep on my back- that was too painful. Couldn't wear white shirts- would bleed through them. For god sakes it was too painful to even take a washcloth to it- so very hard for me to get clean. I was basically fucked- and tried very proactively to get *unfucked
On the 4th week we had just about enough(angry face) and dropped down to trt dose *150mgs/week split between 3 injections(This actually has made it worse)
^Well...that was roughly 12 weeks ago...and our acne decided it didn't want to go anywhere
So now.. we're about 16 weeks in- and in that time I have..
1. Had bloodwork *3 times- everything within normal ranges no abnormalities
2. Cut dairy and processed sugar out of my diet (little to no change in acne)
3. Used many OTC therapies, creams, even a cycle of doxy whilst using topical antibiotics
4. Peroxides, dish soaps, magic pills & potions god dammit everything you can think of I have tried it
All but one... Accutane
Due to some complications w my health insurance at the moment I'm not able to see a derm- so we bought an absolute stockpile of Isotretinoin 20mg tabs from reliable source here...
Bringing me to the meat and potatoes of my thread...
How fucking stupid would it be to self-medicate w/o the supervision of derm/md?
Has anyone here successfully run Accutane unmonitored and achieved full remission w little to no health effects?
Dose for someone with my stats? Was thinking to start at 40mg?
Some say to micro dose because it's all abt "cumulative dose"- others say hit the ground running and blast that shit...
Things to look for in bloodwork while on Accutane? How long to run it?
God damn any advice would be appreciated more than you know. This shit is starting to run my life, my confidence couldn't be any lower. My performance in the gym and at work is suffering. My sleep is suffering. Any and all advice is applicable.
Thanks fellas!
-25 years old
-5'6- 204lbs- 11% BF
-10 years of prior training and enhanced for *2.5 of those years
My first cycle was 350mgs of test/16 weeks- not a fucking spot of acne to be found anywhere on my body. It was fantastic. We added about 20lbs of lean mass keeping bf% relatively stable
My second cycle was 500mgs test/16 weeks- similar gains- again...not a fucking single pimple in sight
This third cycle...same dose of test, same brand, same diet(all variables constant across the board)…and let me tell you...I couldn't even bone my girl without being self conscious that she was gonna reach her hand around my back and feel the goddamn roadmap back there. Every square inch of my back was covered in painful, deep, blistering cystic acne(Starting at about wk 4 of cycle). It was real bad. Couldn't sleep on my back- that was too painful. Couldn't wear white shirts- would bleed through them. For god sakes it was too painful to even take a washcloth to it- so very hard for me to get clean. I was basically fucked- and tried very proactively to get *unfucked
On the 4th week we had just about enough(angry face) and dropped down to trt dose *150mgs/week split between 3 injections(This actually has made it worse)
^Well...that was roughly 12 weeks ago...and our acne decided it didn't want to go anywhere
So now.. we're about 16 weeks in- and in that time I have..
1. Had bloodwork *3 times- everything within normal ranges no abnormalities
2. Cut dairy and processed sugar out of my diet (little to no change in acne)
3. Used many OTC therapies, creams, even a cycle of doxy whilst using topical antibiotics
4. Peroxides, dish soaps, magic pills & potions god dammit everything you can think of I have tried it
All but one... Accutane
Due to some complications w my health insurance at the moment I'm not able to see a derm- so we bought an absolute stockpile of Isotretinoin 20mg tabs from reliable source here...
Bringing me to the meat and potatoes of my thread...
How fucking stupid would it be to self-medicate w/o the supervision of derm/md?
Has anyone here successfully run Accutane unmonitored and achieved full remission w little to no health effects?
Dose for someone with my stats? Was thinking to start at 40mg?
Some say to micro dose because it's all abt "cumulative dose"- others say hit the ground running and blast that shit...
Things to look for in bloodwork while on Accutane? How long to run it?
God damn any advice would be appreciated more than you know. This shit is starting to run my life, my confidence couldn't be any lower. My performance in the gym and at work is suffering. My sleep is suffering. Any and all advice is applicable.
Thanks fellas!